Michelle Malkin Column: Obama Has Mastered the Photo-op Presidency

November 5th, 2012 11:39 AM
The official Obama 2012 campaign slogan is "Forward." The operational motto of the Obama administration is "Cheese." As in "say cheese." From hollow Greek columns to strategically released Situation Room candids, the Paparazzi President has put self-serving optics above all else. What did we get after four long years of expertly staged Kabuki-theater-meets-Potemkin-village productions?…

Scott Rasmussen Column: An Unpredictable End to a Predictable Election

November 2nd, 2012 5:45 PM
Election 2012 has had few surprises. So it's somewhat surprising that heading into the final weekend of the election season, we are unable to confidently project who is likely to win the White House. All year long, the economy has been the No. 1 issue of the campaign. That hasn't changed. While Mitt Romney has a slight advantage when it comes to handling the economy, neither candidate has…

Coulter Column: Romney Is What the Country Needs Now

November 1st, 2012 3:10 PM
The single most important issue in this election is ending the national nightmare of Obamacare. If Obamacare is not stopped, it will permanently change the political culture of this country. There will be no going back. America will become a less productive, less wealthy nation. What wealth remains will have to be plowed into Obamacare -- to the delight only of the tens of thousands of…

David Limbaugh Column: The Lord of the Flies Administration

October 30th, 2012 1:18 PM
Two recent ads illustrate the great cultural divide in this nation and which parties and presidential candidates represent these competing worldviews. In the handling of the economy and national security, President Obama has shown he's not capable of being the adult in the room. After four years of perpetual campaigning and cheerleading for his pet projects, he still isn't prepared to deal…

Chuck Norris Column: Barack Obama, Master of Spin

October 30th, 2012 1:12 PM
The definition of spin is to apply a slant or particular emphasis to information, as to persuade or deceive. President Barack Obama really has been pounding the pulpit the past few days, with the election right around the corner, with the help of his speechwriters. He sounds a lot like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. About the only thing Obama hasn't said is "God damn America," as Wright did.

Cal Thomas Column: Who's Really a Racist, Col. Wilkerson

October 30th, 2012 1:00 PM
On MSNBC's Ed Schultz program Friday night, the former chief of staff for Colin Powell, retired Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, said, of the Republican Party, "My party is full of racists ... and the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander in…

David Limbaugh Column: If Not 'Apologizing,' Mr. President, What Would

October 28th, 2012 11:40 PM
OK, President Obama, if you and your defenders insist on denying that you've repeatedly apologized for America, then let's quit mincing words and acknowledge you've done worse than apologize. That works for me. Maybe it is technically inaccurate to attribute the word apology to you, because you would have to identify with America more before you could apology on its behalf. Besides, I suppose…

Tyrrell Column: Singing the Blues with Barack Obama

October 28th, 2012 11:27 PM
This election is not turning out the way President Barack Obama had expected. Perhaps that is why he has looked so uncomfortable in his three debates with the suddenly debonair Governor Mitt Romney. Possibly President Obama had expected something more from the former governor of Massachusetts, the former CEO of the 2002 Winter Olympics, the former head of Bain Capital — and, incidentally, is…

Rasmussen Column: Wisconsin May Be the New Ohio

October 26th, 2012 6:20 PM
In Election 2000, Florida was the decisive state in the Electoral College. In 2004, Ohio was the ultimate battleground that put George W. Bush over the top. This year, it might come down to Wisconsin. That's a state President Obama won by 14 points four years ago. But Wisconsin has gone through an amazing two years of nonstop campaigning since Gov. Scott Walker was elected in 2010. After he…

Cal Thomas Column: So What Exactly Is Our Foreign Policy, Mr. Presiden

October 26th, 2012 5:45 PM
After watching the third presidential debate, are you clear on America's foreign policy? I thought not. That's because there appears to be no singular foreign policy, rather a series of foreign policies, which must be tailored to fit each nation. I expected Mitt Romney to go after President Obama on his most recent foreign policy failure, the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi…

Coulter Column: Obama's Half-Black but All Democrat

October 25th, 2012 12:27 PM
New York can be a lonely and desolate city. My only date on this rainy Tuesday night is Chris Matthews -- the last liberal left who will still talk to me about race. The rest of the Non-Fox Media are lying in wait, hoping I'll disappear so they can revive the old chestnuts about racist Republicans again.

David Limbaugh Column: Mr. President: Why Won't You Help Us Avert Nati

October 24th, 2012 6:40 PM
President Obama, I'd like to follow up on my most recent column and ask you a few more questions, please. I am assuming you don't dispute that our nation faces a very serious financial problem, with unfunded liabilities in excess of $100 trillion. I use the word "assuming" because I don't remember you ever spending much time talking about this problem, which is odd because the very subject…

Malkin Column: Obama's Hate Couture Divas

October 24th, 2012 10:19 AM
Talk about wearing your politics on your sleeve. An elitist clique of fashion designers has banded together to raise money for celebrity-in-chief Barack Obama and browbeat their customers into supporting him. Even worse, the Beautiful People who dress the Powerful People are putting increased pressure on conservatives to stay out of the business altogether. Out: Haute couture. In: Hate…

Cal Thomas Column: A Conservative's Appreciation for George McGovern

October 22nd, 2012 5:11 PM
Former South Dakota Democratic Senator George McGovern, who died Sunday, had all manner of evil said about him because of his opposition to the Vietnam War. He was called unpatriotic, disloyal, an appeaser and an enabler of communism. Those were the printable slanders. Many conservatives at the time believed in the "domino theory," that if South Vietnam fell to the communists, all Asia would…