Loretta Lynch
Predictable Commencement Addresses Cap Off College Indoctrination
What comes to mind in the month of June? Weddings. Vacations (and how to pay for record high gas prices if you’re driving). Graduations. Time was when many commencement speeches at major universities were about America and its values and what graduates could expect in the future. In recent years, they have become a political capstone on the progressive ideas imposed upon them in their classes…

Johnson: Trump Admin 'Terrorists,' Comey 'Pissed' at His 'Black' Boss

Maddow Accuses Comey of Casting ‘Aspersions’ on AG Lynch’s Reputation

Loretta Lynch: Reporters Pressed Me to ‘Wrap Up’ Clinton Investigation

Clinton Plays Innocent, Calls Secret Tarmac Meeting a 'Phony' Scandal

PBS's Woodruff to Clinton: 'Do You Believe the President Is Racist?'

Cuomo Dismisses Comey Bombshell About Lynch as 'Political Tribalism'

ABC Omits Comey Testimony Exposing AG Lynch as Clinton Campaigner

Press Ignores Lynch's Call For 'Ordinary People' to March, Bleed, Die

CBS's O'Donnell Helps Loretta Lynch Boost Liberal Anti-Voter ID Cause
The Race Narrative

ABC, NBC, and WaPo Bury Polls That Majority Disagree With DOJ on HRC

NY Times Downplays, Delays and Spins Clinton-Lynch Encounter