Arizona law

‘Madam Secretary’ Bemoans Family Separations as ‘Death of Democracy'
January 7th, 2019 12:36 AM
CBS’s Madam Secretary already conspired to spoil the holiday season by basing its 100th episode on family separations at the border. Now it returns to ruin the new year with another episode on the same subject. Somehow, it ends up more sanctimonious than a Golden Globes award winner.

Merry Trumpmas:'Madam Secretary' Decries 'Inhumane' Family Separations
December 23rd, 2018 11:27 PM
CBS’s Madam Secretary is proving to be the real Grinch this holiday season. In addition to premiering its 100th episode less than 48 hours before Christmas, it proceeds to feature a plot on family separations at the border. Somehow, I doubt anyone’s heart will grow three sizes after this day.

CNN Praises HBO Anti-ICE Propaganda Film as ‘Public Service’
December 10th, 2018 1:13 PM
Over the weekend HBO premiered their new pro-migrant propaganda film. Titled Icebox, the HBO original is about a 12 year-old Honduran who is apprehended for illegally crossing the border and forced to languish in a child detention center. And of course, the media has taken the bait and praised the film for its personal look on how immigration law is ruining young lives, calling HBO’s portrayal a…

Arrebato contra Arpaio en Telemundo
September 4th, 2017 10:26 AM
El perdón del presidente Trump al ex sheriff del condado de Maricopa Joe Arpaio es ahora el tema de un aviso publicitario de Telemundo, en el cual la cadena hermana en español de NBC trata con desprecio abierto tanto al presidente Trump como al veterano policía de 85 años de edad.

Anti-Arpaio Rampage At Telemundo
September 1st, 2017 6:18 PM
President Trump's pardon of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is now the subject of a Telemundo ad in which the Spanish-language sister network to NBC, in no uncertain terms, vilifies both President Trump and the 85-year-old law enforcement veteran.

NYT Blames Police, L.A. Editor Blames State After Trump Rally
August 23rd, 2017 2:04 PM
New York Times reporter Simon Romero covered the violent aftermath of Tuesday night's Trump rally, as left-wing protesters, many violent, faced off with Trump fans: “Trump Rally in Phoenix Touches Nerves in City As Opposing Sides Meet.” Besides seeming to blame Trump’s “divisive” speech for hot tempers (including assaults on police officers), Romero suggested the police were at fault.

NYT Now Giving Out Tips for ‘Undocumented’ to Stay in U.S. Ilegally
May 30th, 2017 6:49 PM
The New York Times will never stop pushing amnesty for illegal immigrants. In last Sunday’s Magazine, contributing writer and Latino activist Marcela Valdes devoted 6,000 words on the evil of Arizona's crackdown on "undocumented" (illegal) immigrants, and how to resist U.S. immigration law: “Is It Possible To Resist Deportations In The Age of Trump?” The text box: “Living under draconian state…

Whoopi Wrongly Insists Fox Pushed Birtherism; Network Debunked It
March 29th, 2017 8:54 AM
On Monday's The View on ABC, as the group discussed Ted Koppel's recent interview with Sean Hannity in which he accused the conservative FNC host of being bad for the country, liberal co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Sunny Hostin, and Joy Behar all wrongly accused Fox News of promoting birtherism conspiracy theories against President Barack Obama. Ironically, a Nexis search reveals many examples of FNC…

Crasa movilización partidista de electores en Univisión
October 3rd, 2016 4:33 PM
Un informe reciente en el noticiero nacional principal de Univisión dejó pocas dudas de los esfuerzos para aumentar el registro y participación de votantes latinos notoriamente dirigido para beneficiar exclusivamente a Hillary Clinton.

For Univision, GOTV Practically Means 'Vote for Hillary'
September 29th, 2016 6:55 PM
A recent report on Univision’s principal national evening newscast leaves little doubt that the network's high-profile efforts to boost Latino voter registration and turnout are solely aimed to benefit Hillary Clinton.

Telemundo: ‘Anti-Immigrant’ Sheriff Arpaio Has ‘Concentration Camps’
May 4th, 2016 7:45 AM
A federal appeals court ruling upholding Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s authority to enforce Arizona state law that makes it a felony for unauthorized immigrants to use stolen identities to obtain work has been bitterly denounced by the hosts of Telemundo’s morning show, Un Nuevo Día.

Jorge Ramos Takes Twisting Trump’s Words to Whole New Level
April 19th, 2016 8:40 AM
Univision’s Jorge Ramos once again took full advantage of the opportunity to engage in wholesale Trump-bashing during an Al Punto segment about the new Mexican movie Desierto (Desert), which presents the harrowing fictional story of a gun-toting American vigilante hunting down a group of unauthorized Mexican immigrants as they cross the U.S. border.

Solo Telemundo informó sobre recién fraude de visas, cruce de frontera
April 7th, 2016 5:42 PM
Telemundo fue la única cadena de televisión que informó sobre una operación federal encubierta contra el fraude de visas de estudiante por una banda criminal así como sobre una acción de la Patrulla Fronteriza que impidió a 102 inmigrantes cruzar el Río Grande para entrar ilegalmente a Estados Unidos.

Latest Mass Visa Fraud, Border Interdiction Only Covered By Telemundo
April 6th, 2016 8:49 PM
Telemundo was the only major television network to cover a federal sting operation against student visa racketeering, along with a Border Patrol effort that prevented 102 undocumented immigrants from crossing the Río Grande.