Steve Jobs

ABC, CBS Trumpet Canadian Leader's 'Warm Welcome' for Syrian Refugees
December 12th, 2015 10:05 AM
On Friday, ABC and CBS's evening newscasts touted how Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau "personally welcoming Syrian refugees" as they flew into Toronto. ABC's David Muir heralded, "Trudeau greeting fathers, mothers, and children — telling them — quote, 'You're home.'" CBS's Scott Pelley spotlighted the "noteworthy landing — 163 refugees escaping the war in Syria were welcomed to Canada by…

AP Tech Writer Gives Colluding Companies an Unearned Free Pass
September 5th, 2015 11:30 PM
Here's a little parlor exercise readers can conduct with their friends who think that high-tech CEOs are the innovative saints of the universe.
The game would be to take the first three paragraphs of Michael Liedtke's Associated Press report on the collusion settlement to which that industry's major players just acquiesced, and revise it to reflect a different industry far less favored by the…
Oracle's Larry Ellison: Apple Is Going Down Without Steve Jobs
August 13th, 2013 4:05 PM
Oracle founder and CEO Larry Ellison said some amazing things about his former bestfriend Steve Jobs Monday while issuing a caution about Apple's future without him
Appearing on CBS This Morning, Ellison said, "He's irreplaceable...They will not nearly be so successful because he's gone."

Steve Jobs Told Obama in 2010 'You're Headed for a One-term Presidency
October 20th, 2011 7:14 PM
The Huffington Post has gotten a copy of the soon to be released biography of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, and there are some snippets that are destined to anger Obama-loving media members across the fruited plain.
According to author Walter Isaacson, Jobs told the President in the fall of 2010, "You're headed for a one-term presidency":
The Innovation Deficit
October 11th, 2011 6:35 AM
The death of one of the great innovators of our time, or any time -- Steve Jobs -- brings a question asked by Pete Seeger in another context. To paraphrase: Where have all the (creative) people gone; long time passing. Jobs and fellow computer innovator Bill Gates represent if not a vanishing breed, then at least one that might be classified, were it an exotic animal, as endangered.
In a…

Maher Claims Steve Jobs 'Not a Corporate Type' Before Saying 'Apple Ma
October 8th, 2011 3:53 PM
Does Bill Maher ever listen to the nonsense coming out of his mouth to make sure he doesn't contradict himself from one minute to the next?
On Friday's "Real Time," the host paid his respects to Steve Jobs by claiming how liberal the Apple founder was adding "He was not a corporate type" only to minutes later accurately note, "Apple makes their s--t in China. And they could still make it here…

Martin Bashir Attacks Herman Cain During Eulogy For Civil Rights Leade
October 7th, 2011 7:07 PM
For the second day in a row, MSNBC's Martin Bashir used the death of one man to attack a completely unrelated conservative.
Having disgustingly besmirched Sarah Palin in the middle of his eulogy for Apple's Steve Jobs Thursday, Bashir on Friday went after Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain as he paid his respects to Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth (video follows with transcript and…

Martin Bashir Attacks Sarah Palin During Steve Jobs Eulogy: 'The Very
October 6th, 2011 5:56 PM
It's becoming quite clear that there's no rock some members of the media won't crawl from under to trash Sarah Palin.
Case in point - MSNBC's Martin Bashir used his final segment Thursday to eulogize Apple's Steve Jobs as "the very best of American exceptionalism" while in the same breath attacked the former Alaska governor as "the very worst form of American opportunism" (video follows with…
Old Media Gatekeepers Worry About Losing Out to New Media Gatekeepers
January 29th, 2010 11:37 AM
When Apple CEO Steve Jobs put the New York Times at the center of the ceremonious unveiling of his company's iPad tablet device, the implication was clear: this is the future of the news--or at least Jobs wants us to think it is. He stands to gain not only financially but politically as Apple becomes a major gatekeeper for information.The news media industry itself is divided on whether e-readers…