
Clueless Journalists Confounded by the Concept of God-Given Rights

March 2nd, 2024 8:00 AM

The following are the worst media outbursts from the month of February.


MSNBC Decries McConnell's 'Very Hypocritical' And 'Tainted' Legacy

February 28th, 2024 2:16 PM

Sen. Mitch McConnell announced his decision to step down as the Republican leader in November on Wednesday and MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports was quickly ready to kick the “very hypocritical” and “tainted” McConnell out the door.


MSNBC Tries To Have It Both Ways On Alabama's Embryo-Personhood Ruling

February 27th, 2024 3:48 PM

Ever since the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that an embryo is a life, the media has tried to have it both ways. They have tried to mourn the supposed threat to IVF, which means aspiring parents will have their dreams of having a baby crushed while also denying the embryo is a life. Tuesday’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC was just the latest example, as Washington correspondent…


MSNBC Accuses Evangelicals Of Wanting To Remove Women From Workplace

February 22nd, 2024 2:14 PM

The media freakout over the Alabama Supreme Court ruling that embryos are people continued on Thursday’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, where the MSNBC eponymous host welcomed OBGYN Jennifer Lincoln to label the state “dangerous” and claim Evangelicals are trying to kick women out of the workplace.


Mitchell Fears Media Being Unfair To Biden, Just Like Hillary In 2016

February 9th, 2024 2:32 PM

The White House and the Biden Campaign are not happy with their media friends in the aftermath of the Robert Hur report and President Joe Biden’s world leader gaffes. As they tell it, the media does not do an adequate job covering all of Donald Trump’s equivalent statements. On her Friday show on MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell not only agreed, but claimed that this is what happened to Hillary Clinton…


AMERICAN HOSTAGE CRISIS: ABC/CBS/NBC Spend 28 Seconds on Biden Blame

February 1st, 2024 11:28 AM

MRC analysts looked at ABC, CBS, NBC evening, morning and Sunday roundtable shows coverage of just the Hamas terrorists holding Americans captive and found the networks spent a total of 18 minutes, 6 seconds on the crisis. Of those 18 minutes, only 28 seconds of criticism of Biden or his administration was aired.


MSNBC Outraged Israel Rejects Two-State Solution While Hamas in Power

January 19th, 2024 3:46 PM

The Israel/Hamas War was still raging in the Gaza Strip on Friday with no end in sight, especially since Hamas was still refusing to release the hostages. But on MSNBC, host Andrea Mitchell and chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel were clutching their pearls over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejecting the idea of a two-state solution with the Palestinians while their Hamas…


MSNBC Blames 'Developing Technology' For Media's Premature Iowa Calls

January 16th, 2024 2:00 PM

On Tuesday’s installment of MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, the eponymous host defended the media’s decision to project Donald Trump as the winner of the Iowa Caucus even before all precincts and started voting by claiming voters couldn’t change what they were going to do. Meanwhile, correspondent Vaughn Hillyard blamed modern technology for the media’s decision as if it was somehow…


Mitchell Repeatedly Pesters Blinken From The Left On Israel

January 10th, 2024 2:09 PM

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell sat down for an interview with Secretary of State Antony Blinken that aired on her Wednesday show and featured nothing but questions and statements from Blinken’s left on everything from imploring him to end the war before Hamas’s defeat to accusing Israel of targeting journalists’ families.


MSNBC: Impeachment Probe Vote Is a Distraction Biden’s Booming Economy

December 15th, 2023 2:05 PM

The crack sleuths on MSNBC were on the case Thursday afternoon and got to the bottom of the impeachment probe of President Joe Biden. No, they didn’t take the accusations of corruption seriously and they didn’t care to dig into the Biden family’s tangled web of shell companies getting payments from foreign entities. But what they did purport to discover was the motive of House Republicans in…


MSNBC Cheers Hunter’s Subpoena Defiance, Lies Jordan Held in Contempt

December 13th, 2023 1:56 PM

In a brazen act of defiance, on Wednesday, President Joe Biden’s delinquent son Hunter publically refused to comply with a congressional subpoena to appear before Congress in the closed committee hearing. It was an act scored by the liberal media when former President Trump’s allies did it, but now that the parties were reversed MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell cheered it on as “extraordinary”…


Andrea Mitchell WHINES Hunter’s Memoir Cited in New Felony Indictment

December 8th, 2023 6:15 PM

First son Hunter Biden got an early Christmas gift from Special Council David Weiss in the form of a brand new federal indictment on felony tax charges. That didn’t sit well with MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell, who opened her eponymous show on Friday by lamenting that Weiss “quoted gritty details from Hunter's own memoir to build his case,” how it was bad “optics” for White House, and that it…


MSNBC Repeats 'No Evidence' Lie, Claims Trump Will Seize 3rd Term

December 4th, 2023 4:07 PM

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Monday featured a panel discussion rife with all the most obnoxious kinds of DNC flackery. Mitchell repeated the tired media lie that House Republicans have no evidence against President Joe Biden, then teed up faux Republican Charlie Sykes to amplify faux Republican Liz Cheney’s claim that if Donald Trump was elected, he would seize the White House for a…

FLASHBACK: Media’s 10 Tackiest Attacks on George H. W. Bush

December 2nd, 2023 8:47 AM

Five years ago this week, former President George H. W. Bush passed away at the age of 94. The media’s 2018 retrospectives of Bush and his presidency are an example of how liberal journalists can be like prehistoric bugs stuck in amber, frozen in biased poses struck decades earlier, regardless of how thoroughly they’ve been debunked.