
Scarborough Describes Dem Election Legislation: What 'We're' Doing
June 14th, 2019 3:45 PM
If as Michael Kinsley once said, "a gaffe is when a politician tells the truth," Joe Scarborough committed a gigantic gaffe on today's Morning Joe. Commenting on a bill proposed by Dem Sen. Mark Warner that would have made it illegal for campaigns not to report offers of foreign assistance to the FBI, Scarborough said, "all we're doing is trying to stop Russians." "We're" doing? Yup, Scarborough…

NYT Saved ‘Storied...Influential’ Muslim Brotherhood From Terror Links
May 8th, 2019 10:48 PM
After it emerged that the Trump Administration is considering labeling the terrorist-linked Muslim Brotherhood as terrorists, several strange defenses of the group appeared in the New York Times. The Muslim Brotherhood has already been banned by Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Tuesday’s Times tried to poison its portrayal of Trump Administration foreign policy by again linking…

WashPost Runs Op-Ed From World’s Worst Jailer of Journalists … Again
March 22nd, 2019 5:01 PM
For a newspaper with the motto “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” the Washington Post apparently doesn’t mind sharing the light with a person who has been called the globe’s worst jailer of journalists. Curiously, this isn’t the first time the liberal outlet has published an op-ed by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey -- a country that had at least 68 journalists behind bars at the end of…

Scarborough Defends Judge for Suggesting Flynn Committed 'Treason'
December 19th, 2018 8:32 AM
Yesterday, we surmised that Joe Scarborough had gone "all in" with the Democrats. Scratch that. Scarborough has now placed himself even to the left of many lefties. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough defended Judge Emmet Sullivan's outburst yesterday at Michael Flynn's sentencing hearing. This, while many liberals, like Dan Abrams, and even the young lefties over at Vox, have criticized the…
The Khashoggi Affair
October 17th, 2018 3:00 PM
JERUSALEM -- Major media are now reporting that the Saudis are "preparing" to admit that Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a columnist for The Washington Post, died in their consulate in Istanbul, as the result of an interrogation gone wrong. Odds are good that admittance will never come. The Saudi's response, whatever it is, will likely not satisfy the Trump administration, nor should it.…

Priorities: Briefing Featured Nearly 4x Omarosa Q's as Everything Else
August 14th, 2018 10:38 PM
As part of the liberal media’s obsession with Omarosa’s salacious allegations against the President from her book tour, Tuesday’s White House Press Briefing featured nearly four times as many questions about Omarosa-related topics as all other matters. Specifically, the breakdown was 39 Omarosa questions by 11 reporters to 10 questions for everything else from seven journalists (Afghanistan,…

NBC Whines About Trump Trying to Rescue American Pastor from Turkey
August 14th, 2018 12:10 AM
For months now, the Trump administration has been trying to get Turkey hand over American Christian pastor Andrew Brunson after he was arrested on what have been described as trumped-up charges linked to the failed military coup attempt in 2016. But during Monday’s NBC Nightly News, the network just wasn’t having it and was worried President Trump was the one hurting the relationship with a NATO…

ABC, NBC Ignore Trump Fighting for American Pastor Captive in Turkey
July 27th, 2018 12:12 AM
On Thursday, President Trump tweeted out a threat og levying “large sanctions” against Turkey for their arrest of American pastor Andrew Brunson on trumped up charges of espionage related to the failed 2016 military coup. Both ABC and NBC omitted the President’s efforts from their evening broadcasts and CBS seemed shocked that he would threaten a NATO ally in that sort of way.
Is Europe Awakening To The Threat?
July 10th, 2018 12:31 AM
Much of Europe was asleep, or in denial, when the Nazis took power and began rebuilding their military in violation of the Versailles Treaty that brought World War I to an end. Now, after years of virtually unlimited migration from predominately North African and other Muslim regions, some European nations are awakening to what this could mean for their countries and are responding, hoping it's…

'Canoe Fake' Kosinski Lectures State Dept. on 'Fake News' Accusations?
May 4th, 2018 9:51 AM
I noted on Tuesday that The Weekly Standard reported that CNN's Michelle Kosinski strongly questioned State Department's Michael Kozak on Trump bashing the press when the department's human-rights report came out. Jack Heretik at the Washington Free Beacon pointed out that Kosinski did it again on Thursday, or World Press Freedom Day, suggesting that any charge of "fake news" is somehow "…

CNN’s Gergen Laments Trump Bringing About 'the Death of Democracy'
April 5th, 2018 11:48 PM
In a very candid expression of his displeasure for President Trump during an appearance on Anderson Cooper 360 Thursday, CNN commentator David Gergen suggested that the President was bringing about the “death” of democracy in America. The comment was telling because it didn’t faze his host or fellow talking head, former Obama Chief Strategist David Axelrod.

Carlson Calls Zucker's 'State-Run TV' Attack on Fox 'Projection'
March 23rd, 2018 3:33 AM
Thursday evening, Curtis Houck at NewsBusters noted that CNN Chairman Jeff Zucker had criticized Fox News as “state-run TV” and a “pure propaganda machine” that “does an incredible disservice to this country” at a media conference earlier in the day sponsored by the Financial Times. Fox's Tucker Carlson also went after Zucker Thursday evening, reminding viewers that CNN is literally state-run TV…

CNN Panel Dismisses Any FBI Criticism; This Is What Authoritarians Do!
January 25th, 2018 4:06 PM
CNN’s The Situation Room continued on Wednesday the liberal media narrative to condemn any questioning of the FBI and Mueller investigation, deeming it the sort of thing meant to confuse and permanently “discredit” institutions that occur in authoritarian regimes like Russia and Turkey.
Turkey's Choice: Past or Future
September 6th, 2017 2:55 PM
ISTANBUL -- Coming from the airport into this city of about 15 million people and 5 million cars, as my driver describes it, I pass ancient Roman ruins and blocks of upscale shops; an old hotel where Agatha Christie penned "Murder on the Orient Express," smoke shops and modest restaurants, and luxury car dealers. It is a metaphor for the choices Turks are being forced to make under President…