U.K. Independent Columnist Tells BBC Suffering Children Should Be Smothered

October 4th, 2010 7:21 PM

Chalk this one up to things that make you go, “What?!?”

In an interview with the BBC on Oct. 4, Virginia Ironside, a columnist for the U.K. Independent made a jaw-dropping statement – that abortion and euthanasia could somehow be considered to be acts of kindness. (h/t Scott Baker, theblaze.com)

“[I] think that if I were a mother of a suffering child, I would be the first to want I mean a deeply suffering child I would be the first one to put a pillow over its face, as I would with any suffering thing and I think the difference is that my feeling of horror, suffering is many greater than my feeling of getting rid of a couple of cells because suffering can go on for years,” Ironside said.

That startled the host Susanna Reid, who called it “horrible.”

“I'm sorry. I was just about to introduce the next guest, but that is a pretty horrifying thing to say, that you would put a pillow over a --” Reid replied.

But then following that, this exchange occurred:

IRONSIDE: Of course I would, if it was a child I really loved who was any agony. I think any good mother would.
REID: That’s going cause shock amongst some people.
IRONSIDE: I don't know any mother who wouldn't say if this was there was nothing else that could be done and it was
OTHER GUEST: That's just not true. That's just
REID: Do you think mothers would agree with you?
IRONSIDE: I think a lot would. Maybe not any, but a lot.

The left is often eager to cry foul when some on the right even mention the words “death panels.” But with talk like this and by other eco-extremist, like Paul Watson, founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, who once said the world population should drop from nearly 7 billion as it stands now to under a billion, is it any wonder people question the motivations of some on the left?