Norm Ornstein

Amanpour Gives Forum for Libs to Fret GOP 'Hardliners,' 'Shocking' Ad
January 23rd, 2018 1:29 PM
On the Monday edition of CNN International's Amanpour on PBS, it was a night of all liberal guests who were given an unchallenged forum to push their views against President Donald Trump and Republicans. After starting off with Planned Parenthood's Cecile Richards, host Christiane Amanpour moved to a segment with E.J. Dionne and Norman Ornstein to discuss DACA, with the guests bemoaning "…

MSNBC Guest Laments Small States Having a Large Voice in U.S. Senate
December 1st, 2017 3:48 PM
On the Thursday edition of MSNBC’s All In, guest and longtime American Enterprise Institute scholar Norm Ornstein showed his elitist disdain for the Founding Fathers and our constitutional government, bemoaning how less than half the U.S. population has a “super majority or close to it” in the U.S. Senate.

NYT's Calmes Unloads 16K Words on 'Far Right' 'Conservative Media'
July 30th, 2015 8:59 AM
New York Times national reporter Jackie Calmes spent a semester at the Shorenstein Center at Harvard University studying "conservative media," and this week issued an exhaustive 16,000-word report with the oh-so-objective title, "'They Don't Give a Damn about Governing' -- Conservative Media’s Influence on the Republican Party," blaming the "far right" for killing the moderate, pragmatic GOP,…

Lefty Blogger: Media Get an Assist If ‘Right-Wing Loon’ Ernst Wins
November 4th, 2014 11:29 AM
Kevin Drum and other pundits take the press to task for misleading Iowa voters by, in Drum's words, pushing a “charade” that Republican Senate contender Joni Ernst is a “pragmatic centrist.”

National Journal Columnist: Today's Conservative Justices Would Uphold
May 27th, 2014 12:00 PM
The liberal media continue to go to great lengths to suggest that conservatives want to turn back the clock to segregation. In an article for the National Journal, Norm Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute absurdly claimed that today’s conservative justices would uphold ‘separate but equal’ if they were transported back to 1954 to make the Brown ruling.
Ornstein argued that the…

GOP-Bashing Authors on CNN: Press Not Hard Enough on GOP
January 7th, 2013 12:41 PM
The GOP-bashing tag team of Norm Ornstein and Thomas Mann was once again welcome on CNN on Sunday. Reliable Sources host Howard Kurtz did challenge the duo's leftist indictment of the media, but Ornstein and Mann had plenty of time to insist the press has "embarrassingly failed" to hold Republicans accountable.
When Kurtz posed "Most people think the press does lean to the left," AEI's…
Bozell Column: Not Enough Liberal Bias In Loony Land
December 11th, 2012 11:23 PM
How could a liberal actually be upset with the liberal media for their coverage of the 2012 presidential election? Well, Daniel Froomkin of The Huffington Post (formerly of The Washington Post) is furious. His complaint carried the headline “How the Mainstream Press Bungled the Single Biggest Story of the 2012 Campaign.”
What would that story be? “Namely, the radical right-wing, off-the-rails…

Wolf Blitzer Asks the Conservative-Bashing Questions of GOP-Bashing Gu
May 24th, 2012 7:30 PM
Apparently at CNN, the phrase "Republicans are the problem" is not challenged, but encouraged. On Thursday's The Situation Room, lame-duck host Wolf Blitzer simply tossed softballs to GOP-bashing Norm Ornstein, who had hit the party before as "extreme" and "unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence, and science."
Ironically, Blitzer was three weeks behind schedule as Ornstein…

NPR Highlights Authors Who Say GOP Is Extreme and Rejects 'Evidence an
May 1st, 2012 8:14 AM
On Sunday, the Washington Post’s Outlook section was dominated by an article with a headline imposed over an elephant’s rear end: “Admit it. The Republicans are worse. Don’t blame both sides for gridlock. Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein say it’s the GOP’s fault.”
Within about 24 hours, there were Mann and Ornstein, being interviewed on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition. Anchor…