Raul Labrador

2024 Pandering: Nets Spend 22 Mins Pushing Biden Propaganda to Voters
On Wednesday, ABC, CBS, and NBC combined for a whopping 22 minutes and 18 seconds on their lead morning shows playing Baghdad Bobs and Barbies, touting the Biden regime as dedicated to the American people with segments on their fight to ban non-complete clauses in the workplace, cracking down on airlines slow-walking refunds when things go wrong, expanding overtime rules, and letting women…

Bitter Kimmel Rants Against GOP Again; GMA Gushes He 'Hit a Nerve!'

NBC & CBS Censor Context to Make GOP Rep. Look Bad

Mika Brzezinski Absurdly Nitpicks Rep Labrador on 'Paid Family Leave'

Telemundo ignora iniciativa migratoria conservadora

Telemundo Ignores Conservative Immigration Initiative

Tea Party Congressman Makes a Fool of Chris Matthews Over Shutdowns Un

Raul Labrador Schools Meet the Press Panel on King's Dream: Your Messa

MSNBC's Melber, Reyes Conflate Steve King's Comments with Entire GOP o

Congressman Raul Labrador Slaps Down David Brooks Twice on Meet The Pr

Mormon Congressman Calls Out David Gregory for NBC's Horrible Treatmen

Tea Party Congressman Asks Cokie Roberts: Why Does Compromise Always M