NYT on Victim Hunt as Trump’s ‘Improbable’ First Budget Plan Debuts

May 23rd, 2017 1:07 PM
The New York Times was single-minded in its attack on President Trump’s first budget proposal. Little emphasis on the potential savings to taxpayers and reductions to the deficit (if the optimistic economic growth goals are met). Instead the Times went on a nationwide person-hunt for potential victims of the hypothetical budget cuts, based on current spending levels that have been inflated over…

New Republic Writer Blasts GOP’s ‘Callous’ Concept of Liberty

March 16th, 2017 5:04 PM
In “Me and Bobby McGee,” Kris Kristofferson wrote that “freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose.” On Wednesday, Brian Beutler suggested that “freedom” is just another word Republicans use to deprive Americans of health coverage. The GOP, contended Beutler, has “a weird way to define liberty” that involves 14 million people losing coverage “almost immediately.” He added, “Their…

Liberty Is Not for Wimps

March 15th, 2017 3:32 PM
Most Americans, whether liberal or conservative, Democratic or Republican, do not show much understanding or respect for the principles of personal liberty. We criticize our political leaders, but we must recognize that their behavior simply reflects the values of people who elected them to office. That means we are all to blame for greater governmental control over our lives and a decline in…

Cuomo Presses Against ObamaCare Repeal, Confuses 'Coverage' & 'Access'

February 28th, 2017 11:30 AM
On Tuesday's New Day, as Chris Cuomo debated Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King over the issue of ObamaCare repeal, the CNN host seemed unaware that technically having health insurance "coverage" on paper does not always guarantee that one will actually receive the health care one needs if a patient is unable to find a doctor or other health care provider to actually do the work. After Rep. King…

CNN Obamacare Debate: Sanders Spars with Small Business Owner

February 8th, 2017 12:42 AM
Things became awkward during CNN’s The Future of Obamacare debate Tuesday night, as Senator Bernie Sanders appeared to become a little irritated with a small business owner who admitted to him that she was not providing health care for her employees. Texas salon chain owner La Ronda Hunter explained to the senator that because of Obamacare’s mandates she could not expand her business and could…

Nets Stoke Fear of Tom Price's Proposed ObamaCare Replacement

November 29th, 2016 9:57 PM
President-Elect Donald Trump announced his latest cabinet pick Tuesday, who would head the Department for Health and Human Services, and it sent the Big Three networks into full spin mode. Trump selected Congressman Tom Price to be the Secretary of HHS, or as Noah O’Donnell described him on CBS Evening News, “Donald Trump makes more cabinet picks, including the man who intends to blow up…

Pundit Gripes That Anti-Government Themes Help GOP Win Elections

November 16th, 2016 5:54 PM
In a Tuesday post, Esquire blogger Pierce complained that Ronald Reagan’s anti-government rhetoric discouraged many from voting, thereby benefiting Republicans, but Donald Trump’s anti-government rhetoric encouraged many to vote, thereby benefiting Republicans. Pierce noted that Reagan, in his first inaugural address, declared “that government was not a solution to the problem, that government…

NBC’s Mitchell: ObamaCare Hikes Just ‘Nagging Problems’ for Clinton

October 26th, 2016 12:10 AM
NBC reporter and Hillary Clinton fan club president Andrea Mitchell showed off her infatuation with the Democratic presidential nominee Tuesday evening, as she wrote off the massive 25 percent ObamaCare premium hikes as part of a series of “nagging problems.” “A second problem, the rise in Obamacare premiums, an issue [Donald] Trump is exploiting,” Mitchell whined during her report on NBC Nightly…

CBS, NBC Censor Obama Admin. Admitting ObamaCare Premiums Skyrocketing

October 24th, 2016 11:43 PM
The Obama administration finally admitted on Monday what so many critics warned would happen, that premiums were going to skyrocket. And skyrocket did as ABC Anchor David Muir reported on World News Tonight, “A new government report revealing premiums will go up an average of 25 percent next year.” ABC’s report is shocking since they spent most of 2016 keeping the program’s collapse a secret. In…

Nets Cover for Failing ObamaCare, Silent on Missed Enrollment Forecast

August 29th, 2016 10:59 PM
The news broke Monday that ObamaCare has again missed enrollment forecasts from the Congressional Budget Office, resulting in grossly limited options and high prices for consumers. “Enrollment is simply nowhere near what the congressional budget office thought it would be,” reported Fox News correspondent Kevin Corke, “Now what that means is higher costs for those of you who that take part, and…

Nets Cover for ObamaCare: Fail to Report Ruling Against Illegal Funds

May 12th, 2016 9:04 PM
Thursday evening saw the failure of all three of the network news outlets to report on the massive legal blow to ObamaCare. In her decision, U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer ruled that the Obama administration’s unilateral funding of $175 billion to insurance subsidies was unconstitutional. The ruling was a major win for House Republicans, a victory that was a long time coming. With a lack of…

Zeke Emanuel Clashes with FBN's Varney on ObamaCare Fantasies

April 24th, 2016 4:44 PM
Things must be getting grim on the Obamacare front if the Obama administration feels it must send "Zeke the Bleak" Emanuel out to defend it. Though he was on relatively good behavior compared to previous interviews he has given, Emanuel, rather than visibly losing his cool, kept on using Stuart Varney's first name in his responses during a Fox Business interview this week to the point where it…

CNN Reporter 'Felt Bad' for Clinton After Bernie's Health Care Move

January 18th, 2016 4:48 PM

On Monday's New Day, CNN's Phil Mattingly revealed his sympathy for Hillary Clinton's campaign. John Berman pointed out how Clinton's rival, Bernie Sanders, unveiled his Medicare-for-all health care plan mere hours before Sunday's Democratic presidential debate on NBC. Mattingly remarked, "I felt bad for the Clinton staffers who had so many great lines written up about his health care plan and…

Fusion Dem Forum Recap: We Told You So

January 12th, 2016 4:08 PM
Another Democratic candidate forum, seen by few, went as expected.