REPORT: 28 States Take on Big Tech; 20 Battle Online Censorship

March 31st, 2021 2:56 PM

Congress has remained locked in a stalemate over how to tackle Big Tech tyranny. Meanwhile, state governments have stepped up and decided to take matters into their own hands where the federal government has failed. The partisan gridlock in Congress grew more apparent as Republicans and Democrats clashed with Big Tech executives —  and with each other —  in a March 25 hearing. Twenty-eight…

AP Backs Down from Trying to Spin Court-Packing as 'Depoliticizing' It

October 12th, 2020 9:22 PM

Nick Givas at Fox News reported editors at the Associated Press were pressured to add an editor's note to a story about the Supreme Court on Saturday, trying to spin the idea of "packing the court" as "depoliticizing" it. 

NYT Goes Down on the Farm to Fawn Over Montana Sen. Jon Tester

June 4th, 2018 9:29 PM
New York Times reporter Nicholas Fandos hiked out to Montana to talk to Democratic Sen. Jon Tester of Montana for Monday’s edition. Tester, who may be tested in the fall as he’s up for re-election in a state Donald Trump carried by 20 points, was fawned over on his farm by Fandos, both in the main story, “Senate Democrat in Deep-Red Montana Isn’t Sweating Trump’s Threats,” and also an “Inside the…

NYT Eager to Use Parkland to Cripple 'Hard-Line...Belligerent' NRA

April 12th, 2018 4:43 PM
More unseemly eagerness in Thursday’s New York Times to use the tragic murders in Parkland to help Democrats gain Congress, while weakening constitutional rights. Reporter Alan Blinder went to Helena, Montana searching out “red state” voters willing to reject the “iron rule” of supporting the National Rifle Association,  which is "hard line," shows "belligerence," and demands "lock-step loyalty."

Montana Editor Calls Out and Corrects AP, Reporter Darlene Superville

January 3rd, 2018 8:06 PM
On Saturday, Frank Miele, the managing editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell, Montana, recounted what he called an "unexpected chance to put my finger in the dike holding back the flood of fake news caused by those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome." Miele acted on an "unfounded" story about one of President Donald Trump's tweets by the Associated Press's Darlene Superville, who "…

CNN Reporter Admits: We Report from Obama's Liberal 'Arc of History'

May 27th, 2017 11:02 AM
Soopermexican at The Right Scoop caught an amazing admission in the midnight hour on Friday morning, as CNN was beginning to mourn another Democratic loss in a special election for the House of Representatives. Media reporter Dylan Byers lamented that voters in Montana weren't even really paying attention to their incessant coverage of GOP candidate Greg Gianforte's violent treatment of Ben…

On CNN, Atlantic's Frum Slams Limbaugh; Injects Race into MT Assault

May 26th, 2017 4:25 PM
On Friday's New Day on CNN, during a discussion in which panel members fretted over Republican reaction to GOP Rep.-elect Greg Gianforte violently attacking a reporter, The Atlantic's David Frum managed to inject race into the discussion as he theorized about what Rush Limbaugh would have done if Gianforte were a black Democrat. Frum: "Had the congressman been a black Democrat, imagine what Rush…

AP, After Another Dem Loses: Montana Race 'Not So Much' a 'Trump Test'

May 26th, 2017 11:16 AM
Longtime media bias observers know that if a Democrat wins a single special election race for national office during a Republican presidential administration, the press will say it's evidence that the nation's voters have changed their minds about which party should occupy the White House. If the Democrat loses ... well, in the pre-Internet era, the national press would pretend that the race…

CNN Blames Trump for Violence, Didn't Mind Guest Threatened GOP Rep

May 25th, 2017 5:32 PM
On Thursday morning, CNN’s New Day linked President Trump’s frequent criticism of the liberal media to Montana Congressional candidate Greg Gianforte’s violent incident with a reporter Wednesday evening. Appearing on the morning show, The Washington Post’s Karoun Demirjian whined: “You’ve got this kind of culture of, you know, reporters are the enemy going on and it depends. You see a lot of…

Guilt By Association: Mitchell Sneers Assault Is ‘Extension’ of Trump

May 25th, 2017 4:02 PM
Guilt by association. That’s what Andrea Mitchell believes. Despite the fact that Donald Trump is on another continent, the Andrea Mitchell Reports anchor thinks that the assault against a journalist by a Republican congressional candidate is an “extension” of the President. Talking about Greg Gianforte’s attack on Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs, the MSNBC host connected, “There is so much…

Cuomo Links MT Assault to GOP 'Ratcheting Up Hostility to Media'

May 25th, 2017 11:23 AM
On Thursday's New Day on CNN, Chris Cuomo repeatedly tried to tie the national Republican party to Montana congressional candidate Greg Gianforte assaulting a reporter. After the CNN host unsuccessfully tried to get the reporter in question -- Ben Jacobs of The Guardian -- to make such a link, he then raised the issue in a later segment as he recalled a "ratcheting up of hostility towards the…

Hypocrite Rubin Loses It Over Montana Incident, Blames Trump

May 24th, 2017 11:25 PM
On Wednesday night, Montana Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte allegedly body slammed The Guardian’s Ben Jacobs the night before the state’s special election. Jacobs went to a hospital to be checked out and had his glasses smashed, so what’s known about the incident isn’t pretty to say the least. Importantly, any assault of anyone (reporter or non-reporter) isn’t okay. This should…

NYT Ties MT Republican Tight to Trump, ‘Scandal,’ ‘Russia,’ and All

May 24th, 2017 2:58 PM

Tuesday’s New York Times reporter Julie Turkewitz, who covers the “Rocky Mountain region” for the paper, is excited about Democratic prospects in a special election for the House in Montana. Her ostensible focus is Republican candidate Greg Gianforte, “Billionaire in Montana, Using Trump’s Playbook.” The online headline added: “What Scandal? In Montana Race, a Republican Is Following the Trump…

WashPost Whines for Wyoming Woman Who Drove 400 Miles for an Abortion

May 8th, 2015 11:34 AM
To liberal media outlets, the saddest thing about abortion is how women seeking to terminate their baby may have to drive more than 20 minutes to a clinic. The Washington Post on Thursday offered a 2,390-word opus on a woman named Emily [last name sympathetically withheld] who procured an abortion in Missoula, Montana, driving 407 miles from Wyoming. The headline was “The long drive to end a…