Douglas Wilder

WashPost Promises to Help Tear Down Former GOP Governor of Virginia
July 30th, 2014 9:22 AM
The Washington Post has deeply and lovingly covered the corruption scandal around former Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell, and couldn’t contain its excitement over the trial. In Sunday’s newspaper and in Tuesday’s Post Express tabloid, they highlighted this preview in headlines: “It’s Going To Be Ugly.” They couldn't wait for the ugliness.
What neither headline explained was that they were…
WaPo Continues to Downplay Negative Developments for Va. Dem Governor
September 25th, 2009 12:32 PM
The Washington Post on Friday buried the announcement by Douglas Wilder, a popular Democratic ex-governor of Virginia, to not endorse his party’s current nominee for that office, Creigh Deeds. The Post placed the story, with the bland headline, "Wilder Declines to Endorse Anyone for Governor," below the fold in the Metro section. In contrast, the Washington Times highlighted it on the front page…