
CRAZY CNN: Kamala’s ‘Fantastic’ Speech Came ‘From the Mountaintop’

August 12th, 2020 11:40 PM

On Wednesday’s Situation Room, CNN analysts, hosts, and reporters debased themselves and reminded us of their embarrassing, shameless, sophomoric, and unserious operation with their reactions to Kamala Harris’s “beautiful,” “conversational,” “fantastic,” and “warm” speech that sounded like it was delivered “from the mountaintop.”


CNN: Harris’s ‘Vibrance’ Will Face ‘Powerful Forces’ of Racism, Sexism

August 11th, 2020 11:31 PM

On CNN’s The Situation Room, the assembled panel of Zuckerville citizens continued Tuesday to set the table for what could be years of uncritical coverage of Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) in a hypothetical Biden administration. Over the course of the two-hour show, she was called “barrier-breaking,” “fascinating,” “historic,” and a “trailblazer” possessing “energy,” “…


NYT Columnist: 'I Will Crawl, I Will Bike, I Will Hike' to Vote Biden

August 5th, 2020 5:23 PM

On Monday evening, CNN host Wolf Blitzer gave an unchallenged forum to New York Times columnist Tom Friedman as he vowed to do whatever it took to get to the polls and vote against President Donald Trump and install Democrat Joe Biden in office: "I will crawl, I will slither, I will bike, I will hike!" 


Awful: CNN REFUSES to Ask NBA Commish About China Ties, Biden Donation

July 30th, 2020 3:14 AM

Hours after ESPN decided to stand up to China on Wednesday by publishing a devastation piece on player abuse at the NBA’s Chinese academies, CNN and Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer brought on NBA commissioner Adam Silver for a 16-minute segment that not only ignored the league’s love affair with the communist, concentration camp-running country, but Silver’s support for Joe Biden.…


IRONY! CNN’s Harwood Insists Trump Is ‘Functioning’ Like ‘A Child’

July 28th, 2020 9:30 PM

Lacking any sense of irony, CNN White House correspondent and ethically-compromised hack John Harwood engaged in a tu quoque (so a common logical fallacy) during Tuesday’s Situation Room, decrying President Trump for “functioning at the level of a child” detached from reality and possessing “profoundly disturbing leadership” on the coronavirus pandemic. So how ironic that Harwood, in…


Rooting for the Virus? CNN Boasts Pandemic Is ‘Beating’ Trump ‘Badly’

July 23rd, 2020 9:39 PM

Through its rhetoric on the coronavirus pandemic, CNN has made it abundantly clear its goal has been to send Americans into mentally-crippling fear over the coronavirus pandemic and blaming President Trump directly for the rampant loss of life. Thursday’s Situation Room did that in reacting to the White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing, bragging that “the chickens [have come]…


Smug CNN Demands Schools Stay Closed, Trump Stop Being ‘Rosy’ on Virus

July 22nd, 2020 9:08 PM

CNN’s The Situation Room continued Wednesday to vent the network’s anger with President Donald Trump, upset he hasn’t engaged in mentally-crippling fear-mongering about the coronavirus pandemic, demanded he stop giving a “rosy” outlook, and express disappointment with his pleas for schools to reopen.


Fear-Loving CNN Lambastes Briefing, Suggests ‘Rosy’ Trump Doesn't Care

July 21st, 2020 10:03 PM

White House Coronavirus Task Force briefings returned for what one could call a second season on Tuesday and, once again, CNN’s Situation Room decided that such briefings are again a waste, entirely political, and feature a President speaking from notes who not only doesn’t care about the American people, but has refused to scare Americans into crippling fear over the virus.


They Think You're Stupid: CNN Carries Less Than Half of Virus Briefing

July 21st, 2020 6:24 PM

Showing how much they not only hate the American people but think they’re unintelligent, CNN carried less than half of the first episode of the reincarnated White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing, choosing to wait until the question and answer portion to allow viewers to listen to the latest news and thinking of President Trump. All told, they carried 12 minutes and 18 seconds of the…


CNNers Admit They Hate ‘Lazy’ Trump: He’s ‘Failed the American Public’

July 14th, 2020 10:32 PM

One of the more intriguing affects that Donald Trump’s presidency (and, prior to that candidacy) has been his ability to have the left and their media allies to say “the quiet part” out loud, discard masks of objectivity, and show little care for the public they serve. Such was the case on Tuesday’s Situation Room as host Wolf Blitzer and assembled guests openly stated their hatred for the “…


Repulsive Liberal Media Spin Trump's Hope Speech into Hate Speech

July 6th, 2020 10:37 PM

On Friday night, President Trump began the Fourth of July weekend with a 42-minute speech celebrating American history, our Founding documents, and patriotism at Mount Rushmore. Naturally, CNN and MSNBC chose to declare it “a culture war bonfire,” “a love letter to white supremacy,” “divisive,” and laden with “racist dog whistles.” MRC analysts examined CNN and MSNBC’s Friday and Saturday…


CNN Panel Rages Against Trump's Use of 'Kung Flu' as 'Overtly Racist'

June 24th, 2020 7:40 AM

Based on Monday’s edition of The Situation Room, it looks like the liberal media are running out of talking points to use when trashing President Trump. Host Wolf Blitzer and the panel repeatedly trashed the President as a racist and managed to invoke yet another Trump-Nixon comparison.


Mask-Free Acosta Scolds McEnany for Announcing She Won't Wear a Mask

June 20th, 2020 6:39 PM

Delivering a report from the White House on Friday’s edition of The Situation Room, CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta scolded White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany for saying that she would not be wearing a mask at President Trump’s campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ironically, as Acosta criticized McEnany, who described the decision to wear a mask as a “personal choice…


Saturday Night Hate: CNN Spews Lies, Compares Cops to North Koreans

June 15th, 2020 3:18 PM

CNN’s crusade against police continued Saturday night as protests broke out in Atlanta after the death of Rayshard Brooks 27-year-old African-American man who was intoxicated behind the wheel in a Wendy’s parking lot, resisted arrest, stole an officers taser, and tried to use it before being shot dead in the back. Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer led the mob, allowing falsehoods and…