
ABC Outs Juror No. 10 in Hunter Biden Trial, CBS/NBC Obscure Identity

June 12th, 2024 10:59 AM

Following the three felony convictions of Hunter Biden on Tuesday, ABC seemingly exposed the identity of one of the jurors against his will. The contrast was obvious, ABC broadcasted his face across the country while CBS News and NBC News both noted that he didn’t want his identity revealed and took precautions to protect him.


ABC Primes Pump for Biden to Intercede in Hunter’s Felony Conviction

June 11th, 2024 2:02 PM

For months, the liberal media have praised President Biden as a supposed pillar of the rule of law and touted his promise that he would accept any verdict in his son Hunter’s felony gun crime trial. But following the three guilty verdicts on Tuesday, ABC News seemed to prime their audience to expect him to intercede with the full powers of the presidency. The network also pouted about the…


STUDY: Kinder, Gentler Coverage for Hunter Biden’s Criminal Trial

June 11th, 2024 9:50 AM

A Media Research Center analysis shows the networks have done their best to keep their coverage of Hunter Biden's criminal trial to a minimum, avoiding any discussion of the more serious legal allegations surrounding Hunter’s business dealings. ABC, CBS and NBC have also shown consistent sympathy towards an obviously dysfunctional First Family.


ABC, CBS, NBC Bemoan ‘Heartbreaking’, ‘Painful’ Hunter Biden Trial

June 7th, 2024 1:46 PM

Aside from a zero Thursday on ABC’s Good Morning America, the “Big Three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC have had segments on every newscast this week about Hunter Biden’s gun trial, but like we’ve seen, the flavor skewed heavily toward seeking sympathy for the First Son as he’s had to endure “dramatic”, “heartbreaking”, and “painful” details about his life being made public.


Hunter Trial Watch: Nets Hawk ‘Controversial’ Laptop on ‘Painful’ Day

June 5th, 2024 5:30 PM

On Wednesday morning, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC continued to surprisingly give full segment to the Hunter Biden trial, but this left the overall tally at 37 minutes (37:11) versus the 71 minutes (70:43) at this point in the Trump trial. On the substance, they all casually brought up Hunter Biden’s “controversial” laptop despite years of either denying its existence or brushing it…


Hunter Biden Trial Roundup: The ‘Laptop From Hell’ WAS ALWAYS REAL

June 4th, 2024 11:55 PM

With today’s coverage of the happenings of the Hunter Biden gun trial comes a major piece of vindication for anyone reporting or attempting to report on the existence (and, subsequently, the contents) of Hunter Biden’s “Laptop From Hell”. The major network newscasts (mostly) reported on the laptop, albeit tangentially and reluctantly.


Hunter Biden Trial Watch: ABC, NBC Puff ‘Emotional’ Hunter on Day One

June 4th, 2024 2:52 PM

Following nauseatingly soft and sympathetic-seeking coverage on Monday morning and evening about the first Hunter Biden trial, Tuesday morning brought about even more of the same about the “emotional” First Son “getting support from the First Family” who’ve “rush[ed] to his defense”. The coverage disparity grew even more stark with a total of 23 minutes and 30 seconds through three news cycles…


BLESS THE ‘CHILD’: Hunter Biden Gun Trial Gets Pillow-Soft Treatment

June 4th, 2024 1:45 AM

The networks must have collective whiplash. The brutality and edge of their coverage of former President Donald Trump’s Manhattan business records trial is eclipsed by the collective tenderness with which they’re handling Hunter Biden’s federal trial on gun charges in Wilmington, Delaware.


Hunter Biden Trial: Nets Whine ‘Sad & Sordid’ Tale Is ‘Punching Bag’

June 3rd, 2024 2:41 PM

Surprisingly, the major broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC had full reports on their flagship morning news shows about the start of the first Hunter Biden trial to the tune of eight minutes and 43 seconds, but were crestfallen over the “sad and sordid” trial getting underway that’s already taken “a real personal toll” on President Biden as a lead GOP “political punching bag”.


ABC, NBC Giddily Tout ANOTHER Far-Left Smear of Conservative Justice

May 17th, 2024 12:58 PM

ABC’s Good Morning America (GMA) and NBC’s Today eagerly touted in faux serious tones early Friday a new front in the left’s war to delegitimize, shame, and even attempt to remove conservative judges as The New York Times published a screeching story about an upside down flag flying at the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in January 2021.

FLASHBACK: Lib Reporters Championed ’06 Illegal Immigrant Protests

April 28th, 2024 10:02 AM

Eighteen years ago this week, the liberal networks donated their airwaves to the cause of protesters seeking to kill a bill which would have increased the federal government’s ability to enforce immigration laws, with fawning and emotionally-charged coverage of left-wing political marches — “people draping themselves in the American dream,” as one over-the-top morning host anchor enthused.


WILD: ABC’s Moran Blames Trump for Man Lighting Himself on Fire in NYC

April 19th, 2024 5:25 PM

Friday afternoon featured one of the more disturbing incidents one will ever see on live TV as, amid rolling coverage on cable news and streaming platforms of the Trump trial brought by far-left Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, a man lit himself on fire in the so-called protest space outside the New York City courthouse. On ABC News Live, longtime network correspondent Terry Moran invoked January 6…


FLASHBACK: The Media LOST IT When Mueller Declined to Charge Trump

March 24th, 2024 10:14 AM

Five years ago this weekend, a confused and disoriented liberal media was forced to deal with the fact that Robert Mueller had ended his investigation of the Trump campaign’s alleged “collusion” with Russia without recommending any charges against the then-President.


ABC Praises SOTU: 'Great Night' for Biden, Tapped 'Old-Time Religion'

March 8th, 2024 12:48 AM

ABC’s post-State of the Union analysis made it very clear how hard the network was going to work to help get President Biden get reelected in November. Chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Karl and senior national correspondent Terry Moran did a lot of the cheerleading for President Biden’s bitter and angry screed at the American people.