Joe Hagen

Matthews: Harassment Allegation Against Me Was ‘Highly Justified'
April 28th, 2020 10:12 AM
It’s been almost two months since former Hardball host Chris Matthews stepped down from his weeknight post, but the MSNBC veteran demonstrated in an interview late last week that his views are just as liberal now as they were during his decades-long television tenure. After stating that the sexual harassment charge made against him by GQ columnist Laura Bassett was “highly justified,” Matthews…

Lara Logan to Liberal Media Haters Targeting Her: ‘Nobody Owns Me’
February 20th, 2019 11:40 PM
In something of a follow up to her comments last Friday blasting the liberal media, former CBS News journalist Lara Logan appeared on Fox News’s Hannity Wednesday night with a message for the liberal media folks now targeting her and her career: “[T]hey don’t get to write my story anymore. They do not get to speak for me, I want to say loudly and clearly to anybody who’s listening, I am not owned…
NBC and CBS Battled for Bush National-Guard Hit in 2000; John Kerry Fo
April 17th, 2012 6:55 AM
At Texas Monthly, liberal writer Joe Hagan dives again into the allegations about George W. Bush shirking duty in the Texas Air National Guard in the early 1970s. It's not news that Hagan again finds disgraced ex-CBS anchor Dan Rather yammering about how he still feels the fake documents are genuine. (Even Kevin Drum at Mother Jones calls Rather "delusional.")
It's more interesting that…