George Takei Slams Trump on Immigration: ‘New Low In American History’

June 25th, 2018 4:08 PM

The insane rhetoric used by the left in the media has reached an unbelievable fever pitch. Anywhere right of center on immigration is deemed racist, Nazi, and criminal.

On CNN’s Reliable Sources on June 24, with host Brian Stelter, actor George Takei compared illegal immigration detention to the Japanese internment camps that happened in the 1940s. Stelter began the conversation with an ominous note, saying that there “is an undercurrent of racism and intolerance in the debate about immigration.” Later on in the segment, Takei told Stelter that immigration in America is “a new low in American history.”

Takei, who experienced firsthand the terrible Japanese internment camps in 1942, has compared President Trump’s policies to this before. In 2017, he wrote in USA Today that Trump’s “America First” policy, with the travel ban, was similar to Japanese internment camps. This time, he told Stelter that history “is repeating itself, but it has gone to a new low with Donald Trump.”

The actor also expressed disgust with Trump’s executive order calling for families to no longer be separated. He said described the “new low” as children “being scattered throughout the country, making it even more difficult to reunite the families.”

Stelter then tried to make himself look like a nonpartisan journalist by expressing concern about leftist rhetoric – after he had introduced the segment by saying that “journalists can’t pretend like [racism] is not there” when it comes to immigration policy.

“I’m concerned that some of the comparisons on television to internment camps, some of the references to Nazi Germany, are so seriously offending a part of the country that they can’t hear the conversation, that they won’t hear the conversation, and that some of these comparisons are so inflammatory that they’re actually hurting your cause,” he said. “How do you respond to that?”

Takei denied it, saying that “the inflammatory rhetoric is lies … The big lie is happening with Donald Trump right now.”



Takei talked about his experience as a child in an internment camp in California, which certainly was a terrible and tragic part of American history. However, Takei did not take into account that while the Japanese-Americans were forced into internment camps, these non-American persons  crossing the border illegally are choosing to do so. There are no police or soldiers marching people across the border. The United States also does not have open borders.

There is an actual law about immigration: the focus should stop being about whether or not the administration is racist for not allowing open borders and start being about honest legal reform to solve this crisis.

While legal immigration is in desperate need of reform, making comparisons to Nazi concentration camps (where people were killed in gas chambers or starved to death) or internment camps does no good whatsoever. Just because someone disagrees with a policy does not make that policy racist.