White House Enacts Rules Inhibiting Media From Covering Oil Spill

The White House Thursday enacted stronger rules to prevent the media from showing what's happening with the oil spill in the Gulf Coast.CNN's Anderson Cooper reported that evening, "The Coast Guard today announced new rules keeping photographers and reporters and anyone else from coming within 65 feet of any response vessel or booms out on the water or on beaches -- 65 feet."He elaborated, "Now,…
Noel Sheppard
July 3rd, 2010 11:28 AM

Obama Rated One of Best Presidents Ever - Better Than Reagan

A survey of 238 "presidential scholars" released Thursday ranked Barack Obama as one of the nations's best presidents ever.According to the Siena College Research Institute, Obama is currently in the fifteenth position an amazing three spots AHEAD of Ronald Reagan. Imagine that: a man that has been in the White House for less than eighteen months and hasn't accomplished anything is considered…
Noel Sheppard
July 3rd, 2010 10:16 AM

AP Quietly Lowers the 'Normal' Unemployment Bar to

Those looking for evidence that there is a move afoot in the establishment press to lower the bar for whatever economic accomplishments might be accomplished during the Obama administration will be interested in how the Associated Press's report on the government's June jobs report defined "normal" unemployment. Perhaps it's valid for reporters Jeannine Aversa and Christopher Rugaber to refer to…
Tom Blumer
July 3rd, 2010 10:15 AM

Open Thread: Democrats 'Deem' A Faux Budget Was 'Passed

NB Staff
July 3rd, 2010 9:14 AM

Comedian Makes Courtney Love Abortion Jokes

This week comedian Ragan Fox ventured into the abortion-for-laughs arena. Fox is a "gay poet and performance artist," according to Wikipedia, most well known for his Sirius Radio podcast, Fox and the City. CBS announced on June 30 that Fox will soon do a stint on its reality show, Big Brother 12. WiredUpdate.com described Fox's most recent podcast (Warning: PG-13): Today we are going to…
Jill Stanek
July 3rd, 2010 8:57 AM

Underreported: The Irony of BP's 'Beyond Petroleum' PR Crusade

One narrative the liberal media has strenuously failed to develop is the incredible irony of BP presenting itself as the greenest oil company, the "Beyond Petroleum" folks who recognized they were boiling the planet with oil. In Friday's Wall Street Journal, Mark Mills reviewed a new book, Oil, by Tom Bower:  But the most interesting figure in Mr. Bower's narrative is not Mr. Putin but BP's Lord…
Tim Graham
July 3rd, 2010 8:25 AM

Bozell Column: Oliver's Ugly America

Oliver Stone shocked many when his movie “World Trade Center” was released in 2006. It was a masterpiece, a meditation on two firemen trapped in a darkened tomb of broken concrete, twisted metal and shattered glass. They had rushed headlong into the collapsing skyscrapers, only to be buried alive. So many of their colleagues died, but in the end these heroes were located by searchers and rescued.…
Brent Bozell
July 2nd, 2010 11:16 PM

AP Report Understates the Financial Impact of LIHEAP's Heap of Liars a

At the Associated Press, Kelli Kennedy's Thursday report on fraud and abuse in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which is well done in several aspects, nonetheless significantly understated its losses.The AP dispatch deals with a now-released Government Accountability Office report on the results of investigations in nine states. Here are the first four paragraphs of…
Tom Blumer
July 2nd, 2010 11:12 PM

CNN's Sanchez on Mel Gibson: 'Very Politically Involved

Today on CNN, Rick's List host Rick Sanchez was, as he likes to say, all over and drilling down on a story of major import.  No, nothing about the dismal unemployment numbers we're seeing this recovery summer.  Despite repeated teases on the topic, he didn't get around to it.Sanchez was all over and drilling down on the latest Mel Gibson antics, despite pushback from his audience:SANCHEZ: Some of…
Mike Bates
July 2nd, 2010 8:20 PM

Pro-Life Activists Disrupt Jimmy Kimmel Show Taping

Read backstory here. Huffington Post and FishbowlLA have also now picked up on this.I ended my post yesterday with the Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust staging a protest in front of comedian Jimmy Kimmel's home yesterday morning.They followed that with a protest at Kimmel's studio on Hollywood Blvd in LA yesterday afternoon. I should mention the Survivors have been holding their annual pro-…
Jill Stanek
July 2nd, 2010 6:04 PM

CNBC’s Greenburg, CNET.com’s Del Conte Suggest Twitter's 'Fail Wha

The Twitter "Fail Whale": An irritating part of anyone's day that regularly uses social networking in their day-to-day activities. But could this endanger the viability of Twitter as long-term business? A couple of analysts say think so. Both CNET.com senior editor Natali Del Conte and Herb Greenburg of CNBC Business News suggested Twitter's infrastructure problems could pose issues for Twitter'…
Jeff Poor
July 2nd, 2010 3:25 PM

More Washington Post Ethics Issues: Blogger’s Employment by White Ho

You would think in the wake of the problems with former Washington Post blogger Dave Weigel in addition to abandoned plans by the Post's publisher Katharine Weymouth to charge lobbyists and trade groups thousands of dollars for access "to top congressional and administration officials for $25,000 a plate" at a dinner party her home, the folks at the Post would be a little more careful with their…
Jeff Poor
July 2nd, 2010 2:24 PM

Angry Keynesian: Krugman Threatens to 'Punch' Detractors 'In the Kisse

Paul Krugman is known for throwing a bomb or two from his platform in the New York Times, but it's really tough to take him for a violent fellow. In his July 2 blog post, "I'm Gonna Haul Out The Next Guy Who Calls Me ‘Crude' And Punch Him In the Kisser," Krugman lamented criticism of his support for more stimulus spending. A July 1 editorial in The Economist noted that the economy needs more…
Jeff Poor
July 2nd, 2010 2:07 PM

CBS's Chip Reid Rails Against Failure to Extend Unemployment Benefits

CBS's Chip Reid on Thursday railed against the Senate for failing to extend unemployment benefits. The Evening News reporter opined, "So who's fault is that? On the surface, it appears Senate Republicans are to blame. Led by Mitch McConnell, they killed the bill with a filibuster." At no point did Reid or fill-in anchor Scott Pelley discuss whether unemployment benefits should be extended yet…
Scott Whitlock
July 2nd, 2010 12:23 PM