David Letterman: 'Top Ten Signs Rahm Emanuel Is Nuts

March 10th, 2010 10:03 AM
In a clear sign liberal media elites are growing weary of the White House, comedian David Letterman went after President Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel Tuesday evening.During the "Top Ten" segment of the "Late Show," Letterman counted down the signs that Emanuel is nuts.Before beginning the list, Letterman explained with shocking detail that this was precipitated by Rep. Eric Massa's (D-N.Y…

Snotty: WaPo Calls Eric Massa 'An Unlikely Hero for the Right

March 9th, 2010 7:18 AM
When Rep. Eric Massa resigned Monday and conservative talk radio blazed over a radio interview Massa gave harshly attacking House Democratic leaders and White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, the Washington Post suggested Massa’s remarks weren’t really newsworthy on their own. Their headline was "Conservatives point to claim by Massa."The Post website went even further, with the snotty headline…

ABC Finally Catches Up with Democratic Scandals; Flashback: 152 Storie

March 5th, 2010 8:36 PM
ABC's World News on Friday night finally caught up with burgeoning Democratic scandals, though hardly showing the same zeal as when the networks incessantly focused on Republican Congressman Mark Foley back in 2006. On Thursday, the MRC's Scott Whitlock documented how this week the ABC evening newscast had “devoted almost six times as much coverage to Senator Jim Bunning and his temporary hold-up…

Luke Russert: Massa Will Support ObamaCare 'If He Sincerely Cares Abou

March 4th, 2010 7:52 PM
I've been leery of Luke Russert ever since the NBC reporter said, during the presidential campaign, that students at the U. of Virginia are "leaning a little bit towards Obama" because "the smartest kids in the state go there." On this evening's Ed Show, the son of the late MTP moderator gave additional reason to think that he leans "a little bit towards Obama" himself.  Speaking of the Dem…

Schultz Guest Eric Massa Lashes Out at Cheney's Disdain for Dems as We

January 3rd, 2010 10:39 PM
A New Year's wish for Congressman Eric Massa, Democrat of New York -- please don't let any microphone or television camera pass unaccosted.Appearing on MSNBC's "The Ed Show" Dec. 30, an angry Massa vilified former vice president Dick Cheney for criticizing Obama's lawyerly approach to fighting al Qaeda and for espousing his belief the Republican Party "owns the high ground" on national security (…