'Scream Queens' Takes a Stab at Hannity, Warren, Trump's Hair, and Obama's America

December 7th, 2016 1:01 AM

The newest episode of Fox’s Scream Queens, titled “Rapunzel, Rapunzel,” did a whole lot of political name-dropping on Tuesday night.

At the beginning of the episode, when told an ex-boyfriend has been admitted to the hospital, Dean Munsch (Jamie Lee Curtis) asks if it is “Hannity” – as that relationship was “supposed to be way on the D.L.”

Munsch’s ex turns out to C.U.R.E. Institution patient Wes Gardner (Oliver Hudson) who is diagnosed with a psychological disorder causing him to eat hair. A huge hair-ball is found to be the cause of his severe abdominal pain and Brock (John Stamos) remarks it “looks like Trump’s wig.” Disgusting, I know.

Cassidy: Huh. This is really weird.

Dean Munsch:  What?

Wes: What? What? What's weird?

Cassidy: That thing in your stomach, it's not a tumor. It's a giant hair ball.

Brock: Looks like Trump's wig.

Dean Munsch: Oh.

Wes complains about his failures in life, which include a book that didn’t sell, and then losing his job because he took a stand against trigger warnings for college students. Chanel (Emma Roberts) reacts with an exasperated shrug, “Obama’s America.” Ouch.

Wes: Anyway... The beer company was a bust, my first book tanked, and I lost my job at Rural Oregon because I refused to use trigger warnings before screening horror movies to the students. 

Chanel: Obama's America. 

Lastly, the episode ends with Wes confessing to Chamberlain that his daughter is a patient at Stanford, a mental hospital, and not a student at the university. He had hoped she would “do something great, like working for Elizabeth Warren.” Yuk.

This show is dumb enough without the random, totally gratuitous political references. At least both sides of the aisle got zinged this time.