Furious FBI Agents Speaking Out on Hillary, Nets Censor

October 13th, 2016 4:23 PM
Agents and attorneys at the FBI and State Department are furious about how FBI directory James Comey let Hillary Clinton off the hook and they are finally speaking out. However, if you get your news from the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks you’ve heard nothing about it. Fox News and The New York Post have cited current and former agents in stories that paint a picture of an FBI and State…

Nets Skip FBI Director Grilled for Immunities in Clinton Investigation

September 28th, 2016 11:07 PM
FBI Director James Comey appeared before the House Oversight Committee Wednesday, where Congressional Republicans unloaded on him for giving immunity to people they accused of being liars. “The more FBI Director Comey talks about integrity of the e-mail investigation, the less Republicans and critics seem convinced,” reported Fox News’ Chief Intelligence Correspondent Catherine Herridge on…

Nets Censor How Hillary Sent Classified E-mails After Leaving Office

August 31st, 2016 10:46 PM
In a major story broke by the New York Post Wednesday, it came to light that Hillary Clinton had sent an e-mail from her private server containing classified material months after she left office. According to the Post the message contained information about the “123 Deal” with the United Arab Emirates but, “was heavily redacted upon its release by the State Department because it contains…

Did NBC Sit on Guccifer Claims on Hacking Hillary Server?

May 5th, 2016 4:05 PM
A May 5 NBC News online story reported the Romanian hacker revealed “in an exclusive interview” with correspondent Cynthia McFadden that Clinton’s server was “like an open orchid on the Internet.” However, as PowerLine’s Scott Johnson pointed out, “NBC interviewed Guccifer during his pre-extradition detention in Romania. That means the reported interview took place at least a month ago.”…

AP: 8 Smoking Guns Later, Hillary 'Will Not Be Charged,' Per 'Experts'

January 29th, 2016 11:59 PM
This afternoon, Catherine Herridge at Fox News reported that "the intelligence community has deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails 'too damaging' to national security to release under any circumstances." This eighth "smoking gun" — on top of the seven an Investor's Business Daily editorial identified last week — wasn't enough to move the Associated Press Bradley Klapper from the AP's default…

Nets Hail Hillary ‘On the Attack’ But Again Censor Her E-Mail Scandal

January 21st, 2016 9:28 PM
The major broadcast networks offered on Thursday night five minutes and 15 seconds on the Democratic presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, but made no effort to mention the new details that broke this week pertaining to the highly classified nature of some e-mails found on her private server and instead trumpeted her “on attack” and “unloading” on Sanders.

Nets Censor Hillary E-Mail Bombshell; Spend Over 10 Mins on Trump

January 19th, 2016 10:07 PM
Tuesday night offered a classic study of the liberal media and what draws their attention as the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC and the Spanish-language networks of Telemundo and Univision all censored from their evening newscasts any mention of a massive development in the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal in favor of ten minutes and 31 seconds of coverage across five segments on Sarah…

FBI Hillary Investigation Focuses on Espionage Act; Media Yawns

August 29th, 2015 12:53 AM
The establishment press is all over revelations by Fox News Friday morning that the investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails involves a "section of the Espionage Act is known as 18 US Code 793," and that "the focus includes a provision of the law pertaining to 'gathering, transmitting or losing defense information,'" according to "an intelligence source." ... Just kidding. The only reaction I'…

AP, Making Excuses for Hillary, Admits She Sent Classified Emails

August 26th, 2015 8:06 PM
Over at the Associated Press this afternoon (later updated), Ken Dilanian, with the help of four other reporters, prepared a lengthy dispatch attempting to defend 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's email and private-server practices. Boiled down to its essence: Boiled down to its essence: "[D]iplomats routinely sent secret material on unsecured email during the past two…

Nets Punt on Hillary’s E-Mail Scandal, New Order from Federal Judge

August 20th, 2015 11:49 PM

In the on and off saga that is the liberal media’s coverage of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal, the “big three” of ABC, CBS and NBC plus Spanish-language network Telemundo largely skipped on Thursday night the latest developments regarding the investigation into her e-mail aside from a vague reference on NBC and 26 seconds on Univision. 

Fox News Alone Covers Hillary's High-Level Private-Server Libya Emails

June 18th, 2015 3:24 PM
2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, as seen in this March 10 Associated Press report, has claimed for several months that "No Classified Material (was) Sent via Her Personal Emails" from a home-based server she said "would remain private." That claim, like so many other representations Mrs. Clinton has made, fell apart earlier this week, when, as Fox News reported, it was…

ABC, NBC Yawn at Clinton Ally Talking to Benghazi Cmte; CBS Moves on

June 17th, 2015 12:53 AM
After ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today ignored on Tuesday that longtime Hillary Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal was set to testify hours later before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, their evening news counterparts joined with the CBS Evening News to also duck this story. The omission of Blumenthal’s testimony by the CBS Evening News follows CBS This Morning’s scant 20…

Not News: 'Lying Weasels' Delisted Iran, Hezbollah As Terror Threats

March 22nd, 2015 10:37 AM
From all appearances, only Fox News, CNS News, and a few Israel-based outlets and U.S.-based center-right blogs care about the fact, acknowledged by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, that Iran and Hezbollah, in the words of Fox's Greta Van Susteren, "are suddenly MIA from the U.S. terror threat list." DNI apparently has no plans to change its report, having told CNS News that…

Networks Yawn at Second Benghazi Hearing

December 10th, 2014 10:38 PM
The House Select Committee on Benghazi that is looking into the 2012 terror attacks in Libya held another hearing on Wednesday and focused on the lack of sufficient security that was in place in Benghazi which, based on the hearing, remains the case across many State Department facilities. When it came to the major broadcast networks reporting on the hearing, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC…