Miers Nomination

'Will & Grace' Jokes Jeff Sessions is Racist, Jared Kushner's Gay
October 27th, 2017 12:40 AM
Like the e-mails your aunt forwards you, Will & Grace continues it's steep descent into irrelevancy. On the October 26 episode, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying," we are treated to more ham-fisted one-liners that might play well among the cast, crew, and their friends in the bubble, but are just silly to those of us they count on to actually, you know, watch the show.

NBC's Pete Williams: Democrat 'More Likely to Appoint' 'Less Ideologic
July 1st, 2012 3:00 PM
Readers are advised to remove all food, fluids, and flammables from proximity to their computers before proceeding. You've been warned.
NBC News justice correspondent Pete Williams on this weekend's syndicated Chris Matthews Show actually said that when it comes to nominating judges, "A Democratic president is more likely to appoint somebody near the middle who is less ideological" (video…
Times Watch's New Supreme Court Study Discussed on Fox News
October 4th, 2010 5:34 PM
Times Watch's new study "Supremely Slanted -- How the New York Times Pounds Conservatives and Coddles Liberals When Nominated for the Supreme Court," was discussed by Fox News contributor Liz Trotta on "America's News Headquarters" just before the one o'clock hour on Saturday afternoon.After some discussion of a Gallup poll showing Americans have little trust in the mainstream media, host Uma…
Special Report: Supremely Slanted - How the NY Times Pounds Conservati
September 29th, 2010 3:40 PM
As liberal Justice Elena Kagan takes her place on the Supreme Court next week, she could thank The New York Times for making her confirmation process smoother. Ever since Ronald Reagan nominated Robert Bork and he was rejected by the Senate in 1987 for his views and not his character or qualifications, confirmation battles for liberals have become less like judicial seminars and more like…
State Lawmaker Discredits Campbell Brown's 'Misinformation' About Ariz
July 7th, 2010 2:09 PM
Debating the fallout of the Obama administration's attempt to squelch Arizona's popular immigration law before it goes into effect later this month, CNN's Campbell Brown on July 6 challenged a chief advocate of the law with a multi-pronged assault, only to see her attacks thwarted and her "misinformation" corrected.In a blatant contradiction, Brown dismissed State Senator Russell Pearce's (R-Ariz…
While Networks Ignore Obama Golf Outing, CNN Humorist Gets Story Right
June 22nd, 2010 12:20 PM
CNN correspondent Jeanne Moos has a penchant for quirky, off-beat reporting, but what happens when the eccentric newswoman gives a more accurate picture of important events than the serious journalists?While media outlets relentlessly denounced BP CEO Tony Hayward for taking Saturday off to participate in a yacht race, they mostly glossed over or completely ignored President Barack Obama's…
MRC-TV: Bozell Discusses Kagan/Miers Double Standard on 'Fox & Friends
May 17th, 2010 11:25 AM
In 2005, then-Senator Barack Obama cast doubt on President Bush's pick of Harriet Miers in part because "her [legal] experience does not include serving as a judge" and as such "we have yet to know her views on many of the critical constitutional issues facing our country today." Yet five years later, after President Obama named his solicitor general -- who has also never served as a judge -- to…
Cato Scholar: Private Accounts the Only Answer on Social Security, Pen
February 25th, 2010 10:32 AM
Americans have been so bombarded with the word "crisis," it appears to have lost all meaning. But according to a distinguished scholar at the Cato Institute, there is a real, serious crisis pending in America's addiction to entitlement programs, government-dependence, and imaginary "rights" to live off future generations. "You will have to look into the future, do the responsible thing, and…
Olbermann: Bush Admin Members Should Be “In Hell” for Ignoring Pre
March 7th, 2009 7:28 PM
On the December 9, 2008, Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann charged that Bush administration members – whom he did not specify by name but presumably President Bush was meant to be included – deserve to be "in hell," as he cited a report that a post-war insurgency in Iraq using roadside bombs to attack U.S. troops had been predicted by the U.S. military before the invasion. During the…
Mitchell to Buchanan: You Wouldn't Say Caroline 'In Miers Country' If
December 22nd, 2008 11:28 AM
The people just don't know Caroline like I do. That was the essence of Andrea Mitchell's defense of the would-be senator after Pat Buchanan analogized her to another nominee who famously flopped. Appearing on Morning Joe, Buchanan unleashed a merciless metaphor.PAT BUCHANAN: It's not only entitlement. It appears–we are getting close to Harriet Miers country, where Bush put her out there, and…
Detroit Mayor Sex Scandal Revealed, But Not That He's a Democrat
January 24th, 2008 9:22 AM
Mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick was at age 31 the youngest elected Mayor in the history of Detroit, the Motor City. Now, at 38, he is also the Vice President of the National Conference of Democratic Mayors as well as that organization's representative to the Democratic National Committee. He also seems to have a problem with appropriate behavior... then lies about it to try to cover it up. But one…
Bill Maher: ‘I Love America; It’s Americans I Can’t Stand
July 22nd, 2007 5:51 PM
As if allowing this anti-American Bush-hater to have his own series wasn't enough, the brilliant folks at HBO decided to give Bill Maher another comedy special to rail against all things conservative. For those on the left hoping for some truly vile attacks on the GOP, Saturday's "Bill Maher: The Decider" surely must have hit the spot. In fact, of the 60 minutes Maher was given, upwards of 40…

Rosie O’Donnell: ‘Radical Christianity is Just as Threatening as R
September 12th, 2006 5:06 PM
Rosie O’Donnell, the new host of "The View," restrained herself for exactly one week before letting fly with her extreme liberalism. On the September 12 edition, in response to fellow co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s comment that militant Islam is a grave threat, O’Donnell stated that "radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America." The comedienne also…