Jennifer Granholm

After Days of Hype, CNN Panelists Shrug at Playmate’s Interview
March 23rd, 2018 12:40 AM
During Thursday’s Anderson Cooper 360, CNN aired their much-hyped interview with Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal, who says she had a long-term affair with President Trump in the mid-2000s. But during the panel discussion immediately afterward, their assorted journalists and commentators didn’t know what to make of it and most actually ripped into her for misleading reporters about her initial…

CNN's Costello Frets Dems Derailed Gun Control with Filibuster
June 16th, 2016 4:30 PM
As former Michigan Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm appeared as a guest on Thursday's CNN Newsroom, host Carol Costello worried that Democratic Senators have inadvertently sabotaged the possibility of new gun laws by "antagonizing' Republicans with a filibuster, which she termed as "kicking sand in their faces."
After responding to Granholm's NRA-bashing by sympathetically proclaiming, "…

Former Gov of Michigan Defends Albright: ‘Not What She Meant'
February 9th, 2016 1:07 PM
On last night’s CNN Tonight, Don Lemon sat down with former governor of Michigan (and adamant Hillary supporter) Jennifer Granholm to discuss why younger women were supporting Bernie Sanders instead of Clinton for Democratic nominee. Lemon brought up former Sec. of State Madeleine Albright’s recent comment that young women deserved “a special place in hell” if they didn’t support Hillary for…

ABC's Raddatz Changes Subject As Kristol Notes Left's 'Netroots' Chaos
July 20th, 2015 11:45 AM
In Phoenix this weekend, "Black Lives Matter" disruptors crashed the "Netroots" convention, an event the Associated Press described as a gathering of "some of the party's most influential liberal activists."
On ABC's This Week yesterday Bill Kristol had the temerity to mention some of the details of the chaos. Show host Martha Raddatz changed the subject faster than you can say "deeply divided…

Will Ohio Media Note Meeting of 2 Dem Ex-Govs Who Lost a Million Jobs?
May 20th, 2015 5:38 PM
The former Democratic governors of Michigan and Ohio are on tap to be in the same place at the same time on June 27 in the Buckeye State capital of Columbus.
This is a made-for-the-media event for the record books. I certainly can't recall a time when two former governors who oversaw a combined total of over 1 million peak-to-trough job losses during their terms in office have been at the same…

Ed Schultz: I Don’t Care If It’s Been Ruled By Democrats, Republic
August 29th, 2013 6:34 PM
Sometimes you have to wonder if anyone at MSNBC is actually watching what is being said on the network.
On Thursday’s Ed Show, host Ed Schultz actually said, “Thanks to Republican policies, and I don't care if [Detroit's] been under Democratic rule or not, it's Republican policies that have come down from the state and the country that have put this city in a bad position” (video follows with…
Media's Heavy-Handed Liberals Race to Exploit Hurricane Tragedy
October 30th, 2012 4:02 PM
Like ambulance-chasing lawyers, the heavy-handed liberal activists who populate much of the media raced to exploit Hurricane Sandy even as the storm was lashing the East Coast last night, citing it as proof of “climate change” and a reason to oppose Mitt Romney.
Yesterday afternoon, MSNBC’s Martin Bashir started a panel discussion by claiming that “people are wondering today if the current…

NBC's Lauer and Jennifer Granholm Demand Romney Explain His 'Move to t
October 16th, 2012 2:40 PM
On Tuesday's NBC Today, during a panel discussion previewing the second presidential debate, co-host Matt Lauer mandated that Mitt Romney answer charges that he's moderated his positions: "How does Mitt Romney answer that question tonight of, 'Why have you moved to the middle, have become more moderate in these closing weeks?'"
Former McCain campaign advisor Steve Schmidt rejected Lauer's…

Current TV Host Jennifer Granholm Continues Animated Rant She Started
September 18th, 2012 11:38 AM
The liveliest speaker at the Democratic National Convention has been hosting her own show on Current TV for almost 8 months now. A relatively new cable network co-founded by Al Gore that goes out of its way to hire all of the unabashedly liberal pundits it can get. Former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm has fit right in.
On Friday night’s episode of The War Room, the Canadian-born talk…

George Will Schools Jennifer Granholm on Bain Capital and Solyndra
May 27th, 2012 1:45 PM
Former Democratic Michigan governor turned Current TV commentator Jennifer Granholm got a much-needed education Sunday about the difference between Mitt Romney's involvement with Bain Capital and President Obama's forays into green energy investment.
"When Bain invested," said George Will on ABC's This Week, "it invests money that it gets voluntarily to be invested. When the president throws…

Google Chairman Schools Krugman: 'Surely You're Not Arguing Government
April 29th, 2012 12:51 PM
Google Chairman Eric Schmidt gave a much-needed economics lesson to New York Times columnist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman on ABC's This Week Sunday.
During a lengthy discussion about liberal and conservative views on how to stimulate the currently soft recovery, Schmidt - a known Barack Obama supporter - marvelously said to his left-leaning co-panelist, "Surely you're not arguing that the…

Current TV's Granholm: 'Blaming the President for High Gas Prices is L
February 26th, 2012 4:18 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, America's media have recently taken it upon themselves to make sure the soaring price of gas does not reduce Barack Obama's chances of getting reelected in November.
Doing her part Sunday was Current TV's Jennifer Granholm who actually said on ABC's This Week, "I think blaming the president for high gas prices is like blaming Rudy Giuliani for 9/11" (video…

Piers Morgan Asks Canadian-born Jennifer Granholm to Consider Running
February 24th, 2012 12:02 PM
On Thursday night’s Piers Morgan Tonight, host Piers Morgan ended his fluffy interview with former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) by encouraging her to run for higher office.
The interview started off in typical Morgan fashion with the former editor of the left-wing Daily Mirror newspaper distorting the facts on the auto bailout in reference to an interview New Jersey Gov. Chris…

Maher Cheers Murder of U.S. Citizen Awlaki Despite Favoring Civilian T
October 1st, 2011 4:47 PM
It really has been amazing watching dovish media members who were perpetually complaining about the terrorist detention center at Guantanamo Bay and the enhanced interrogation of its residents when George W. Bush was president now cheering the assassination of United States citizen turned terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki.
A fine example of this hypocrisy occurred on HBO's "Real Time" Friday when the…