Steve Patterson

NBC Reporter 'Benched' for Excessive Animus Toward Elon Musk
Semafor's Max Tani reported NBC News has temporarily "benched" their "disinformation" reporter Ben Collins from on-air appearances after finding his rhetorical bombing of Twitter owner Elon Musk was "not editorially appropriate." Several MSNBC hosts defended Collins as great on their shows Friday and Saturday.

Nets Ignore Twitter Files As NBC Blames Musk For Hate Speech
None of the three broadcast networks covered the Friday revelations of how Twitter censored the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story on their Saturday morning shows. However, NBC’s Today did manage to blame Elon Musk for a raise in hate speech on the platform.

Column: 'Free Speech' Media Allies with Transgender Tyranny
The Left claims that their most urgent battle is to save democracy, but when it comes to any questioning of the LGBT lobby, they are the ones that sound like authoritarians. The overtones are unmistakable in the “news” coverage promoting “dozens” of employees walking out of Netflix in Los Angeles on October 20 in protest. The target? A popular Dave Chappelle comedy special titled The…

After Enabling CARNAGE in the Streets: Nets Discover CHOP Shootings
The extremist militants that claimed a part of Seattle as their own country in the name of Black Lives Matter were finally dismantled by the police on Wednesday. The cost? Three weeks of chaos, crime, and the lives of two black teenagers. And as NewsBusters has extensively documented, those black lives didn’t matter to the folks at ABC, CBS, and NBC since they covered up those killings. They…

ABC, NBC Cover for Antifa TERRORISM, Say They’re ‘Counter-Protesters'
The domestic terrorist organization known as Antifa carried out attacks at a “right-wing” rally in Portland, Oregon on Saturday by targeting peaceful rally goers, police, and members of the press. As the liberal media have done in the past, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Sunday Today, carried water for the extreme left-wing terrorists by downplaying their actions and by suggesting they’…

NBC Highlights Colorado Sheriffs Against More Gun Control
On Sunday evening, the NBC Nightly News actually ran a balanced report on gun control which included the views of sheriffs who preside over Second Amendment "sanctuary counties" who refuse to enforce new gun control laws. Fill-in host Kate Snow set up the report: "An intense debate over gun laws in this counry reignited last week after a deadly shooting at a school in Colorado. Well, that same…

ABC, NBC Celebrate Anti-Trump Immigration Protests, Tout Celebrities
On Saturday, liberals gathered across the country to protest President Trump’s zero-tolerance immigration policy and to call for the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE). Of course, the liberal media were in love with the rallies so ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Sunday Today gushed about them on Sunday morning.

Nat'l Weather Service: 'No Such Thing As a Climate Change Storm'
The National Weather Service offered a gust of sanity to the media’s whirlwind of climate alarmism, just before a blizzard struck the east coast. According to National Weather Service meteorologist Mark Jackson, “There's no such thing as a climate change storm, just like there’s no such thing as an El Nino storm.”