
McCabe: I'm 'Responsible' for FBI Lies in Russia Probe, Nets Ignore

November 10th, 2020 9:10 PM

When pressed by Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) about “who’s responsible” for the FBI’s misconduct and lies in the Russia collusion investigation during a hearing Tuesday, former FBI Deputy Director turned CNN analyst Andrew McCabe told the committee: “I am certainly responsible as a person in a leadership position.” His testimony was the latest in a string of damaging…


Cover Up: Nets Punt on Bombshell FBI Texts, Steele Dossier Revelations

September 25th, 2020 3:51 PM

To no one’s surprise, the top morning and evening broadcast network newscasts have yet to utter a word about either of the week’s two major bombshell’s in how the FBI went about its spying of the Trump campaign and Operation Crossfire Hurricane. With one pertaining to text messages from FBI agents and the other about a key Steele dossier source having been investigated as a possible Russian…


Biden Campaign Headquarters: CNN Drools Over Biden Speech

August 31st, 2020 11:58 PM

On Monday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, host Brianna Keilar colluded with senior political reporter Nia-Malika Henderson, security correspondent Josh Campbell, and political director David Chalian to hype Joe Biden’s speech on violent protests and to lie about President Trump. Keiler called labeling Biden a socialist “a hard sell” and Campbell attacked Trump with the “fine people on both…


McEnany Lowers Boom on Reporter, Eviscerates the Left’s Russia Lies

May 15th, 2020 10:29 PM

Unfortunately for the liberal media, it’s become a routine for White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany to shred them for their years of biased reporting and daily shenanigans. On Friday, CBS News Radio’s Steven Portnoy found himself on the receiving end after he wondered what crimes the President thought were committed in “Obamagate.” Like she’s done repeatedly in her short tenure,…


PARTY: CNN Celebrates ‘Black Cloud’ of Probe Lifting for McCabe

February 14th, 2020 3:18 PM
It was a great day for the body politic-poisoning and ethics-free CNN on Friday as the Department of Justice announced that their contributor Andrew McCabe would not be facing charges for lying. In the three shows since news broke, it was nothing but an ebullient sense of relief for the network, celebrating how “a black cloud” has lifted despite all “he has endured” and having suffered “a…

CNN Insists We Feel Bad for Andrew McCabe After Trump ‘Attacked’ Him

February 12th, 2020 7:33 PM
CNN continued to embody its Jeffrey Zucker-led moniker of being an ethics-free, fear-mongering, and liberal-heavy network as The Situation Room and host Wolf Blitzer again attempted to make viewers feel bad for CNN contributor Andrew McCabe, the former acting FBI director (who’s under criminal investigation). Why? Because hours earlier, McCabe was again “a prominent target of” President Trump’s “…

CNN's Toobin Slams Trump's 'North Korean-Style Punishment' of Vindmans

February 10th, 2020 11:55 PM
On Monday's The Situation Room, liberal CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin went over the top into hyperbole by claiming that President Donald Trump's dismissal of both Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman and his brother from their jobs at the White House amounted to "North Korean-style punishment of the whole family." They were executed? 

Annihilation: NRO’s Cooke Takes Massive Blowtorch to the Farcical CNN

December 20th, 2019 5:06 PM
Following up on his February 11 tour de force on the national embarrassment that is the dishonest liberal media, National Review editor Charles C.W. Cooke concluded 2019 with another masterpiece for the magazine’s December 31 issue that NewsBusters readers will enjoy in “CNN Is Not a News Network.” Cooke eviscerated CNN as having become “a peculiar and unlovely hybrid of progressive propaganda…

FISA Judge's FBI Rebuke Gets 10 SECONDS on CBS, While ABC, NBC Skip

December 18th, 2019 5:15 PM
Nick Fondacaro reported that the networks skipped over the bombshell -- yes, bombshell -- that the judge overseeing the FISA court unleashed a harsh critique of the FBI late on Tuesday. So we wondered if they all kept skipping it on the morning shows. The answer is Yes, with an asterisk. CBS This Morning gave it ten seconds in their top-of-show clip melange called "Eye Opener." Don't blink, you'…

CNN Airs Hatefest on ‘Offensive’ GOP Criticizing Vindman

November 19th, 2019 5:11 PM
In between the two impeachment hearings on Tuesday, the CNN panelists almost universally (with the exception of Scott Jennings) tore into Republicans as offering “ineffective,” “offensive,” and “unconvincing” arguments amounting to a “cherry picking...side show” that dared to criticize Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman.

CNN's New Day Only Has Guests Who Want More Gun Control

November 17th, 2019 6:25 PM
In their first show after the Santa Clarita school shooting, the CNN morning team on New Day handled the story in their typical fashion of only having guests who support more gun control and who falsely portray Republicans as having no proposals for how to lessen mass shootings. The show also included the bizarre recurring theme of beginning the discussion by lamenting that gun control had not…

Not The Onion: Baldwin Brings on McCabe to Bash ‘Trump Conspiracies’

October 1st, 2019 5:20 PM
To be blunt, weekday afternoon CNN Newsroom host Brooke Baldwin is the daytime version of Don Lemon. While she’s promoted as a journalist, she’s no more than a pro-impeachment and pro-Resistance partisan who accepts most everything liberal guests tell her. Such was the case on Tuesday when she lectured viewers about how raising questions about the Biden family or the whistleblower was tantamount…

Lewandowski to CNN : I Never Lie Under Oath, Unlike Your Contributors

September 18th, 2019 9:00 AM
When Alisyn Camerota of CNN questions Corey Lewandowski regarding his truth-telling standard, he zings her by saying he never lies under oath, "which is clearly more than some of your contributors." Lewandowski singles out CNN contributor Andy McCabe, who is under criminal referral for lying to the FBI and the Inspector General. 

CNN Defends McCabe, Portrays Him as Victim of 'Vindictive Crusade'

September 13th, 2019 6:03 PM
Shortly after prosecutors recommended charges for former FBI Deputy Director-turned-CNN contributor Andrew McCabe for lying to investigators, his colleague, CNN Chief Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin, rushed to his defense during an appearance on CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin Thursday. While dismissing the seriousness of the charges against McCabe, Toobin also attempted to portray him as the…