Dallas Police Shootings

Alli & Kat: Why Don't Police Lives Matter?

CBS Issues Correction, Jumped the Gun on AP Bullets Used in Dallas
Presidential Blather In Time of Tragedy

Ebony Editor Not 'Comfortable' Calling Dallas Massacre a Hate Crime

TV Station Suspends Miss Alabama for Calling Dallas Sniper a ‘Martyr'

CBS Promotes Social Justice with Poem to 'White Boy Privilege'

Ta-Nehisi Coates: Cops ‘Indistinguishable from Any Other Street Gang’
The Atlantic correspondent Ta-Nehisi Coates is getting wealthy race baiting with thoughtful-sounding writing liberals love to nod their heads to. The professional memoirist—who confessed no sorrow for the police and firefighters killed on 9-11 because, “they were not human to me”— turned his attention to the shootings in Dallas in a July 12 article.

CNN: Obama 'Uniquely Qualified...To Bring People Together' Post-Dallas

Luis Gutiérrez aboga por refugiados y control de armas en Univisión
Congressional Black Corruption
The Race Narrative

'Proud' Matthews Rules Obama’s Dallas Speech Was ‘His Finest Hour’

Thought Police Turn on JLo For Saying All Lives Matter