
Don Lemon Shows ZERO Remorse for Trump-Russia Probe, Mocking MAGA

April 29th, 2024 1:45 PM

In an interview posted Friday with The Intercept’s Ryan Grim and Federalist editor/National Journalism Center (NJC) director Emily Jashinsky, former CNN host Don Lemon showed zero regret or remorse for CNN’s Trump-Russia obsessions, mocking Trump voters as Boomer rubes, and insisted CNN had no liberal bias.


Here Are the Five Dumbest & Smartest Questions from Last Few Briefings

March 7th, 2023 5:42 PM

With briefings on Thursday, Friday, Monday, and Tuesday, the ever-inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has had a lot of camera time as of late and the liberal media came at her with questions of substance and activism. Most notably, they’ve hit her from the left on the D.C. crime bill, Florida and Texas addressing the Biden border crisis, illegal immigration, Tennessee passing legislation…

Press Almost AWOL As Far-Left PR Firm Closes Over Harassment Charges

December 21st, 2015 12:52 AM
A leftist flack who has been waging his own personal war on women for at least a decade has been exposed. As a result, his far-left public relations firm, a leader in the field, has closed. FitzGibbon Media shut down on Thursday. That's because Trevor FitzGibbon, the firm's founder and owner, who also was "a communications director for (now-President Barack) Obama’s 2008 campaign," has been…

Environmentalists Rage Over AP Dropping ‘Climate Change Denier’

September 25th, 2015 3:11 PM
Associated Press (AP), the arbiters of style for journalism, issued new rules related to global warming and climate change coverage, infuriating liberal environmentalists. Their anger stemmed from AP’s guidance which said to use the label “climate change doubters” or “those who reject mainstream climate science” when discussing those that do not accept man-made climate change, rather than “…

Sharpton 'Not Telling Whole Truth' to Black Churches About Iran Deal

August 17th, 2015 6:16 PM
The Rev. Al Sharpton is, as usual, working as a black activist while hosting the MSNBC PoliticsNation weekday afternoon program. This time, he's calling on African-American churches to organize in support of the nuclear agreement with Iran. However, Victor Davis Hanson -- an American military historian, columnist and scholar – responded to Sharpton's charge that “our community is always…

HuffPo's Ryan Grim Bizarrely Connects Anti-Vaxxers To Koch Brothers

February 3rd, 2015 2:26 PM
On Monday night, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow brought on Ryan Grim, Washington Bureau Chief of the liberal Huffington Post, to discuss the fallout following Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.) and Senator Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) controversial comments on vaccines. Speaking to Maddow, Grim strangely connected the libertarian Koch brothers to those who oppose vaccines, arguing that “the only kind of overlap here…

HuffPost Fans Fund Reporter's Salary for Loaded Coverage of Ferguson

September 17th, 2014 7:18 AM
The Huffington Post announced that readers had chipped in $40,969 to fund a reporter staying on the scene in Ferguson to report on the ongoing conspiracy to protect brutal police and keep the blacks poor. They called it a fundraising campaign for "compelling" coverage after most of the national media moved on.

Another 9/11 Truther Hired By the Mainstream Media: Donte Stallworth t

September 4th, 2014 4:20 PM
Liberal journalists are fond of assailing conservatives as a bunch of birthers and conspiracy kooks, but don't seem to have a problem with hiring individuals who embrace the belief that the United States government had something to do with the September 11th, 2001 terror attacks. Huffington Post editor Arianna Huffington announced on Wednesday that 9/11 truther Donte Stallworth has been hired…

MSNBC's Matthews on Hillary: 'Let Her Be a Little Elitist!'; Sang Diff

June 23rd, 2014 8:57 PM
"If she's a little elitist, let her be a little elitist!" MSNBC's Chris Matthews insisted of former  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a June 23 Hardball segment on a Washington Post front-pager on how Hillary "Clinton's rarefied life could be a liability in [her 2016 presidential] campaign." "Why do people want to be fooled?!" Matthews groused moments earlier to his guests Nia-Malika…

MSNBC Panel Hits GOP 'War on Voting Rights,' 'Trying to Make It Illega

April 14th, 2014 9:24 PM
On the Monday, April 14, PoliticsNation, host Al Sharpton squeezed more mileage out of President Obama's Friday visit to the MSNBC host's National Action Network as Sharpton devoted another segment to the President's words criticizing new laws against voter fraud, with Sharpton accusing Republicans of "waging a war on voting rights." The PoliticsNation host had previously highlighted Obama's…

WATCH | MSNBC Panel: Pro-life Sidewalk Counseling Is 'Mob-like' 'Bully

October 10th, 2013 6:14 PM
Pro-life sidewalk counseling outside of abortion clinics is "bullying" and should not not accorded First Amendment's "free speech" guarantees agreed the panelists on Thursday's edition of Now with Alex Wagner. The panel in question was addressing the Supreme Court's decision to hear oral arguments in McCullen v. Coakley, a case which challenges a Massachusetts law which bars anyone but…

MSNBC's Wagner, Panel Conflate Boston Bombings with ObamaCare Oppositi

August 16th, 2013 2:34 PM
MSNBC host Alex Wagner appeared to tie Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev to ObamaCare opposition and libertarianism on Wednesday’s Now, with liberal guests Jared Bernstein and Mark Potok taking part in the anti-conservative argument. Wagner suggested that ObamaCare “extremism would seem to be of a piece with this radicalized rhetoric” that influenced the terrorist Tsarnaev. Bernstein, a former…

Reid, Grim Blast Tea Party Movement and Republican Party on 'PoliticsN

May 30th, 2013 5:37 PM
MSNBC contributor Joy Reid – in her infinite liberal wisdom – has the Republican Party all figured out. In a sneering tirade against conservatives on Wednesday’s PoliticsNation, Reid broke the entire party into five separate groups: the “angry” Tea Party, the evangelicals that “want to litigate social issues only,” the “economic conservatives” who want to “get rid of Social Security and…

On MSNBC, HuffPo's Ryan Grim Puts All the Fiscal Cliff Pressure on Hou

November 27th, 2012 1:01 PM
Throughout the liberal media's ceaseless coverage of the impending fiscal cliff debacle, they have fixated on hiking taxes on the "rich," even though doing so would come nowhere close to solving America's fiscal woes. Whatever short term gain in revenue from tax hikes will not last the federal government for very long, and another credit downgrade is inevitable if entitlement reform continues…