David Koch

Writer: Are Red States ‘Souring’ on Conservative Economic Ideas?
April 14th, 2017 5:06 PM
Whatever was the matter with Kansas when Thomas Frank wrote his book is now less daunting for the left, believes New York magazine’s Eric Levitz, who contended in a Wednesday piece that the closeness of this week’s House special election in the Wichita-centric 4th District appears to spell trouble for conservatives.

NYT's A1 Slams ‘Ultraconservative’ Koch Bros. Possibly Racist Outreach
January 6th, 2017 2:56 PM
After several months of New York Times angst over the supposed racist turn of the Republican Party, the front page of Monday’s New York Times featured a hostile report on a Koch brothers public relations campaign appealing to black voters, business reporter Hiroko Tabuchi’s “Koch Strategy Mixes Gospel And Oil Policy.” Beyond the “ultraconservative” labeling on the front page, Tabuchi found a left…

CBS's Dickerson to RNC Chair: Are GOPers 'Puppets' of Koch Brothers?
August 2nd, 2016 11:05 AM
As RNC chairman Reince Priebus appeared as a guest on Sunday's Face the Nation, CBS host John Dickerson -- using a comment from GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump about not wanting to be a "puppet" for Republican donors -- asked the RNC chairman if Republicans like Mike Pence, Scott Walker and Paul Ryan are "puppets" for the conservative Koch brothers.

Jane Mayer: Koch Brothers Reaping Racism and Hate With Trump Triumph
March 19th, 2016 2:36 PM
Journalist Jane Mayer issued another twisted attack on her own Enemy No. 1, the libertarian industrialist Koch brothers, from her New Yorker magazine perch. “Who Sponsored The Hate?” left no doubt as to who she thinks is responsible for the current Trumpian climate of political vituperation. Mayer has for years issued dark, often conspiratorial threats about the Koch brothers, the Midwestern…
MSNBC Promotes Cancer Research Funded by the Koch Brothers
March 9th, 2016 3:55 PM
While reporting on advances in cancer research on Wednesday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell inadvertently promoted the philanthropic work of billionaire David Koch, who along with his brother Charles, has routinely been vilified by the left-wing network for funding conservative political causes.
New Yorker Writer: Soros, Bloomberg Not 'Big Money' Compared to Kochs
March 3rd, 2016 8:53 PM
According to liberal New Yorker author Jane Mayer, half a billion dollars is only “big money” if it’s coming from the Koch brothers.
Mayer appeared on The View on March 3, 2016, to promote her latest conspiracy theory involving the Koch brothers: a new book entitled “Dark Money,” She claims to expose the Koch brothers “secret.” Their crime, according to Mayer? Wanting smaller government.

NYT Book Review Front Dominated by Anti-Conservative Hostility
January 25th, 2016 3:56 PM
The New York Times often uses its book review to make liberal political statements under the cover of criticism, whether by praising books by liberals that bash conservatives, or eviscerating books by conservatives that attack the left. Sunday brought the first kind, summed up by this online teaser: "Dark Money argues that the Koch brothers and a small number of allied plutocrats have essentially…
CNN Anchor Tries to Make Black Pastor State Trump Is Not a Christian
December 2nd, 2015 5:05 PM
During an interview with Cable News Network anchor Carol Costello on Monday, American Baptist Bishop Paul Morton -- who declined an invitation to attend a pastors' meeting with Donald Trump in New York City -- refused to assert that the GOP front-runner in the 2016 presidential race is not a Christian.
“As a Christian, as a kingdom representative, I care how you treat people,” the senior pastor…
Schultz Celebrates ‘Freaking Loser’ Walker's Exit; 'I Feel Vindicated'
September 22nd, 2015 6:21 PM
Reduced to a daily podcast after his MSNBC show was cancelled in July, liberal Ed Schultz spent the first minute and a half of his Tuesday podcast basking in the departure of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker from the 2016 Republican field and slamming Walker as “a freaking loser” and “embarrassment” who lacks “the academic credentials or the intelligence to be president of the United States.”

NYT Takes Trump Seriously, At Least When He Calls GOP Rivals 'Puppets'
August 3rd, 2015 10:03 PM
Strange new respect? Two days after the New York Times labeled real estate mogul and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump a racist on its front page based on thin evidence, the Times is suddenly treating one of his Twitter pronouncements as newsworthy, with Ashley Parker devoting an entire story to Trump's tweet. Perhaps because he's attacking his fellow GOP candidates as "puppets" of…
Salon Writer: GOP ‘Seeks to Roll Back…the Entire Enlightenment’
July 19th, 2015 5:39 PM
A movie dramatization of the Stanford prison experiment opened this weekend, but if you believe Andrew O’Hehir, that’s not the first time the 1971 psychological study has been restaged in some manner. O’Hehir asserted in a Saturday piece that over the past few decades, “the Republican Party has been the subject, willing or otherwise, of a version” of the Stanford experiment, with the result that…
Salon Pundit: Walker’s Rightward Shift on Immigration a Big Mistake
April 22nd, 2015 9:24 PM
Four Aprils ago, polling showed Donald Trump in or near the lead in the race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. In a Wednesday column, Heather Digby Parton suggested that Scott Walker could wind up as the Trump of this election cycle: the guy who peaked when he wasn’t even an official candidate.
Parton admitted that she’s never understood why so many Republicans think Walker’s…

Comedy Central’s Late Night Shows Mercilessly Attack Koch Brothers
January 29th, 2015 10:39 AM
Wednesday night must have been “Attack The Koch Brothers” night over on Comedy Central as both of the network’s late night hosts, The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart and The Nightly Show’s Larry Wilmore, eagerly tore into the libertarian businessmen for pledging to spend $889 million on the 2016 elections to help elect conservative candidates. Both Stewart and Wilmore opened their nightly programs by…

Barbara Walters To David Koch: People Call You ‘An Evil Billionaire’
December 15th, 2014 11:18 AM
On Sunday night, ABC’s Barbara Walters hosted her annual 10 Most Fascinating People program which featured billionaire businessman and conservative donor David Koch as one of the “most fascinating people of 2014.” A preview of the interview aired during Sunday morning’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos portraying Koch as “one of the biggest Republican donors, a reclusive billionaire, David…