Salon’s Walsh Jumps the Shark -- Calls GOP Senators Bigots for Invok

June 29th, 2010 7:57 AM
Did you know that calling attention to an area where a Supreme Court justice nominee is from, which happens to be a well-known bastion of liberalism, is bigoted?  If you didn't, you want to take a look at the wisdom of's Joan Walsh. In her June 28 post "It's not even coded bigotry anymore," Walsh argued that references to SCOTUS nominee Elena Kagan's Upper West Side of Manhattan roots…

Matthews: Republicans Putting Pins in Kagan Like She's a Voodoo Doll

June 28th, 2010 7:12 PM
From the morning to the evening Chris Matthews, during MSNBC's coverage of Elena Kagan's hearing on Monday, berated what he saw as GOP mistreatment of Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee, calling their performance at times, a "brutal assault" and even evoking strange imagery of Kagan having pins stuck in her by Republicans. Early in the day the MSNBC host complained that Republican Senator Jeff…

Chris Matthews Thinks Sen. Sessions' Criticism of Kagan Was a 'Brutal

June 28th, 2010 6:25 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews framed Sen. Jeff Sessions' criticism of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan as a "brutal assault," during MSNBC's live coverage of the Senate hearing Monday afternoon."It's a brutal assault on this nomination," Matthews complained about the Alabama Republican's remarks.Matthews also seemed to cast Sessions as an unsophisticated country bumpkin challenging Kagan's prestigious…

AP for Apple Polishers: Elena Kagan 'Excelled by Dint of Hard Work, Sm

June 28th, 2010 2:53 PM
Are the Elena Kagan confirmation hearings an occasion for media explanation...or celebration? The Washington Post Express tabloid ran this headline Monday: "Kagan's Big Day Finally Arrives." The copy underneath by AP reporter Nancy Benac sounds like a proud mother more than an objective journalist. She suggested "it may be her own words that best explain her success at charting an undeviating…

Networks Defend 'Consensus Builder' Kagan; Downplay Military Recruiter

June 28th, 2010 12:38 PM
The Monday morning shows on CBS, ABC, and NBC all worked to portray President Obama's Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan as a moderate and open-minded legal scholar, downplaying her liberal views. All three network programs also minimized her controversial decision to ban military recruiters on campus while Dean of Harvard Law School.On CBS's Early Show, legal correspondent Jan Crawford touted…

VIDEO: Media Routinely Used 'Conservative' Label on Bush Nominees to S

June 28th, 2010 11:13 AM
When President Bush nominated John Roberts and Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court in 2005, the media did not hesitate to describe both men as "very conservative," but when President Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor in 2009 and Elena Kagan this year many in the press couldn't seem to identify any liberal ideology. The Media Research Center has produced a video compilation of examples to further…

MRC Study: Media Blackout of Supreme Court 'Battle

June 24th, 2010 10:32 AM
When President Obama picked Elena Kagan to replace Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, the broadcast networks referred to the upcoming Senate confirmation process as “contentious” a “meat grinder” and a “battle,” warning Kagan was “in for a fight.”But a Media Research Center analysis of the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts in the six weeks since Kagan was nominated shows the broadcast…

WaPo Devotes 60-Paragraph Front Page Story to Workaholic Kagan, Pays L

June 10th, 2010 4:37 PM
Borrowing a line from one of her Harvard colleagues, the Washington Post entitled its June 10 front-page profile of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, "Her work is her life is her work."*But the 60-paragraph story by staff writers Ann Gerhart and Philip Rucker shed barely any light on the judicial philosophy that Kagan's life work demonstrates. Instead, Gerhart and Rucker presented a gauzy…

CBS Reporter: Thin-Skinned White House Won't Tolerate Reports Elena Ka

June 8th, 2010 11:07 AM
On Sunday’s Face the Nation, CBS legal correspondent Jan Crawford revealed how the Obama White House is “strongly” pushing back against her unsurprising report last week that Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan “stood shoulder to shoulder with the liberal left” when she clerked for liberal Justice Thurgood Marshall.Crawford says the White House reaction to her report “has been astonishing....Their…

CBS Chief Legal Correspondent Annoyed White House Trying to Conceal Ka

June 6th, 2010 2:00 PM
This is probably what a lot of people suspected, but couldn't tie it all of it together until documents and memos from President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan were made available to the public - that she is beyond a shadow of a doubt liberal. Still, the White House has insisted Kagan's judicial philosophy doesn't line up ideologically - that she is neither liberal nor…

AP Changes Clinton-Era History To Call Elena Kagan Pragmatic

June 6th, 2010 12:20 PM
The Associated Press apparently thinks its readers are either too young or too stupid to remember something that happened thirteen years ago.On Friday, the Clinton Presidential Library released formerly private documents from the '90s that revolved around Elena Kagan's stint as an advisor to President Clinton. Of particular interest was her encouraging Clinton to veto a ban on partial birth…

CBS: Memos Show Kagan ‘Stood Shoulder to Shoulder with the Liberal L

June 3rd, 2010 11:43 PM
On Thursday’s CBS Evening News, correspondent Jan Crawford filed a report recounting revelations that Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan has a history of taking solidly liberal positions on issues like abortion, gay rights, and gun control – with evidence in the form of memos, some going back to her days working for liberal Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Crawford: "Documents buried in…

To Media and Left, Wartime Service Unimportant for Supreme Court

May 27th, 2010 1:25 PM
The United States is fighting two wars - in Iraq and Afghanistan - so it's natural that the nation's leaders have a solid understanding of what war is about. But President Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court has no wartime experience and if she is confirmed, that would mean no member of the highest court would have served in the military in or near combat. This is a major shift for a…

George Stephanopoulos Spins Supreme Court Collegiality as Another Reas

May 27th, 2010 12:40 PM
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday touted Supreme Court collegiality from Justice Antonin Scalia as a real victory in the battle over Elena Kagan's nomination. Stephanopoulos enthused, "Justice Scalia, who is likely to be a conservative adversary if Kagan gets confirmed, pointed out that everybody on the bench now is a judge." (Kagan is likely to be a conservative adversary…