Southern Baptist Convention

NY Times Freak Out: ‘Ultraconservative,’ ‘Right Wing’ Baptists
At the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting in Nashville this week, the denomination elected a politically “moderate” pastor, Ed Litton of Alabama, as its new president, heading off what the New York Times repeatedly referred to as the body’s ultraconservative, far-right wing. The front page of Thursday’s Times featured “Southern Baptist Vote Hardens Split Over…
My Message for Southern Baptists at the Convention: Repent!
Cover-ups of sexual misconduct, allegations of racism and intimidation of those who wish to speak their minds but can’t for fear of losing their jobs. It sounds like the dysfunctional ways of the world, doesn’t it? These are just some of the problems the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) will confront this week as their 16,000 “messengers” gather in Nashville. Instead of obeying their…