#Cringe: CNN Coronavirus Town Hall Panel Includes Greta Thunberg

May 13th, 2020 3:43 PM
In a world ransacked by the coronavirus pandemic, CNN seems to think its viewers want to hear radical lefty teen climate activist Greta Thunberg’s opinion on the matter. CNN sent out a tweet May 13 announcing the news: “Former acting CDC director Richard Besser, former HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius and activist Greta Thunberg join @AndersonCooper & @DrSanjayGupta for a live #CNNTownHall.…

USA Today Can’t Make Up Mind: Will World Be Doomed in 10 or 50 Years?

May 6th, 2020 11:12 AM
Environmentalists in the media often seem to want to move the goalposts on their climate Armageddon predictions. USA Today ran a story headlined “Unsuitable for 'human life to flourish': Up to 3B will live in extreme heat by 2070, study warns” May 4, 2020. USA Today stated that “By 2070, up to 3 billion people are likely to live in climate conditions 'deemed unsuitable for human life to flourish…

WashPost Gets Pulitzer for Series on — Wait for It — Climate Change

May 5th, 2020 4:51 PM
Another day, another Pulitzer prize given to The Washington Post for liberal content. This time, the prize was given for the paper’s reporting on climate change. #Headdesk. The Post’s media reporter Paul Farhi flaunted the news in a story headlined “Washington Post wins Pulitzer Prize for series that detailed environmental devastation in global hot spots.” 

CNN Reporter Pens Insane Climate Change Letter to Newborn Son

April 27th, 2020 8:19 AM
Leave it to a CNN correspondent to exploit his own son’s birth to push his eco-freakish politics. CNN correspondent Bill Weir’s piece, headlined “To my son, born in the time of coronavirus and climate change,” dripped with propaganda bashing the Bible and promoting Greta Thunberg.  Weir wrote to his newborn son: “Against all odds you were conceived in a lighthouse, born during a pandemic and will…

WashPost’s Rubin Babbles GOP Denying Climate Change Similar to Virus

March 25th, 2020 12:49 PM
The Washington Post’s self-proclaimed “conservative” opinion writer is using the pandemic to spew the same eco-propaganda nonsense others on the left have at President Donald Trump and Republicans. Jennifer Rubin wrote a column headlined “Can the Coronavirus Obliterate Some Republican Myths?” She babbled that the much-hyped “climate-change crisis” finds a “parallel in the global covid-19 pandemic…

WHAT?! MIT Tech Mag: Virus Will ‘Cut Greenhouse-Gas Emissions'

March 16th, 2020 1:22 PM
When you see leftist propaganda touting that a contagious disease is reducing carbon emissions published in a top university’s tech magazine, one wonders why we continue to subsidize these institutions with government grants. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Technology Review, published a climate change piece headlined “Why the coronavirus outbreak is terrible news for climate change…

MSNBC Cherry Picks, Botches Data on Record High Temps in Antarctica

February 14th, 2020 4:48 PM
In response to reports that a part of Antarctica recently reached a record high temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit, some media outlets descended into climate alarmism as they sloppily reported the findings. But, as pointed out at ClimateDepot, climate skeptic Jim Steele this week wrote up a piece debunking claims that the occurrence is a sign of global warming, and even cited studies suggesting…

CNN Touts Climate Alarmists Blaming Skeptics for Wildfires

January 14th, 2020 3:10 PM
On Friday's The Lead on CNN, host Jake Tapper ran a report by correspondent Will Ripley which promoted the alarmist view that global warming is to blame for the unusually bad wildfire season in Australia, and that skeptics deserve scorn for undermining the alarmists who are trying to cut carbon dioxide levels. More conservative-minded scientists who argue that the intensity of the wildfires is…

BBC's 'Doctor Who' Depicts Earth Destroyed by 'Global Warming'

January 13th, 2020 9:48 PM
Over the weekend, the BBC's long-running science fiction television series, Doctor Who, ventured into promoting climate alarmism as the show depicted an uninhabitable futuristic Earth that has been destroyed by global warming because the human race refused to heed warnings that were raised by "every scientist alive."

CNN Says Nat’l Park Signs Warning Glaciers Gone by 2020 to Be Removed

January 9th, 2020 12:43 PM
It must be really hard to have to report a story that flies in the face of CNN’s hype over climate change.

Colbert and Jane Fonda Push Climate Alarmism -- Only 10 Years Left!

January 7th, 2020 7:51 AM
On Monday's The Late Show on CBS, host Stephen Colbert prodded liberal actress Jane Fonda to promote her alarmist views on global warming as the environmental activist hyperbolically claimed that "humankind is facing the greatest crisis that we've ever faced," and repeated the often used 10-year deadline to impose regulations to prevent world catastrophe. Fonda -- who has credited environmental…

Worst Climate Scenario Is Not ‘Realistic,’ Says Bloomberg Columnist

December 30th, 2019 2:53 PM
You know it’s a cold day in hell when a liberal outlet like Bloomberg Opinion is critiquing the left’s climate armageddon.

The Nation: Warming Is Reason to Question Private Homeownership

December 27th, 2019 1:41 PM
The leftist media can get so cuckoo for cocoa puffs it burns! Literally. Left-wing magazine The Nation published a bizarre article Dec. 23 against home ownership headlined “California’s Fires Prove the American Dream Is Flammable.” It argued that “Yes, climate change intensifies the fires—but the ways in which we plan and develop our cities makes them even more destructive.”

How Dare You! The Movie: Greta Thunberg Getting Hulu Documentary

December 16th, 2019 7:00 PM
Oh, great, another super lefty is getting the fawning documentary treatment from Hulu in the near future. Deadline reported on Wednesday that everyone’s favorite diminutive doomsday cult leader Greta Thunberg will be immortalized via documentary by the streaming platform. Ugh, no more, please! Ahem, we mean, Yay! Greta Thunberg’s getting a movie everybody! She’s so awesome (because saying…