On Today: CAIR Spokesman Equates Ground Zero Mosque Protest to Japanes

September 9th, 2010 12:26 PM
NBC's Meredith Vieira, on Thursday's Today show, invited on New York Republican Congressman Peter King and CAIR's Zead Ramadan to discuss the potential burning of Korans by Pastor Terry Jones and the furor over the Ground Zero mosque, but it was only King that was pressed by the Today anchor, as Vieira let Ramadan go unchallenged even when he equated opposition to the mosque to internment of …

ABC's Dan Harris Worries About Rising Tide of 'Islamophobia' in Wake o

August 16th, 2010 12:14 PM
Good Morning America's Dan Harris on Monday highlighted the worry that the proposed Ground Zero mosque could bring a "rising tide of Islamophobia in the country, with increasingly venomous fights over proposed new mosques in places like California, Wisconsin and Tennessee." [MP3 audio here.] He repeated the argument of the mosque's proponents, saying, "Defenders point out that also close to…

Scarborough to Rep. Weiner on 9/11 Responders Controversy: 'You're Not

August 11th, 2010 6:07 PM
Love him or hate him as a "conservative," MSNBC host Joe Scarborough just showed he hasn't been completely brainwashed at his network. On his Aug. 11 program, Scarborough demonstrated just how thin the veil is over the parlor tricks going on with in the U.S. House of Representatives controlled by Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi. At the center of this was the back-and-forth between Reps. Peter…

Ali Velshi Stops Rep. King From Naming Northwest Airlines Terrorist

December 26th, 2009 12:00 AM
CNN's Ali Velshi on Friday stopped Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) from divulging the name of the terrorist who tried to set off a bomb as a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam began to land in Detroit.Velshi did this claiming, "[W]e have not got any information on anyone being charged. So thank you for bringing us information. But would ask you not to name anybody on TV right now, we do not have…

CBS’s Smith Parrots ACLU Talking Points on Face the Nation

May 18th, 2009 6:05 PM
Filling in for Bob Schieffer on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, host Harry Smith helped finish the sentences of ACLU executive director Anthony Romero, while grilling New York Republican Congressman Peter King during a discussion on recent national security decisions by the Obama administration. Smith began by asking Romero about the Obama administration’s decision to reinstate military…

Sports Illustrated Columnist Peter King Bemoans Coulter's Critique of

March 16th, 2009 8:31 PM
Perhaps it was her attack on his NBC "Football Night In America" colleague Keith Olbermann that spurred this reaction. But, for whatever reason, Sports Illustrated columnist Peter King dedicated a paragraph to conservative heroine Ann Coulter in the unlikeliest of places. King, without citing the specific instance, aimed his attack at Coulter in his March 16 "Monday Morning QB" Sports…

PDS, Harlem-Style: Rangel Calls Palin 'Disabled

September 20th, 2008 10:21 AM
In the Palin Derangement Syndrome parade, this one has to be at or near the front. It comes courtesy of tax scofflaw, financial-disclosure report fudger, rent-controlled apartment hoarder -- Harlem's one, and only, Charles Rangel (D-NY). When asked Friday why Democrats are so afraid of Sarah Palin and her popularity, he answered: You got to be kind to the disabled. It's on video here at Breitbart…

NY Congressman: Whoopi Goldberg Is ‘Absolutely Insane

November 13th, 2007 2:34 PM
As NewsBuster Justin McCarthy reported Monday, "View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg, who grew up during the "Jim Crow" era, actually said that America is "not as free as it was when [she] was a kid." A few hours after this aired, Congressman Peter King (R) of New York was Steve Malzberg's guest on WOR radio. Malzberg read Whoopi's comments to King, who responded by first saying, "They are…