FLASHBACK: Lefties Frowned As America Cheered bin Laden’s Demise

May 5th, 2024 10:24 AM

While nearly all Americans were united in celebrating the death of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden 13 years ago, the Sourpuss Left instead deplored fretted the “mindless jubilation” and “jingoistic hubris” of those cheering the elimination of an avowed enemy who had ordered the deaths of thousands of innocent people.

Stephanopoulos Features Atheist on Easter Sunday Discussing...Religion

March 31st, 2013 4:47 PM
As religious people are bludgeoned with secular views by America's media practically 24/7, it would be nice if they could be given a break on their holiest days. George Stephanopoulos clearly doesn't feel that way for on Easter Sunday he invited an atheist on ABC's This Week to join a panel discussion about - wait for it! - religion (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Religion of Liberalism: Washington Post's 'On Faith' Blog

March 12th, 2012 11:31 AM
The Washington Post’s “On Faith” blog network bills itself as “a conversation on religion and politics.” But the conversation of “On Faith” more accurately resembles a diatribe justifying liberal politics with religious imagery.  During this past week, Becky Garrison claimed that Christian actor Kirk Cameron was not a Christian because he opposes homosexual marriage, and Lisa Miller…

WaPo's 'Best of 2011' Book List Loaded with WaPo, NY Times Writers

December 11th, 2011 8:58 AM
The Sunday Washington Post  issued a set of "Best of 2011" lists, and in the Arts section listing of the 100 most notable books (50 in fiction, 50 in nonfiction), the Post fulfilled its annual tradition of promoting its own staffers. In the fiction category was Bloodmoney by Post columnist David Ignatius. On the nonfiction list were Playing With Fire by Pamela Constable, The Triple Agent by…

'Spirited Atheist' Susan Jacoby Slams 'Mindless' Jubilant Crowds Celeb

May 3rd, 2011 3:48 PM
Washington Post columnist Petula Dvorak may have pulled her punches, calling Sunday night's spontaneous celebrations of bin Laden's demise "almost vulgar," but her colleague Susan Jacoby thoroughly trashed such displays as "mindless" in her "Spirited Atheist" column yesterday at the Post/Newsweek "On Faith" site:

Atheist 'On Faith' Contributor Slams Religious Americans As Having 'Mi

March 31st, 2011 11:27 AM
A best-selling book recounting a four-year-old child's claims to have briefly visited Heaven while under anesthesia for an appendectomy has "On Faith" contributor Susan Jacoby on a tear. "There really is such a thing as American exceptionalism: we are more gullible than the public in the rest of the developed world," Jacoby groused in a March 30 "The Spirited Atheist" post, part of the "On…

WaPo: Bristol Palin Is Fair Game for Insults, Since Her Mother Lives I

July 27th, 2010 6:59 AM
The "Spirited Atheist" of The Washington Post, Susan Jacoby, predictably trashed Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston as not only "poster children for the dumbing down of America" and as "most middle-class American parents' worst nightmare," but proof of what happens when religious people show off their contempt for book learning: Although the children of politicians are generally off-limits, Bristol…

WaPo's Jacoby: American Coverage of Olympics 'Profoundly Anti-Intellec

February 24th, 2010 10:40 AM
It's no secret that America's going through a difficult time - sky-rocketing debt, a struggling economy, and the highest unemployment rate in two decades - but, according to Susan Jacoby, we have bigger problems. Our nation's "greatest failing" - our nation's "social disease," she says, is our patriotism.On the blog "The Spirited Atheist," which is co-hosted by the Washington Post and Newsweek,…

The Washington Post Asks a Really Stupid Christmas Question

December 23rd, 2009 7:40 AM
The headline writers of Washingtonpost.com ought to win an award for the dumbest question of December. In a sentence promoting their discussion board for "The Secularist’s Corner," they wrote: "One in four Americans believe in 'spiritual forces' like ghosts. Is belief in the supernatural unlike the traditional story of Christmas?"Is the traditional nativity story of Jesus unlike the story of...…

Happy 4th! WaPo Publishes Book Review Lamenting Obama's Flag-Pin Weari

July 4th, 2009 8:54 AM

WaPo's 'On Faith': Pope's a 'Politician' Who Can Learn From Obama

April 11th, 2009 6:03 PM
Happy Easter, Catholics. Your pope is not much different from a secular politician exercising damage control. Fortunately, President Obama is helping him "repent faster" when he steps into controversy.That's the message being sent by the "On Faith" editorial staff with their excerpts "From the Panel" published in the April 11 print edition of the Washington Post. A partnership with Newsweek, "On…

NBC Spotlights Author Against Ignorance -- Ignorant Conservatives

February 21st, 2008 5:54 PM