PBS: Alito, an Insurrectionist Opposed to Peaceful Transfer of Power?

May 22nd, 2024 4:13 PM

Taxpayer-funded PBS took another bite out of the Justice Alito flag controversy on Sunday’s edition of PBS News Weekend, interviewing New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor, who made the front page with her scoop that the American flag briefly flew upside down outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in January 2021. Laura Barron-Lopez, perhaps the network’s most…


PBS Host Slams 'Damaging Denialism' Among Trump's Possible Veep Picks

May 21st, 2024 8:21 PM

The taxpayer-funded PBS NewsHour keeps obsessing over clips from NBC's Meet the Press where host Kristen Welker pesters potential Republican vice-president picks refuse to commit to conceding the 2024 election before anyone votes. Host Geoff Bennett -- formerly of MSNBC -- complained this has become GOP "orthodoxy" and proclaimed "we know how damaging this denialism is for our…


As United Methodist Church Empties Out, PBS Embraces LGBTQ Takeover

May 19th, 2024 1:30 PM

The latest example of taxpayer-supported celebration of the gender alphabet came on Friday’s PBS NewsHour. Anchor Geoff Bennett set the scene of a Christian denomination in crisis. But after laying out the grim facts, Bennett didn’t grill his guest, Rev. Valerie Jackson, about the mass exodus from the denomination. He certainly didn’t invite an opposing religious conservative voice into the…

PBS Wrecks Texas for Abbott's Pardon: 'White Right-Wing Conservatives'

May 18th, 2024 5:27 PM

The PBS NewsHour on Friday questioned Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s pardon of “convicted killer Daniel Perry” as a sop to the white right. Host Geoff Bennett loaded his lead to tar Abbott’s decision right from the start. "Abbott had faced pressure to issue the pardon from white right-wing conservatives, including then FOX News host Tucker Carlson."


PBS 'News' Bias: Upside-Down Alito Flag Bigger Than Kavanaugh Assassin

May 18th, 2024 11:57 AM

On Friday’s PBS NewsHour, the Week in Review segment dove into the New York Times “scoop” that the flag flew upside down for a few days in January 2021 outside the home of Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito. This was Big News? Two years ago, when a man showed up outside Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s house intending to assassinate him, the NewsHour didn’t find…

PBS Takes Pro-Hamas Line on Israel: 'Mass Expulsion' of Palestinians

May 17th, 2024 10:11 PM

Wednesday’s edition of the PBS NewsHour forwarded pro-Hamas historical talking points to paint Palestinians as endless victims of yet another war they launched against Israel, matching up with the network’s consistently slanted coverage of the current Israel-Hamas war. It’s been 76 years since Arab countries attacked the fledgling state of Israel en masse in 1948 to strangle the…

PBS NewsHour Touts Abortion as a Boon for Democrats as GOP Bumbles It

May 15th, 2024 7:51 PM

The PBS NewsHour on Monday attempted to bolster the struggling Biden re-election campaign by focusing on a purported Democratic issue, abortion, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in all 50 states. Reporter Laura Barron-Lopez presented Democrats on the move and Republicans on the defensive.


PBS Mocks Non-Protesters: No Right to 'Convenient Path to the Library'

May 11th, 2024 12:22 PM

Tuesday’s PBS NewsHour actually brought on a critic of the pro-Hamas protesters currently infesting college campus quads across the country, which so far have gotten a nearly free ride from scrutiny (there’s certainly been little scrutiny of the pro-Biden groups funding them). New York Times columnist David French is no hard-core conservative, but his opinion that the “…


Capehart On Biden's Israel Critics: 'Haven't Been Paying Attention'

May 11th, 2024 10:00 AM

Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart told Friday’s PBS NewsHour that anyone who believes that President Joe Biden is playing politics by withholding aid from Israel hasn’t “been paying attention.” Unfortunately, for both Capehart and Biden, the latter’s previous comments about Israel and its enemies are resurfacing and they put that claim very much in doubt.

PBS: Trump's Wild Gestapo Remarks vs. Biden Faces 'Jaded Electorate'

May 9th, 2024 6:10 AM

The “Politics Monday” segment of the PBS NewsHour, as hosted by substitute anchor William Brangham, was spicier than usual. Brangham found “controversy” on Trump’s side (no surprise there) but President Biden eluded blame for his poor polling -- blame a “jaded electorate” instead. Brangham: "It's already shaping up to be a busy political week, as Republicans navigate the fallout from…


PBS Hails ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Win for Minors, Including Mastectomy

May 5th, 2024 6:04 AM

The PBS NewsHour was back to its old rhetorical tricks this week on the LGBTQ front. Lately the outlet has been reacting with pro-transgender alarm when yet another state restricts transgender surgery for minors. But it had cause to celebrate on Tuesday, covering a “groundbreaking ruling” that somehow didn’t shake up the other media outlets enough to cover.


PBS Wonders Why College Protests Are Labeled Anti-Semitic

May 4th, 2024 10:02 AM

The cast of Friday’s PBS NewsHour was greatly confused. Host William Brangham didn’t understand why the anti-Israel college demonstrators, on the whole, have been branded as anti-Semitic, while Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart didn’t know why it is so hard for the demonstrators to protest Israel without degenerating into anti-Semitism.


PBS Again Takes Side of Pro-Hamas Campus Agitators: Just Like Vietnam?

April 28th, 2024 4:07 PM

Thursday’s PBS NewsHour covered the hate virus spreading on progressive college campuses nationwide of agitators threatening Israel and Jewish students. Of course, that’s not how PBS saw it, painting those pro-Hamas protesters as standing in the honorable shoes of the 1960s campus rioters that changed the course of American involvement in Vietnam. PBS also took on a University of…

PBS Sympathizes With Pro-Hamas Campers at Columbia: ‘Free Speech’

April 27th, 2024 8:38 PM

Tuesday’s edition of the PBS NewsHour took a deep-dive look at the anti-Jewish, pro-Hamas protesters camped out at Columbia University, with some “protesters” spewing eliminationist rhetoric at Israel and telling Jewish students to “go back to Poland.” One girl stood in front of a group of Jewish counter protesters holding a sign that read “Al Qassam’s next targets.” (Al…