Alligators In The Moat? 'I'm Game', Says Congressman

May 13th, 2011 11:29 AM
Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) has made a video to go along with a letter to President Obama, in which Walsh expresses his concern over the president’s recent comments on immigration. “For years President Obama has said he is serious about dealing with America’s immigration issues, however, yesterday [in a speech in El Paso, Texas] he reinforced the idea that he’s not taking the issue seriously by…

Ed Schultz Lies About Bush Tax Cuts Seconds After Saying 'Republicans

April 19th, 2011 1:04 AM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, America's media have been on a full-court press to raise taxes ever since Barack Obama proposed this in his deficit reduction speech last Wednesday. So supportive of soaking the rich is MSNBC's Ed Schultz that on Monday's program bearing his name, seconds after claiming "Republicans are forced I guess you could say to make stuff up," he lied about what…

Tea Party Congressman Scolds Christiane Amanpour and Media for Not Cri

April 17th, 2011 12:55 PM
Tea Party Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) had quite an illuminating discussion with Christiane Amanpour Sunday. As the host of ABC's "This Week" pushed for higher taxes, Walsh correctly pointed out that Barack Obama's first 2012 budget proposed earlier in the year didn't address entitlement programs saying, "The President of the United States ought to be ashamed of himself, and I don't know…

GOP Rep. Blasts Liberal Media for Failing to Question Obama's Budget

April 15th, 2011 5:10 PM
Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) demanded an answer to a question today that the MRC has been asking for years: why do so many journalists refuse to ask President Barack Obama tough questions? On the April 15 edition of MSNBC's "Martin Bashir," Walsh pressed the anchor after which the program is named on why he and his colleagues are such Obama sycophants, pointing to the media's unwillingness to…

NPR's Block Hounds 'Intransigent' Freshman GOP Congressman

April 6th, 2011 7:51 PM
On Tuesday's All Things Considered, NPR's Melissa Block grilled Congressman Joe Walsh, a newly-elected member of the House Tea Party Caucus, on the impasse over the federal budget. Block questioned Rep. Walsh if there was any "middle ground" on the issue, and pressed him with the Democratic caucus's label that the Republicans' budget proposals are "out of whack and unreasonable." The host…

CBS Blames Tea Party for Possible Government Shutdown

March 31st, 2011 12:39 PM
On Thursday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Nancy Cordes portrayed the Tea Party movement as the cause of the budget stalemate in Congress: "With a government shutdown looming, sources say negotiators are homing in on a package of cuts worth $33 billion. That's roughly what Republican leaders proposed last month, before the Tea Party wing demanded that they double their proposal to 61 billion…

New MSNBC Host Martin Bashir Lashes Out at 'Disingenuous' Move by Tea

February 28th, 2011 5:07 PM
On his first day at MSNBC, new host Martin Bashir immediately adopted the network's liberal line, attacking a conservative Congressman for advocating severe spending cuts, deriding it as "the most disingenuous play on the American people." Previewing the interview with Representative Joe Walsh of Illinois, Bashir noted that he has refused congressional health care. The anchor solemnly wondered…

Civility Update: House Democrats 'Target' 19 Vulnerable Republicans

January 31st, 2011 4:29 PM
Within minutes of the tragic shootings in Tucson, the Left and their media minions were sure that violent rhetoric and gun imagery were responsible for inciting Jared Lee Loughner to that heinous act. Now, just 23 days since that horrible event and after all kinds of calls for a toning down of such rhetoric, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has issued a press release entitled "…

Partisan Inconsistency: In Close Congressional Races, AP Gives Two Par

November 28th, 2010 9:21 PM
I've noted an interesting disparity in how the Associated Press, the so-called Essential Global News Network, has covered Democratic and Republican congressional victories in situations where the counting has gone on well past Election Day. Let's contrast the amount of ink and bandwidth devoted to Republican Joe Walsh's victory over incumbent Democrat Melissa Bean in Illinois compared to the…