Anthony Mason

Supercut: Media Bowled Over By Biden's 'Bold,' 'Ambitious' Agenda
TV journalists are enthusiastically promoting the six trillion-dollar spending package that President Biden proposed last night in his address to Congress. Talking heads on both cable and broadcast networks marveled at the “bold” and “ambitious” proposal, with some excitedly comparing Biden to former Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson.

CBS Celebrates How Racial Justice Fights Climate Change... Somehow
On Wednesday, CBS This Morning continued its efforts to forward the left’s climate agenda when co-hosts Anthony Mason and Tony Dokoupil brought on leftist actor and The Solutions Project co-founder Mark Ruffalo and The Solutions Project president and CEO Gloria Walton to promote their climate change organization. Mason celebrated the group for being “one organization that isn't…

Pushing Fear: Panicked CBS Touts ‘Climate Anxiety’ Among Teens
The journalists at CBS This Morning on Thursday used Earth Day as an excuse to promote fear, touting “climate anxiety” among teens. The reporters also, yet again, hyped alarmist Greta Thunberg and her campaign to enact draconian, expensive global warming laws.

Hunter Biden's Book Is a Bust Despite All the Media Hype
Despite all the media hype, the new Hunter Biden book, "Beautiful Things," sold only 10,000 copies in its first week and is hovering this weekend around #50,000 at Amazon.

CBS Blames Climate Change for Border Crisis, Not Biden
On Thursday, CBS This Morning tried to convince viewers that the illegal immigration crisis at the U.S. southern border was being caused by climate change instead of Biden administration policies that were encouraging migrants to make the dangerous journey. The left-wing environmental agenda was conveniently used to deflect blame from the President’s mishandling of the unfolding…

GAG: CBS Hacks Gush Over 25 Minutes of ‘Catharsis’ They Gave Hunter
On Sunday and Monday, CBS donated 25 minutes of air time to syrupy, softball interviews of Hunter Biden. Despite the massive amount of coverage, the journalists offered little in the way of curiosity about what was actually on the laptop Biden now admits “certainly” could have been his. Instead, CBS This Morning’s Anthony Mason on Monday marveled that his interview may have been “…

Now It's Okay to Grill Hunter? 'Of Course' Laptop Could Have Been Mine
Suddenly, now that Hunter Biden has a lucrative new book to promote, it’s okay to ask the son of Joe Biden basic questions about a missing laptop that may implicate the now-president in business dealing with China and Ukraine. CBS will have a pair of interviews with Hunter airing on Sunday and Monday morning. CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King on Friday reacted to a preview of one by…

BOWLED OVER: Nets Push Anti-Gun Side Over Pro-Gun 14 to 1 in Boulder
In the aftermath of the tragic shooting in Boulder, the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks filled their morning show and evening programs with statements favoring gun control over gun rights by a ratio of roughly 14 to 1.

SHILLS: Trump’s ‘Morally Debatable' Border Policy vs. Biden’s ‘Nuance'
Though journalists are clearly covering the ongoing debacle at the southern border, they are doing their best to provide partisan, pathetic cover for the Biden administration. CBS This Morning co-host Tony Dokoupil on Thursday delicately contrasted the Trump administration’s border policies (“clear, if morally debatable”) and the Biden administration’s efforts (“a little bit more nuanced”). …

CBS Falsely Claims 'Epidemic' of Violence Against Asian Americans
On Friday’s CBS This Morning, co-host Anthony Mason brought on chief Washington correspondent Major Garrett to swoon over Joe Biden's COVID speech. Mason highlighted that Biden introduced the topic of violence against Asian Americans, and Garrett honored Biden for inserting that topic himself and wildly asserted that there is an “epidemic, and that is not an exaggeration." Yes, it is…

Nets Hail Biden Speech While HIDING Pork in Dems' COVID Bill
ABC and CBS opened their Friday morning shows operating as White House publicists, offering gooey praise and skewed reporting on President Biden's COVID relief package and primetime address from Thursday night.

ROYAL PAIN: Morning Nets Spend 91 Mins Fawning Over Harry and Meghan
Following Oprah Winfrey’s exclusive interview with former royals Meghan Markle and Harry Windsor, the broadcast network morning newscasts debased themselves with 91 minutes and 25 seconds of coverage fawning over the claims by the couple about the abject horrors and racism carried out by the British royal family as facts.

CBS 'Journalist' Asks Abrams: Why Won't GOP 'Evolve' on Voting Laws?
CBS “journalists” turned into far-left “voting rights” activists on Monday’s CBS This Morning. Co-hosts Anthony Mason, Gayle King and Tony Dokoupil gave a lengthy interview to Democrat activist Stacey Abrams and singer/activist Janelle Monae, plugging their Amazon documentary about voting suppression, dramatically entitled, All In: The Fight for Democracy.

ABC Hides GOP Criticism to Pork in Dems' Costly ‘COVID Relief’ Package
The media doesn’t want Americans to know about the partisan pork inside President Biden’s “coronavirus relief” package passed solely by House Democrats last Friday. On their morning newscasts Monday, the big three networks took different approaches to reporting on the package, but they each worked to help the Democrat administration.