During a town hall meeting in New Hampshire on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton refused to condemn a supporter of hers who said they wanted to “strangle” Carly Fiorina and instead laughed at his violent proclamation. ABC and NBC have so far ignored the story altogether.
On Tuesday, the “Big Three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) networks all refused to cover the story during their evening newscasts. On Wednesday, CBS This Morning was the only morning show to cover Hillary laughing at a call to “strangle” Fiorina whereas ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today continued their networks’ blackout of the story.
CBS’s Norah O’Donnell highlighted how “Hillary Clinton is facing criticism from Republicans this morning for failing to defend Carly Fiorina at a campaign event. At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire Tuesday, a Clinton supporter criticized Fiorina’s time as CEO of Hewlett-Packard and talked about strangling her. Clinton laughed.”
The CBS host then played a clip of Clinton’s supporter wanting to “strangle” Fiorina and the Democrat laughing before she declared "I wouldn’t mess with you!" The CBS anchor then read a statement from the Republican National Committee responding to the call for violence against the Republican presidential candidate:
The Republican National Committee swiftly responded. It said “Hillary Clinton and the Democrats have lost all credibility claiming to be a party that stands up for women...It's clear women just can't count on Hillary Clinton to stand up for them. She should apologize immediately.” Asked if she took the man seriously, Clinton shook her head to say no. A Clinton spokesman said it was a joke.
While ABC and NBC have so far ignored the embarrassing moment for Mrs. Clinton, back in September the networks eagerly touted Hilary “pouncing” on Donald Trump after the Republican failed to denounce one of his supporters over their anti-Muslim remarks. The Big Three also gave Mrs. Clinton a pass for invoking the Holocaust when she claimed the GOP wanted to round up illegal immigrants and put them in “boxcars.”
See relevant transcript below.
CBS This Morning
November 11, 2015
NORAH O’DONNELL: And Hillary Clinton is facing criticism from Republicans this morning for failing to defend Carly Fiorina at a campaign event. At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire Tuesday, a Clinton supporter criticized Fiorina’s time as CEO of Hewlett-Packard and talked about strangling her. Clinton laughed.
CLINTON SUPPORTER: And she says she is a great CEO. Every time I see her on TV, I want to reach through and strangle her. I know that doesn't sound very nice.
HILLARY CLINTON: I wouldn't mess with you!
O’DONNELL: The Republican National Committee swiftly responded. It said “Hillary Clinton and the Democrats have lost all credibility claiming to be a party that stands up for women...It's clear women just can't count on Hillary Clinton to stand up for them. She should apologize immediately.” Asked if she took the man seriously, Clinton shook her head to say no. A Clinton spokesman said it was a joke.