IBD Slams Liberals for Their ‘Deadly Denial’ of the Threat Posed by Radical Islam

November 24th, 2015 4:45 PM

An editorial in Tuesday’s print edition of Investor’s Business Daily firmly took President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the Democratic Party to task for their “deadly denial” of radical Islam and the prominent role it’s played in the war on terrorism and terrorist attacks from 9/11 to Fort Hood to Paris. 

Starting off strong, the IBD editorial staff bluntly pointed out how, when it comes the U.S. confronting terrorism: “The only thing more reliable than radical Muslims carrying out terrorist acts is Democrats denying any religious link after an attack, followed by attempts to scrub crime scenes of all evidence of Islam.”

Not surprisingly, they noted that the Democratic presidential frontrunner has become “the latest suspender of disbelief” as she emphasized a speech this week at the Council of Foreign Relations that “Muslims have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.”

The irony of Clinton’s statement became even clearer hours later as another Islamic terror attack was launched on a western hotel in the capital of Mali where hostages were coerced into “recit[ing] verses from the Quran.”

Tearing into those on the left who remain blind on this issue, IBD provided a brief history lesson on the track record of Islamic terrorists: 

Yet this was not Islam, either, we are told. We heard the same politically correct claptrap after Muslims bombed two U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998 and after 19 more Muslims attacked Washington and New York on Sept. 11, 2001, slaughtering almost 3,000. And again after Muslims attacked Madrid, Bali and London. And when Muslim snipers shot up Washington. And when a Muslim massacred soldiers at Fort Hood. And when Muslims slaughtered more than 60, including two dozen children and three pregnant women, at a shopping mall in Kenya. And again after Muslims bombed the Boston marathon. And this year, after a Muslim gunned down five soldiers in Chattanooga.

Though the latest denials are demonstrably false, at least apologists have dropped the risible "Religion of Peace" mantra.

Alluding to how the left so often “shame[s] conservatives for tying the world epidemic of Islamic terrorism to Islam,” the paper zinged that “[i]nstead of dealing with this reality, Obama continues to shove it under the prayer rug.”

They later concluded with a simple but grim prediction: “Denying that Islam sanctifies violence against non-Muslims just gives more safe space to that violence.”