The Crisis Industry: How Activists Profit from Panic
The world must be getting so much worse! Activists protest everywhere. Listening to them, I’d think hate, homophobia, racism and environmental threats are at record highs. But it’s not true. Despite our ugly election politics, for most people, life is better than ever. Our air and water are cleaner. People live longer and healthier lives. There’s less racism and homophobia. But if they admit…

SPLC Has Become a Left-Wing, Money-Grabbing, Slander Machine
The Southern Poverty Law Center just released a report claiming there are 1,225 hate and anti-government groups in America. These groups cause “fear and pain (in) Black, brown, and LGBTQ communities.” The SPLC lists such groups on its “hate map.” I once believed the center. Well-meaning people still do. Apple once gave them $1 million. But what donors don’t know is that today, the SPLC…

MSNBC Segment Falsely Claims Parent Organizations Are Hate Groups
MSNBC's Deadline: White House, one of the network's top-rated shows, fully leaned into its divisive view of conservatives Tuesday by touting as fact a report from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which proclaimed without evidence that parental rights groups are hate groups.
Host Nicolle Wallace huffed through multiple readings of the report, calling parents concerned…
FBI Retracts SPLC-Sourced Memo Smearing ‘Radical Catholics’
Like the Latin Mass? You could be a white supremacist.

Leftist SPLC WHINES Twitter Amplifies ‘Extreme Far-Right Voices’
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) claims in its mission statement that the organization works to “advance the human rights of all people.” But the SPLC has appeared more interested in silencing and deplatforming conservatives from platforms like Twitter in recent years than promoting so-called human rights.
The SPLC has now claimed that, rather than censor conservatives, Twitter…

Leftist SPLC President Attacks So-Called ‘Right-Wing Extremism’
Southern Poverty Law Center president and CEO Margaret Huang spoke out against the rise of “right-wing extremism” in America in an interview.

Leftist SPLC President Claims She Supports Efforts to Agree on ‘Truth’
Southern Poverty Law Center president Margaret Huang wants Americans to be more like President Joe Biden and take “a really strong position” against “hate.”

Slime of the NY Times: Four Years of Blaming Trump for Hate Crimes
Unbelievable as it sounds, the media may actually miss Donald Trump if he departs the White House in January – who else will they blame hate crimes on if he’s no longer in office? New York Times reporter Tim Arango jumped on what may be the paper’s last chance to blame physical assaults against minorities on the president, in Tuesday’s: “Hate Crimes At Highest Since 2008, F.B.I.…

MSNBC Lets Franken Lie That ACB Supports Sterilization of Transgenders
Disgraced former Senator Al Franken joined Alex Witt on her Saturday show for a lengthy discussion about the news of the day, which after President Trump's health included the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. During the segment, the network that laments the lack of truth in the politics let Franken get away with the lie that Barrett has taken money from an organization that favors the…

USA Today Gives LGBT Nonprofit Space to Panic About SCOTUS
Pity the queers (their term, not mine). Having just emerged blinking and malnourished from Mike Pence’s concentration camps, they find themselves staring into the maw of a new nightmare: a supreme court possibly disinclined to treat the constitution like a goody bag.

New York Times Frets: PragerU Circumvents ‘Professors,’ ‘Parents’

Nets Cheer Hallmark Flip on LGBTQ Ads, Tout SPLC, GLAAD Rhetoric

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