Bloomberg Scoop: Obama Slams Offshore Corporate Mergers As 'Unpatrioti
August 14th, 2014 3:24 PM
Bloomberg News is reporting that President Obama will not return campaign contributions from those who have profited or benefited from so-called "corporate inversion" deals that he has called "unpatriotic." Bloomberg uncovered more than 20 individuals who are advisors, executives or directors from corporations that reduced their tax burden with offshore mergers and have made large political…

HBO Pseudo-News Anchor John Oliver Gets Net Neutrality Fundamentally W
June 16th, 2014 9:09 AM
So it turns out there that something doesn't have to be true to be funny.
Many a thinking American - who knows media bias - finds the following perversely appropriate.
Young Get News From Comedy Central
Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Dan Rather ... and Jon Stewart?
Readers over 30 might scoff at Stewart's inclusion - assuming they know who he is. For many under 30, the host of Comedy…

Snide Stephen Colbert Tells O'Reilly 'You'll Never Be As Emotionally M
April 5th, 2014 11:49 AM
On Thursday night, Comedy Central fake conservative Stephen Colbert really launched into Bill O’Reilly as an infantile moron. In a Talking Points commentary on Obama’s hunt for equality, the Fox News star lightly suggested he would “never have physical equality with my fellow Irishman, Shaquille O’Neal. I will never be as smart as Einstein or as talented as Mozart or as kind as Mother Teresa…

Making Lists -- and Publishing Them: Earth First ('Prank' Hit List), G
December 24th, 2012 4:17 PM
What similarities are there between a domestic terrorist organization and the alleged journalists at the Journal News headquartered in White Plains, New York? At least two biggies: total lack of respect for privacy and complete disregard for others' safety. The domestic terror group Earth First has an "EAT(IT) "Eco Assassin Team (in Training)," which has tired of "the stale old debate about…

Occupy-Loving Washington Post Pushes Furnishings for the 1 Percent
May 2nd, 2012 2:50 PM
There's real paradox in romanticizing squalid, rat infested tents in one section of your publication while in another advising well-heeled readers where to buy a $5,000 Chippendale rug. But such is life at a liberal big-city newspaper.
The Washington Post swooned over the Occupy Movement last year, devoting thousands of words and gallons of ink to covering the complaints of the self-…
WaPo's 'On Faith': Jesus Would Bless 'Occupy Wall Street' Movement
October 21st, 2011 3:07 PM
On Washington Post's On Faith blog, Daily Beast contributor Lisa Miller teased a piece about Occupy Wall Street with a worthy question: "What would Jesus think about Occupy Wall Street?" Her answer was simple, and predictably liberal: "The Jesus of history would love them all."
In a piece titled "Jesus at Occupy Wall Street: 'I feel like I've been here before,'" Miller portrayed the…
WaPo Writers, Mostly Libs, in Lockstop With Romney's 'Command' of GOP
October 13th, 2011 1:33 PM
Early this morning, I noted how two AP writers seemed to be hoping that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney will be the Republican Party's presidential nominee, in the process ignoring inconvenient facts like his failure to get over 25% in any poll covered at Real Clear Politics since mid-July while failing to even mention Herman Cain's name until the report's eleventh paragraph (a…
LAT Falsely Attacks FNC's O'Reilly
February 5th, 2011 7:53 PM
On Friday (2/4/11), the Los Angeles Times' Patrick Goldstein published a blog post with the title, "Bill O'Reilly on science: Why is Earth the only planet with a moon?"
Well, it would be somewhat noteworthy if O'Reilly actually asked such a question, considering the fact that most people know that several other planets in our solar system have moons. The problem is, as an accompanying video…
Veteran Reporter Bill McGowan Blasts NYT's 'Propagandizing
November 17th, 2010 1:20 PM
Correction: This post initially claimed that McGowan was a former reporter for the New York Times. In fact, McGowan was never actually employed by the paper, though he did do some freelance work for it. NewsBusters regrets the error.
The New York Times is fascinating in how closely it mirrors American liberalism - both in its politics and in its intellectual evolution. Like the American left…

Schultz Claims GOP Wants to Create 'Little China Workforce' Out of Une
October 15th, 2010 3:26 PM
In his latest meandering diatribe, MSNBC left-wing bloviator Ed Schultz yesterday hilariously mischaracterized the Republican Party's position on education reform as a scheme to create a cheap labor force of ignorant Americans by abolishing public education.
"They want us to be just like the folks in Indonesia," fumed Schultz. "They love the cheap labor. They love the 40 cents an hour…
Of 351 Reports on Outrageous Bell, Calif. Salaries, Only One Mentions
August 13th, 2010 12:26 PM
In late July, NB Contributing Editor Tom Blumer busted the Associated Press for neglecting to mention the party affiliations of scandal-plagued officials in Bell, California. The AP piece was one of hundreds of reports on the scandal. Of those hundreds, one solitary report mentioned party labels for the five officials.Can you guess which party they belong to? I'll bet you can.The only news outlet…
Financial 'Reform' Bill Has Provision Exempting SEC from Informati
July 28th, 2010 6:33 PM
Fox Business is reporting that the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill that President Obama signed recently includes a provision that exempts the Securities and Exchange Commission from responding to Freedom of Information Act requests. Fox wrote: The law, signed last week by President Obama, exempts the SEC from disclosing records or information derived from "surveillance, risk assessments, or…
Left-wing Media Regulation Group Sees 'Astroturf' Everywhere Except in
July 8th, 2010 3:27 PM
Advocacy groups have increasingly labelled their opposition as "astroturf," or corporate-funded fake grassroots, groups in order to demean them and lessen the fact that both sides enjoy some measure of public support. Many of the organizations throwing around accusations of astroturfing, such as the Marxist net neutrality advocacy group Free Press and the liberal ThinkProgress not only engage in…
Bill Maher: Post-Racial Racist
June 1st, 2010 4:14 PM
Editor's Note: The following originally appeared at Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood. Bill Maher a racist? Who’da thunk it? Actually, anyone who pays even remote attention to the far-left comedic mouth piece could have figured that out pretty quickly. Yes, Bill, I am calling you a racist. This accusation which he so glibly levels at anyone slightly to the right of Che Guevera may come as…