'Final Daze': New Hardball Feature Taunts W On Way Out

November 24th, 2008 7:28 PM

President and Mrs. Bush couldn't be handling the transition more graciously.  But rather than celebrating the peaceful transfer of power that is the hallmark of our democracy, Hardball has announced a new feature, "Final Daze," intended to mock W as we count down his last weeks in office.

Mike Barnicle, sitting in for Chris Matthews, announced the new segment on this evening's show.

MIKE BARNICLE: And that brings us to a new, regular item we're starting tonight called "Final Daze."  President Bush has 57 days left in office, and many are asking "where's Dubya?"  With the economy tanking and the country looking for guidance from the guy who's still president, here's what we got today.

View video here.

Then rolled a clip of the president, emerging from a meeting with Treasury Secretary Paulson. Exulted Barnicle in closing the segment: "just a few hours after that, the president was completely overshadowed by Barack Obama and the incoming economic team."

Class all the way, those Hardball folks.