NBC's Gregory: Idea That Tax Hikes Hurt Economy 'One of the Falsehoods

November 28th, 2011 12:58 PM
In an interview with Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, host David Gregory dismissed concerns that raising taxes could harm the economy: "But the notion that tax cuts or tax increases somehow impact economic growth, we know historically that's simply not the case....Isn't that one of the falsehoods that's peddled in Washington?" [Audio…

The Media's Tax-Hike Fixation Is Getting Old

November 24th, 2011 9:50 PM
Bored with the Penn State scandal because it didn't implicate any prominent Republicans, the mainstream media have suddenly become obsessed with Grover Norquist's "Taxpayer Protection Pledge." They are monomaniacally fixated on luring Republicans into raising taxes. If Democrats could balance the budget tomorrow and quadruple government spending, they'd refuse the deal unless they could also…

CBS's Hill to Norquist: Why Not 'Compromise' More on Taxes

November 21st, 2011 5:33 PM
CBS's Erica Hill urged "conservative activist" Grover Norquist to influence the members of Congress who have signed his no tax hikes pledge to consider raising taxes during an interview on Monday's Early Show: "There's still not a lot getting done in Washington, even with some of the compromise. So why not push those people to maybe do a little bit more?" Hill pressed the idea of compromise…

CNN to Norquist: 'Aren't You Exactly What a Lot of Voters Hate About O

November 21st, 2011 11:57 AM
CNN's Carol Costello borrowed from the Democrats on Monday's American Morning and demanded that conservative Grover Norquist explain why he wasn't "exactly what a lot of voters hate" about America's political system. From the start of her interview with Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform, Costello bludgeoned him with Democratic talking points. Democrats had attacked Norquist…

60 Minutes: Grover Norquist 'Likes Things Ugly,' Group Has Characteris

November 20th, 2011 9:34 PM
Serious question: who do you think the liberal media loathes more: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Grover Norquist?  I'm going with 'b.' After all, Mahmoud merely wants to build an atom bomb and wipe Israel off the map, for starters. But Grover Norquist wants to keep taxes from increasing and thereby limit the growth of government. In a 60 Minutes hit piece tonight, CBS correspondent Steve Kroft…

Bill Maher: Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham Were Invited on 'Politicall

July 26th, 2011 11:39 PM
The arrogance of Bill Maher, as well as his ability to revise history, knows no bounds. On MSNBC's "The Last Word" Tuesday, the "Real Time" host told Lawrence O'Donnell the reason he invited conservatives like Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, and Grover Norquist on his hit show "Politically Incorrect" years ago was to act as his "foils" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Snarky Ali Velshi Batters Grover Norquist Over Debt Ceiling Pledge

July 18th, 2011 6:28 PM
On his Saturday show Your Money, CNN host Ali Velshi tried to pin the blame for the debt ceiling standoff on one man – the president of Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist. "Are you the reason that we don't have a debt ceiling increase right now?" he boldly asked his guest. Velshi was referring to Norquist's pledge that entails elected officials who sign it promising to oppose…

To WaPo, Grover Norquist Is Too Rigid, But Donna Edwards Keeps Obama f

July 15th, 2011 11:48 PM
On Tuesday, The Washington Post's Jason Horowitz mocked Grover Norquist's vigilance (or rigidity) against tax increases as "almost religious" in its intensity, his no-new-taxes pledge a "sacred text." So when the sandal is on the other foot, and a leftist shows great vigilance (or rigidity) against any reduction in the growth of Medicare and Social Security, is that "almost religious"? Not to…

NPR Profiles Grover Norquist, Who Hides His Donors, Isn't Wonky, and D

July 15th, 2011 6:48 AM
On Thursday’s All Things Considered, NPR profiled conservative activist Grover Norquist, the head of Americans for Tax Reform. Michele Norris began: “In the debate over the debt ceiling, one person who has outsized influence is not actually at the negotiating table.” That might sound good to Norquist’s donors, but when liberal reporters accuse someone of “outsized influence,” it means “too much…

NPR Anchor Interviews Sen. Coburn -- From the Right, with Grover Norqu

April 3rd, 2011 4:03 PM
If you thought of a place on the radio dial on a Saturday morning where Sen. Tom Coburn would be pressed as squishy, it probably wouldn't be NPR. But on Weekend Edition Saturday, NPR anchor Scott Simon asked some basic questions about a budget deal, and then shifted to Grover Norquist's criticisms of Coburn for being a tax hiker. This could be seen as quite an anti-Grover segment, with how…

CNN Highlights How Democrats Spoke Twice as Long at Health Care Summit

February 26th, 2010 11:30 AM
CNN, both on-air and on its website, highlighted how Democratic leaders and President Obama spoke more than twice as long as Republican leaders at Thursday's health care summit. CNN.com's Political Ticker on Thursday noted how Republicans "spoke for just 111 minutes, about 30 percent of the total speaking time." The statistic was also cited on Campbell Brown on Thursday and American Morning on…

Hardball Spins: Bayh Quitting Because There's No Room for 'Centrists

February 15th, 2010 6:39 PM
Since the announcement of his resignation from the Senate the common label (from CNN to MSNBC) of Indiana Democratic Senator Evan Bayh seems to be that of a "centrist." On Monday's Hardball both Chris Matthews and his guest panelist NBC News' Chuck Todd called Bayh a "centrist," which is an inaccurate label for someone who, as NB's Matthew Balan pointed out, has a lifetime ACU rating of 20 and…

See Kos for Clunkers: Grover Norquist Has More Media Clout Than Gore

July 31st, 2009 3:55 PM
The media is so dramatically conservative in Washington, D.C. that Grover Norquist outranks former Democrat presidents, vice presidents, and presidential candidates in the booking order. So claimed the Daily Kos blogger known as "Dengre" in a post on "The bias we fight." Be amazed: And as we fight we need to know that we start every round of every battle at a disadvantage. If you are a liberal or…

The Other Side of the Health Care Debate the Matador Media Should Be H

June 30th, 2009 6:48 PM
For the Matador Media, One Side Fits All As the media walk hand-in-hand with the Left towards their fantasy-addled government medicine Utopia, they routinely forget that there is another perspective out there as to whether or not the government should commandeer the nation's private health care system. A perspective on which they, had they not already…