
Column: Sanitizing Violent, Flag-Burning Pro-Hamas Protesters

July 26th, 2024 6:00 AM

On the same day that President Biden implied January 6 was a darker day than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, leftist protesters fought and shoved police and burned the American flag near the Capitol. They pulled down the American flag and replaced it with the Palestinian flag. Some flew the Hamas flag and vandalized monuments with spray-painted slogans like “Hamas is comin’” and “I commend Hamas.” How…


Acosta Shames Netanyahu For Calling Protestors 'Iran's Useful Idiots'

July 25th, 2024 12:02 PM

CNN Newsroom host Jim Acosta tried to shame Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday for labeling the protestors that hate his country “Iran’s useful idiots” because, apparently, Acosta doesn’t understand the difference between free speech and being free from criticism. Additionally, it took his Democratic guest to inform viewers that some of the demonstrators took to…


Mitchell Whines Netanyahu Wasn't 'Conciliatory' In Speech To Congress

July 24th, 2024 4:30 PM

When she’s not hosting her own show, Andrea Mitchell doubles as MSNBC’s chief foreign affairs correspondent, and on Wednesday’s Katy Tur Reports, she condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not being “conciliatory” towards the Iranian-funded protestors who want to see his country destroyed.


The Left Eats Its Own: Hollywood Edition

July 13th, 2024 1:30 PM

They’ve ravaged cities, destroyed businesses, torn down statues and made a mockery of the rule of law.

Anti-'Extremism' Reporter Defends Pro-Hamas Extremists on Campus

July 10th, 2024 7:56 PM

Beware reporters who cover “extremism.” That is easily defined as “right-wing extremism.” For example, USA Today "extremism" reporter Will Carless was an enthusiastic promoter of the “Sedition Hunters” who were identifying January 6 rioters for prosecution by the Biden DOJ. He channeled their frustration that more of them weren't being prosecuted. Now he's defending pro-Hamas…

NYT Hails Kamala as Biden Replacement, Throws In Anti-Israel Nuttiness

July 7th, 2024 9:49 PM

The New York Times issued a 2,200-word Sunday front-page encomium by White House correspondent Erica Green, in support of struggling President Biden’s suddenly significant second-in-command: “Kamala Harris Has Stepped Up. If Biden Falters, Can She Lead?”  Green tried to make the case that Harris, a gaffe-machine and figure of mockery on the right, is ready to take over the leadership…

NY Times Whitewashes Violent LA Synagogue Attack by Pro-Hamas Thugs

June 30th, 2024 9:54 PM

News of the recent violent protest outside a Jewish synagogue in Los Angeles got a standard pro-Palestinian New York Times whitewash from reporters Jill Cowan and Jonathan Wolfe. Much of their take was devoted not to the violence committed by thugs against Jewish people entering a house of worship, but to an abstract defense of the right to protest supposedly coming under threat by…


Trump Recommends Searing ‘Screams Before Silence’ Doc

June 29th, 2024 1:30 PM

President Ronald Reagan knew pop culture better than his Republican predecessors. He lived it.


Joy Reid SEETHES At AIPAC Over Jamaal Bowman Primary Ouster

June 27th, 2024 1:25 AM

There was a lot of seethe tonight but little to no cope, as MSNBC host Joy Reid and U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) commiserated over the defeat of fellow Squad member Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) in the Democratic Primary. And, as you’d reasonably expect, the first culprit of Bowman’s defeat is AIPAC. Which in the context of this primary and MSNBC’s coverage thereof, is clearly shorthand for “…


Regime Media Perform A Pre-Debate Port Biden News Dump

June 26th, 2024 11:40 AM

After weeks of totally NOT reporting on the floating disaster known colloquially as Port Biden, the U.S. military-built temporary pier intended to assist humanitarian relief deliveries into Gaza, the network evening newscasts have each filed reports from the beleaguered pier.


ABC, CBS Ignore, NBC Barely Covers Pro-Hamas Mob Attacking LA Jews

June 24th, 2024 1:25 PM

On Sunday afternoon, a anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas mob went hunting for Jews near a Los Angeles, California synagogue and Jewish neighborhood, infringing on the right of Jews to live and worship in peace. Along with allowing the terrorist sympathizers to occupy both sides of the street, the scene descended into violence, as exhibited by videos from the scene. Given this mob wasn’t the same makeup…

UN Boss Commands Gov’t Censorship to ‘Eradicate’ ‘Hate Speech’

June 20th, 2024 4:53 PM

The head of the United Nations is pressuring governments to obliterate all online speech that is allegedly “hateful.”

Mika Brzezinski James Stavridis MSNBC Morning Joe 6-20-24

MSNBC Analyst: Bibi 'Not a Good Actor,' Jake Sullivan 'My Good Friend'

June 20th, 2024 3:10 PM

All you need to know about James Stavridis' reliability as an objective source is the two statements he made on today's Morning Joe regarding a video Bibi Netanyahu put out calling on the US to stop holding up arms deliveries to Israel. First, Mika tees him up to attack Bibi, asking, "Is Benjamin Netanyahu a good partner in this?" Stavridis answers: "Clearly he's not." And then in the same…


Colbert Helps Bowman Sanitize His History Of Spouting Hamas Propaganda

June 20th, 2024 10:07 AM

Fire alarm puller, whacky conspiracy theorist, anti-Semite, and far-left Congressman Jamaal Bowman is facing a tough primary challenge, and in an attempt to turn his political fortunes around, he journeyed over to CBS and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on Wednesday, where the eponymous host helped sanitize his history of spouting Hamas propaganda while also attacking Republicans…