
Phony CNN Journalist Lets Guest Blame Trump for Deaths on Puerto Rico

August 29th, 2019 11:15 PM
In a truly disgusting display of partisanship during CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront Thursday, former Obama administration official (who's now passed off as a journalist), Jim Sciutto allowed Democratic strategist Maria Cardona to claim President Trump was responsible for the 3,000 Puerto Ricans who died in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.

CNN Anchor Uses 'If It Saves One Life' Argument to Push Gun Control

August 22nd, 2019 8:05 AM
On Tuesday's Erin Burnett Outfront on CNN, fill-in host Kate Bolduan twice employed the lame "if it saves one life" argument that's typically not used on other issues as she made Republican guest Rob Astorino debate both her and liberal CNN contributor Aisha Moodie-Mills on gun control. Instead of having a discussion on the merits of whether gun control would help matters, Bolduan was more…

Helping Hand: CNN’s Erin Burnett Gives Sanders Rep Tips on Spinning

July 18th, 2019 3:15 PM
Are you a political campaigner having a tough time selling your expensive, socialistic plan? Just go on CNN, where (if you’re lucky) an anchor will tell you how you’re doing it wrong. That’s what happened when Democratic-socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders’ senior campaign advisor Jeff Weaver went on Erin Burnett Outfront on July 17.

Solid: Tapper Grills McGrath About Comparing Trump’s Election to 9/11

July 10th, 2019 5:59 PM
Amidst the liberal media’s Beto-like treatment for Kentucky senatorial candidate Amy McGrath (D) and NBC’s hit piece against McGrath opponent and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, CNN’s The Lead host Jake Tapper didn’t follow in lockstep on Tuesday, pressing McGrath on her long odds and her gross analogy comparing the 2016 election to September 11, 2001.

CNN Brings Out Biased April Ryan to Bash 'Liar' Sanders One More Time

June 14th, 2019 9:58 AM
At the news that White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders would be leaving her post at the end of the month, CNN shamelessly spent their primetime hours that night giving her most bitter foe in the press free reign to bash her character. Both Erin Burnett and Don Lemon brought on April Ryan, who isn’t event CNN’s own White House correspondent, to slam Sanders one last time as “suffering…

They LOVE It: CNN Report Repeatedly Calls Trump a ‘F***ing Idiot’

May 1st, 2019 9:07 PM
It’s not often that CNN gets to share their more vulgar thoughts against President Trump. So, when Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) read a text message from anti-Trump FBI investigators calling the President a “f***ing idiot” on live TV (uncensored) during the hearing with AG Barr on Wednesday, CNN got to live vicariously through Trump critics that didn’t need to worry about FCC violations and fines…

Sanders Hits Back at April Ryan as Someone Who ‘Isn’t Taken Seriously’

April 22nd, 2019 4:19 PM
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders joined Monday’s Fox & Friends and responded to the latest insults from ever-bitter CNN political analyst and American Urban Radio Networks White House correspondent April Ryan, who had stated on Thursday that Sanders “can’t” be “trust[ed]” and quipped that she should have her head “lopp[ed]”

Watch CNN’s April Ryan Rage, Demand Trump Fire Press Sec. Sanders

April 18th, 2019 10:34 PM
A CNN political analyst and American Urban Radio Networks White House correspondent, April Ryan has never liked White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders. The reporter had once started a feud with Sanders because she thought the Secretary didn’t really bake a pie, and even suggested the Secretary wanted to fight her. But in the wake of the Mueller report, and Sander’s testimony in it, Ryan…

Media Try to Use Notre Dame Fire to Embarrass President Trump

April 15th, 2019 11:18 PM
On Monday as the world watched in horror as the famous Notre Dame Cathedral burned, a deeply concerned President Trump put out a tweet urging for water-tanker helicopters to be used to put out the blaze. We later learned that French authorities didn’t use them because the weight of the water could cause further destruction. Despite many other people thinking the same thing, members of liberal…

CNN: Resort Breach Evidence Trump Administration Loose With US Secrets

April 3rd, 2019 12:07 AM
On Tuesday, we learned of a Saturday incident at President Trump’s Mara-a-Lago resort where the Secret Service’s apparent incompetence struck again when a Chinese national managed to bluff her way past them only to be stopped by the receptionist. But according to a discussion of national security and cybersecurity experts on CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront, it was somehow indicative of an…

Undaunted By the Facts, CNN Continues to Push Collusion Conspiracy

March 26th, 2019 11:38 PM
“[T]he Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the [Russians] in [their] efforts…” That’s what Attorney General William Barr wrote in his letter to Congress summarizing the Mueller report. Yet, despite the facts compiled after two years of investigations, CNN continues to breathlessly push conspiratorial…

CNN Shocked to Find Latinos Who Support Trump, Border Wall

March 19th, 2019 11:27 AM
CNN journalists were shocked this week to find out their own poll revealed 34 percent of Latinos support President Trump. Correspondent Miguel Marquez highlighted the numbers as he spoke to pro-Trump Hispanics in his report which first played on Erin Burnett OutFront Monday evening, then replayed on New Day Tuesday morning.

CNN Rips President Trump for Hugging, ‘Groping’ American Flag at CPAC

March 5th, 2019 11:56 PM
Apparently, when President Trump took time to hug the American flag on the CPAC stage on Saturday, he triggered people on the left and sent them into a tailspin. And in a report during Tuesday’s edition of Erin Burnett OutFront, CNN reporter Jeanne Moos dedicate time to hype negative responses on Twitter and by late night comedians, while lampooning the President for his display of affection for…

Obsession: CNN, MSNBC Spend 428 Minutes on Cohen, 12 on NoKo Summit

February 28th, 2019 1:08 AM
For all the liberal media’s prior pontifications about Wednesday being a “split screen” between two major events for President Trump, the congressional testimony of his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen and the denuclearization summit with North Korea, they were sure to only give the latter just a few pixels.