WashPost Columnist Examines the Plight of 'Occuparents

If you didn't think the Washington Post coverage of the Occupy D.C. protests jumped the shark with the Sunday paper's coverage of Occupy lust at first blight, maybe Petula Dvorak's online column "Occupy squalor: the ultimate test for helicopter parents," will do the trick. "Occuparenting isn’t easy," Dvorak began. "Your precious children? The ones who had violin lessons and SAT tutors and…
Ken Shepherd
January 12th, 2012 4:17 PM

NBC Touts Gordon Gekko Impersonator Greeting Romney in South Carolina

In a report for Thursday's NBC Today, correspondent Peter Alexander promoted attacks on Mitt Romney: "There's been no let-up in the barrage of criticism over Romney's record as the former head of Bain Capital." Alexander pointed out: "This Gordon Gekko impersonator greeted Romney's arrival in South Carolina." A scene from the movie "Wall Street" was played with actor Michael Douglas…
Kyle Drennen
January 12th, 2012 3:30 PM

PBS Host Singles Out GOP Candidates for Hostility to Poor, 'We're In a

PBS host and leftist activist Tavis Smiley called out Republican candidates for their hostility to the poor in America, on Thursday morning on MSNBC. Appearing during the 7 a.m. hour of Morning Joe, he singled out four candidates by name and warned that "we're in a world of trouble" due to their campaign trail rhetoric. As a PBS host, Smiley benefits from public funding. That has not stopped…
Matt Hadro
January 12th, 2012 3:26 PM

Who Wouldn't Enjoy Firing These People

Earlier this week, Mitt Romney got into trouble for saying, "I like being able to fire people who provide services to me." To comprehend why the political class reacted as if Romney had just praised Hitler, you must understand that his critics live in a world in which no one can ever be fired -- a world known as "the government." (And a tip for you Washington types: Just because a person…
Ann Coulter
January 12th, 2012 3:13 PM

Time Magazine Promotes Moms Demanding That Breastfeeding Be Shown on

It apparently wasn’t edgy enough for “Sesame Street” to plan a segment where a scantily clad Katy Perry flirted with Elmo the Muppet. Now Time magazine’s "Healthland" blogger Bonnie Rochman reports that those “progressive” breast-feeding advocates want the whole breast. They are “lowering the boom” with a petition demanding Sesame Street return to PBS Seventies-style, insisting four-year-olds…
Tim Graham
January 12th, 2012 1:26 PM

John Berman Hyperbolically Warns of Romney's 'Ever More Scathing Anti

"Good Morning America" reporter John Berman on Thursday hyperbolically warned that Mitt Romney is taking his "ever more scathing, anti-Obama message" to South Carolina. The correspondent then proceeded to play up every new attack on the Republican front-runner. Speaking of South Carolina, Berman fretted, "It's not just the warm weather, but the warm welcome to his ever more scathing, anti-…
Scott Whitlock
January 12th, 2012 1:01 PM

Conservative South Carolina Is Home of Dark (Unsubstantiated) 'Undercu

After Mitt Romney’s comfortable win in the New Hampshire Republican primaries Tuesday, media attention shifts to the next primary, in socially conservative South Carolina, which New York Times campaign reporter Jim Rutenberg claims is “a place famous for surfacing the dark undercurrents of American politics” in his Wednesday front-page story, “In South Carolina, Challenges Await on Ideology and…
Clay Waters
January 12th, 2012 12:56 PM

Deceptive Detroit Free Press Headline Reads as Blaming Tea Party for D

Given the underlying story, the following headline to a Thursday story at the Detroit Free Press is either a big mistake or a deliberate attempt to focus blame where it absolutely does not belong: "Man on probation, fined for role in tea party scam." Excuse me while I question whether the Freep deserves the benefit of the doubt. L.L. Brasler's story is really about how the second of two…
Tom Blumer
January 12th, 2012 12:49 PM

NBC's Brokaw Hypes GOP 'Jihad' Against Romney; Confuses Mitt and Georg

Appearing on Thursday's NBC Today, special correspondent Tom Brokaw touted GOP presidential candidates attacking Mitt Romney's business experience at Bain Capital: "It's the Republican Party equivalent of a jihad....the real danger for the Republicans is that it will deeply divide the party at a time when they want it to be united." [Audio available here] While promoting the Republican…
Kyle Drennen
January 12th, 2012 12:43 PM

Poor Ratings Get Current TV Dumped in the UK, CEO Whines About Murdoch

Current TV isn’t just largely unwatched in America. Mimi Turner at The Hollywood Reporter notes its horrible ratings in the United Kingdom are causing BSkyB to drop them. “Co-founder and CEO Joel Hyatt has launched an astonishing attack on the Rupert Murdoch-backed pay TV platform, accusing it of shutting down the channel in an act politically motivated by News Corporation.” It sounded just…
Tim Graham
January 12th, 2012 12:07 PM

Open Thread: Some Good News for Religious Liberty

Some good news as our starter topic today: The Supreme Court ruled that churches have the right to hire and fire whoever they wish, contrary to the Obama administration which was trying to apply standard employment law to churches:
NB Staff
January 12th, 2012 11:05 AM

One-Year-Old Child Left Alone in Occupy D.C. Tent, Network Morning Sho

A 13-month-old child was found yesterday morning, unsupervised and wearing only a onesie, in a tent in the Occupy D.C. squatters camp in McPherson Square. To their credit, some Occupiers notified authorities, who arrested a man who showed up later claiming to be the baby's father. That being said, it's just the latest criminal incident which highlights the ongoing problems of the 3-month long "…
Ken Shepherd
January 12th, 2012 10:50 AM

Obama Appreciation, Tea Party Bashing on the Cover of the NYTimes Sund

Diversity, New York Times style. “Bipolar America,” the cover feature for the Sunday New York Times Book Review, compiles reviews of three new books on Tea Party-related politics, one reviewed by veteran liberal journalist Michael Kinsley, two others judged by Timothy Noah, veteran liberal journalist for The New Republic. Noah says Geoffrey Kabaservice, author of the strongly titled Rule and…
Clay Waters
January 12th, 2012 10:33 AM

Chirpy CNN Host Prank Calls Sleeping Kerry Kennedy to Ask About Father

"Hi! Is this Mary Todd Lincoln? It is? Sorry for waking up before 6 A.M. but this is Ashleigh Banfield of Early Start and I just want you to know we are live on the air so, please, No F-bombs. Hee! Hee! Anyway, I know how much you love watching plays so I want to ask if you are still haunted by the assassination of your husband who was sitting right next to you at Ford's Theater." Is this…
P.J. Gladnick
January 12th, 2012 10:01 AM