Ellie Light
Conan: Ben Carson Wants to Return America to Pre-Civil War Era
May 5th, 2015 11:56 AM
On Monday, neurosurgeon and Tea Party favorite Ben Carson officially threw his hat into the 2016 presidential race and after his announcement, Conan O’Brien mercilessly attacked his conservative ideology on his late night TBS program. Conan smeared Carson as “an African American and also a member of the Tea Party. Yeah. Making him the only African American who wants to go back to the way things…

Heads Didn't Roll: State Department Officials Who 'Resigned' Over Beng
December 26th, 2012 11:00 AM
On December 18, in covering the aftermath of the official report on the terrorist raid on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya which killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the Associated Press reported in the first three paragraphs of its coverage that "Three State Department officials resigned under pressure," identifying those who had stepped down as "Eric…

CBS's Gayle King: 'Obama is Doing A Very Good Job'; Supports Buffett R
May 1st, 2012 12:04 PM
CBS anchor Gayle King, an admitted friend of Michelle Obama and a donor to Mr. Obama's reelection campaign, trumpeted the President's record during an interview with Nicholas Ballasy of The Daily Caller on Saturday: "President Obama has done everything that he said he was going to do, and I think people keep forgetting that....if you ask me, I think President Obama is doing a very good job…
State Lawmaker Discredits Campbell Brown's 'Misinformation' About Ariz
July 7th, 2010 2:09 PM
Debating the fallout of the Obama administration's attempt to squelch Arizona's popular immigration law before it goes into effect later this month, CNN's Campbell Brown on July 6 challenged a chief advocate of the law with a multi-pronged assault, only to see her attacks thwarted and her "misinformation" corrected.In a blatant contradiction, Brown dismissed State Senator Russell Pearce's (R-Ariz…
Media Reaction to 'Ellie Light' Scandal: You're Welcome for the Letter
January 28th, 2010 5:15 PM
After getting caught with their pants down on letter-to-the-editor pages, newspapers around the country apparently haven't embarrassed themselves enough yet. Instead of admitting Ellie Light's submission should never have gotten published, editors have recently tried to save face by using remarkable spin: opinion pages are a "privilege" that people should be thankful for, even if they are full…
Media Came Down Hard on Pro-Iraq War 'Ellie Light'-like Tactic in
January 27th, 2010 6:02 PM
Managing Editor's Note: The following was originally published at Greyhawk's Mudville Gazette blog on January 25, 2010. Wow - growing evidence that multiple identical letters appearing in multiple different newspapers under multiple names implies some sort of astroturf campaign. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, at this development. The story of "Ellie Light" was exposed in the Cleveland Plain-…
Dude Writes Like a Lady: Pro-Obama Letter Spammer Ellie Light Is Actua
January 27th, 2010 10:31 AM
As Austin Powers would say, "it's a man, baby!"A male health care worker from California outed himself to the Cleveland Plain Dealer yesterday as "Ellie Light," the pro-Obama letter writer who duped nearly 70 newspapers into publishing his letters.The Plain Dealer's Stephen Koff has the story:A man who identified himself as Winston Steward, 51, of Frazier Park, Calif., says he made up the name "…
MRC-TV: Bozell on Newspapers' Sloppy Handling of 'Ellie Light' Letters
January 26th, 2010 11:03 AM
Three days ago, NewsBusters contributor Candance Moore wrote about pro-Obama letter-to-the-editor spammer "Ellie Light" who had duped some 40+ papers (the number stands at 68 now), into publishing nearly identical letters that praised the president. In each case, the writer claimed to hail from cities or towns served by the local newspaper's print circulation.Today, Fox News Channel's "America's…
Obama-Loving Spammer 'Ellie Light' Dupes 42 Newspapers
January 23rd, 2010 11:02 PM
In January, an anonymous person supposedly named "Ellie Light" launched a massive PR campaign on behalf of President Barack Obama.The goal appears to have been to infiltrate as many newspapers as possible to spread pro-Obama propaganda -- as if the press needed the help. Light's plan was simple enough: write a compelling letter to the editor, pretend to be a concerned reader in the region, and…