Tiffany Hsu

NY Times Shouts 'Disinformation' Over GOP's Accurate Kamala Claims
Tiffany Hsu, who covers “misinformation and disinformation” for the New York Times, took the reins of the paper’s “On Politics” newsletter Wednesday under the headline and issued the latest hypersensitive mainstream media defense of the newly minted Democratic nominee under the inflated headline, “Tackling the falsehoods about Kamala Harris.” Yet much of what the paper condemned as “…

Vexed Over X! NY Times Weeps for Lost Blue Checks, Musk’s ‘Hellscape'
First the Washington Post, then the New York Times went after the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, one year after techno-entrepreneur Elon Musk purchased it and shone a light on the previous regimes squelching of conservative voices in favor of liberal “blue checks” and other anointed ones, and possibly swinging the 2020 election to Democrat Joe Biden (see “…

NYT Mocks ‘Right-Wing Fury at I.R.S. Overhaul,’ ‘Conspiracy Theories'
The New York Times’ Alan Rappeport and Tiffany Hsu devoted 1,500 words to dismissing conservative concerns over potential IRS overreach, after news the agency is hiring 87,000 new agents, at least some of whom will carry firearms: “More Money for I.R.S. Spurs Conspiracy Theories of ‘Shadow Army.’” Typically, conservative concerns and predictions were dismissed by the paper as “…

NYT Cheers ‘Impressive’ NRA-Haters, Tries to Poison Gun-Rights Brand

LA Times Now Describing Illegal Aliens As 'Informal Workers' Who 'Labo