Following Trans Scandals, Planet Fitness Offers FREE Membership for Teens

May 13th, 2024 5:13 PM

Earlier this year, Planet Fitness came under fire after numerous reports of transgender women in the women’s locker rooms or bathrooms surfaced across the nation. On Monday, word spread that the company, begging for members, announced a new campaign that would give teenagers free summer passes. 

Great, now the gym giant wants kids to be subject of the transgender freaks in the bathrooms!

“High school summer pass is here,” the commercial stated before noting that from June 1 to August 31 teenagers aged 14 to 19 years old “can work out at Planet Fitness totally free!”

“Come in and get energized,” the commercial added, “with tons of cardio and strength equipment, all in the judgment free zone, find your big fitness energy with the high school summer pass.” 

While encouraging kids to stay active during the summer is a great idea, having them stay active at Planet Fitness is a horrible idea.

In March, an Alaskan woman was using the locker room facility at a Planet Fitness location when a “queer” person that was a biological man, began using the women’s area mirrors and shaving his face. There was a roughly 12-year-old girl in the locker room when the man was present and reports indicate the child was “kind of freaked out.”

Around the same time, #BoycottPlanetFitness began trending on social media with many people going into their local Planet Fitness to cancel their memberships. Additionally, the company’s stock price dropped.

Less than a month later, Christopher Allan Miller stripped naked in the ladies locker room at a Planet Fitness location in North Carolina. While Miller was arrested, the woman who reported him had her gym membership revoked by Planet Fitness after the gym insisted that she wasn’t being inclusive of Miller’s transgender identity. After that fiasco, Planet Fitness’ value plummeted around $400 million.

Even still, Planet Fitness has remained firm in its commitment to the delusions of trans people and insists that anyone can use any bathroom that they feel matches their gender identity, even if it means that creepy old men will share spaces with young girls.

It’s no wonder the gym is begging for new clients and marketing their membership to teens who are unlikely to either know about these trans policies or too naive to recognize the repercussions they could hold.

The information on the website states that teens who are 19-years-old can sign up online or in person without a parent or guardian. For those who are under 19-years-old, a parent or guardian is needed to sign up in person or online. But in filing out the form, there doesn't seem to be any reason a child can't fill it out for his or her parent. So essentially, any kid can sign up online without their parent knowing.  

As an aside, on the form, Planet Fitness offers the gender option of "non-binary" for teens to select if they don't identify with male or female.

As Libs of TikTok noted in it’s post, “Parents, beware! Do not allow your kids in PF. They are desperate for new customers after seeing mass cancellations. Protect your children!”

A user on X wrote how “disturbing” Planet Fitness’ new scheme is, “They’re overtly preying on children now. Planet Fitness allows men in women’s bathrooms and wants kids to now be thrown into the mix,” and insisted that the company is a “threat” to innocent children.

“What point is there allowing pervs in the locker rooms unless there is a good supply of kids?” another account sarcastically added.

If you are watching this play out and are still thinking the left, and now, Planet Fitness especially, isn’t after your kids, open your eyes.