N.Y. Times Not So Keen on Human Safety? '400 Park Geese Die, for Human

July 14th, 2010 8:00 AM
Update: I should have noticed that the "Stop the Goose Holocaust" page on Facebook is an animal-rights parody. (Just see the "yum yum" cooked goose photo. )  "Animal rights" groups often suggest that animal lives are just as precious as human lives, or even that innocent, instinctual animals are morally superior to arrogant reasoning humans. That view came through on the front page of The New…

The Latest Animal Rights Cause in Wisconsin: 'No Pig Wrestling

July 11th, 2010 11:08 PM
My hometown of Viroqua, Wisconsin, has become statewide news because a left-wing group called The Alliance for Animals is protesting the annual Wild West Days -- in particular, its popular "Hog Wrasslin" contest. The LaCrosse Tribune had the story: VIROQUA — A Madison-based animal rights group has taken a public stand against one of the biggest attractions for Viroqua’s Wild West Days — pig…

MSNBC's Contessa Brewer Complains About Blogs Pointing Out Her On-Air

July 7th, 2010 10:43 AM
In part two of her interview with TVNewser editor Kevin Allocca on MediaBistro.com's Media Beat, MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer discussed a incident last year in which she mistakenly introduced Reverend Jess Jackson as Al Sharpton: "...those things make me crazy.... I really hate that something like that can paint your whole career."Brewer specifically called out blogs for reporting the gaffe: "...…

Actor Pierce Brosnan Harpoons Obama for Voting 'Present' on Whaling

June 11th, 2010 1:43 PM
Actor and environmental activisit Pierce Brosnan has taken the cause of whales to heart. He does not want humans to kill them, period.www.SaveTheWhalesNow.org has just released a PSA featuring Brosnan, taking President Obama to task for apparently reneging on a campaign promise to support an International whaling moratorium... (Video after jump)

CBS's Chip Reid Snubbed by Obama...Again, Network's Broadcasts Still M

May 20th, 2010 4:17 PM
At the end of a joint press conference between President Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderon on Wenesday, CBS White House correspondent Chip Reid attempted to ask Obama a question about Tuesday's electoral results but was given the brush off for the second time in a week.Later that afternoon, Reid described the incident on CBSNews.com's Political Hotsheet blog: "As he [Obama] and…

HuffPo's Ryan Grim: ObamaCare 2.0 Really A 'Conservative' Plan

February 24th, 2010 5:09 PM
Appearing in the 3PM ET hour on MSNBC on Wednesday, Huffington Post writer Ryan Grim claimed that President Obama's latest version of health care reform was actually a conservative approach: "We actually already have a Republican bill, and it's the one that Obama has proposed....It's all about choice. Everything in it is a Republican kind of free market-based idea."Speaking to anchor David…

PETA Pushes to Replace Punxsutawney Phil with a Robot

February 2nd, 2010 3:15 PM
It's Groundhog's day again and for the 99th time Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow - six more weeks of winter. Phil and his shadow have been around since 1887 - a 123-year-old American tradition - but if PETA has it's way, this year will be the end of Phil's career. According to its official blog, it's time for Phil to retire and replace him with "an electronic groundhog." "Phil is forced…

'Heroes' of Discovery Channel Show Use Lasers on Japanese Whalers

December 23rd, 2009 3:48 PM
The Discovery Channel program "Whale Wars" portrays the radical activists of the left-wing Sea Shepherd Conservation Society as heroes going up against Japanese whaling ships, instead of the pirate-like harassers they really are. According to Ecorazzi.com, a self-proclaimed "green" gossip site, the group revealed it was using a "photonic disruptor" against the whaling crew. According to…

PETA Mixes Playboy Nudity With Holy Cross at Christmas Time

December 6th, 2009 11:02 PM

Who Says the WaPo Hates Extremists? Reporter Pushes PETA's Naked Inter

November 8th, 2009 7:28 AM

New Episode of Notable Quotables Web Show

October 30th, 2009 10:38 AM

BBC: Dogs and Foxes 'Murder' Vulnerable Penguins

July 16th, 2009 12:13 PM
The BBC exemplified the declining journalistic standards that have ushered in this era's liberal bias with the stunning headline "Penguin murders prompt sniper aid". It is not until the third paragraph that the reader is told that the "murderers" are, ahem, dogs and foxes. The mutilated bodies of the animals, known as fairy penguins, were found in a national park near Sydney harbour. The main…

Networks Use Misleading Gun Statistic in Reporting on Mexican Drug War

April 17th, 2009 3:05 PM
While reporting on the ongoing drug war in Mexico, CBS, NBC, and ABC have all cited a dubious statistic that claims that 90% of the guns being used in the violence are from the United States. On Thursday’s CBS Evening News, correspondent Bill Plante reported: "Mexican drug gang violence spilling into the U.S. is the urgent issue of President Obama's visit...A major sore point -- more than 90% of…

A Liberal Bias? David Brooks Says Aye, While Shields, Ifill, and Schie

April 2nd, 2009 2:16 PM