NB Publisher Bozell: Network Censorship of Gosnell Trial Serves 'Pro-Abortion Politics Ahead of the National Interest'

April 22nd, 2013 12:26 PM

Although the bombing of the Boston Marathon rightfully commanded much of the media's attention last week, the Big Three broadcast networks still found time for a host of superficial and inconsequential "news" stories while continuing to censor the horrific details of abortionist Kermit Gosnell's murder trial in Philadelphia. For example, ABC's Diane Sawyer devoted 32 seconds on the April 18 World News to Superman's 75th birthday while NBC's Brian Williams took time on the same night's edition of Nightly News to report that octogenarian actor Dick Van Dyke gets headaches when he lies down.

Even after one of the most gruesome details of Gosnell’s alleged crimes emerged last week – a baby who survived an abortion “swimming” in a toilet and “trying to get out” – the broadcast networks’ deafening silence continues. NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center president Brent Bozell released the following statement about this censorship this morning:

The American people made it clear that the Gosnell trial is a major, national story, but the broadcast networks have plugged their ears and flipped them the bird. With the exception of CBS This Morning’s reporting last Monday, the three broadcast networks are still putting their personal pro-abortion politics ahead of the national interest and censoring this story.

NBC asked one question. That is not coverage. CBS ran stories for one morning. That is not coverage. And most shamefully, Disney-owned ABC refuses to cover Gosnell at all. If any organization should be condemning the butchering of children, surely it’s the Walt Disney Company.

The horror in Boston is worthy of extensive, in-depth coverage, but so is the maiming, mutilation and murder allegedly committed by Gosnell. Testimony that a baby who survived an abortion was ‘swimming’ in a toilet and ‘trying to get out’ is as gruesome as anything that happened in Boston, but the broadcast networks are censoring it because they want to protect abortion at all costs. Gosnell might as well have put his alleged victims in ovens. The Walt Disney Company doesn’t care.

You can read the full analysis on the Gosnell non-coverage from our sister site, MRC.org.

Click here to sign our petition for the media to Stop Censoring the Abortionist Gosnell Mass Murder Trial.