NBC's Lauer to Dan Quayle: Wasn't Romney 'Wrong' and Obama 'Right' on

December 8th, 2011 11:14 AM
In an interview with former Vice President Dan Quayle on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer pushed Quayle to admit that Mitt Romney was wrong to oppose Obama's auto bailout: "[He] said, 'You know what? Let Chrysler fail.'...There would have been thousands of jobs lost. Did he get it wrong? Did President Obama get it right by bailing out the auto industry?"   Quayle endorsed Romney on…

Maher Tells Leno That Bush, Palin, Perry and Bachmann Are Idiots - But

September 12th, 2011 12:55 AM
Within seconds of his introduction on Friday's "Tonight Show," Bill Maher attacked leading Republicans. In a truly delicious example of instant karma, moments after calling Dan Quayle, George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, and Michele Bachmann idiots, the pompous, more arrogant than most Maher spoke of how important the "Iowa primary" is (video follows with commentary):

ABC, NBC Highlight Huckabee Comments on Unwed Pregnancy and Natalie Po

March 7th, 2011 7:03 AM
 Saturday’s Good Morning America on ABC, the Today show on NBC, and the NBC Nightly News all gave attention to potential Republican presidential nominee Mike Huckabee’s recent words from the Michael Medved Show lamenting the example set by the unwed pregnancy of actress Natalie Portman. But, while Huckabee might have been better served if he had also made a point of praising her for keeping her…

Like Father Like Son, NBC's Today Show Covers Ben Quayle Like He's a J

August 20th, 2010 11:52 AM
NBC's Kelly O'Donnell, in a story aired on Friday's Today show, traveled to Arizona to profile Republican Ben Quayle's run for Congress and in the process gave Dan Quayle's son the same sort of treatment the former Vice President received from the media, as the NBC correspondent treated him like a joke. While O'Donnell briefly mentioned that Ben Quayle is a small business owner, the thrust of her…

ABC Links Dan Quayle’s ‘Potatoe’ to His Son: ‘Dust off the Jok

August 16th, 2010 2:00 PM
Saturday’s Good Morning America on ABC devoted a full report to former Vice President Dan Quayle’s son Ben’s run for Congress in Arizona, focusing primarily on perceived gaffes by both him and his father. As anchor John Berman set up the report, he gave the impression that he views the former Vice President primarily as a joke: "It's time to dust off the jokes and hold on to your potatoes. Who…

Maureen Dowd Attacks Dick, Liz, Mary (Cheney), Palin and Limbaugh

October 15th, 2009 10:45 AM
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd must have woken up on the far-left side of the bed Tuesday given the number of prominent conservatives she chose to abuse in her article published Wednesday.In "Daisy Chain of Cheneys", Dowd went after former Vice President Dick Cheney, his two daughters Liz and Mary, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, former Vice President Dan Quayle, Rush Limbaugh, the…

Andrea Mitchell Gratuitously Drags Up ‘88 Debate Slam During Quayle

August 28th, 2009 1:49 PM
MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Friday used an interview with former Vice President Dan Quayle to gratuitously highlight Lloyd Bentsen’s famous 1988 slam, "You're no Jack Kennedy." Although Quayle appeared on "Andrea Mitchell Reports" to share his reflections on the passing of Ted Kennedy, the cable anchor sniped, "One of your toughest moments was during the debate with Lloyd Benson when you compared…

Time's Twisted 'Worst Vice Presidents' List

August 22nd, 2008 5:57 PM
Correction/Author's Clarification:  Since I wrote this, Time has added two vice presidents to its list, one of them Henry Wallace. There were originally 13 VPs named; now there are 15. The cache page of the first VP listed, Aaron Burr, shows him as "1 of 13." I don't know for how long that will be shown. Is someone at Time reading NewsBusters? Time Magazine names the "Worst Vice Presidents in…

ABC's Claire Shipman: Some Call Gore the 'Best' VP in 'Modern History

July 30th, 2008 11:55 AM
During a segment on Wednesday's "Good Morning America" about the selection of vice presidents and what goes into the choice, reporter Claire Shipman gushingly introduced a clip of Al Gore's wisdom on the subject. She fawned, "But the man who is often named as the best choice in modern history, and who orchestrated a great choice himself, has some key advice." Shipman didn't say who, exactly,…

Old Media Ignores Obama's '57 States,' Obsessed Over Quayle's 'Potatoe

May 11th, 2008 11:56 PM
During the 1992 presidential campaign, when incumbent Vice President Dan Quayle made a spelling mistake, the New York Times was all over it. It's clear from the Times's story that the rest of the media was also in full pursuit: So Jay Leno has a week's worth of new Dan Quayle jokes. At a school here, everyone was quite hush-hush the day after the visiting Vice President spelled potato wrong…

Paper Promotes Anti-Bush Video by Pot-Dealing 'Speedway Bomber

November 8th, 2007 11:09 PM
The front of Thursday’s Washington Post Style section carried a report from Monica Hesse on how the toy makers at Lego were a little embarrassed that one of their "Creativity Awards" was handed to an eight-year-old who would like President Bush impeached: That last one's winners were announced last week, and Bethesda's Kelsie Kimberlin, 8, got the nod. The judges of Lego's first annual Creativity…